Current research suggest that gluten can increase systemic inflammation, contributing to a worsening of mental health symptoms, as well as other inflammatory conditions, such as pain and autoimmune disease.


Hello, you guys, my name is Dr. Talia Marcheggiani and I’m recording to you guys from my clinic in Bloor West Village. It’s call Bloor West Wellness Clinic, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. And today, I’m going to talk to you guys about how a gluten sensitivity might be the underlying cause of your mental health conditions or other inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, migraines and digestive symptoms like IBS.

One of the reasons that I’m recording this video is because gluten is a really hot topic in the health and wellness industry and you’ve probably encountered your own versions of gluten-free food, or articles on the internet about how gluten is this evil toxin and there’s a lot of misconceptions around this and so I’m going to just talk a little bit about what gluten is and my own journey with cutting gluten out of my diet and how I came to that space where I was willing to do the experimentation and cut it out and see what my results were.

So, gluten isn’t a toxic substance per se, I mean there’s opinion around this in certain circles based on what it can do and how it affects the immune system and the results it can have on digestion, if you have sensitivity to it. But, what gluten is, is it’s a protein complex; it’s a bunch of proteins that are found in grains—wheat, rye and barley. And the protein complex consists of different proteins called gliadins. I might use gliadin and gluten interchangeably; it’s the same thing.

And, so, there is a health condition called Celiac Disease that’s a very serious health condition; it’s an autoimmune condition where the body attacks an enzyme called transglutaminase that’s involved in processing gliadin molecules. So this is not a reaction to gluten, per se, it’s an autoimmune reaction that’s caused by, that’s caused any time the body comes into contact with gliadin or gluten.

And celiac disease is a very serious health condition, it affects about 1% of the population, but there’s some room there for debate. So, some people think that you acquire celiac disease as you go on, and there’s evidence for that. And also, some people think that there’s a great underestimation of how many people are affected by celiac disease, that the number is higher than 1%, but that a lot of the cases do undetected.

And so celiac disease is diagnosed by blood tests. We’re looking at transglutaminase and endomysial antibodies, but the gold standard diagnosis is doing an intestinal biopsy. So, that’s how you find out if you have celiac disease, or not. So some people have done a blood test and they’ve tested negative for celiac disease, but are exhibiting some of the symptoms and so an intestinal biopsy will tell you yes or no definitively whether you have it or not.

Now, whether someone with celiac disease should avoid gluten or not isn’t really the debate here, I mean, that’s obvious. So, if you have celiac disease you have to avoid gluten 100%, it can’t be in your diet. You can’t even have a crumb of it. You have to use special toasters, or toaster bags, for your gluten-free toast. You have to make sure that your oatmeal hasn’t been contaminated by gluten. You can’t shop at Bulk Barn because there could be cross-contamination with gluten-containing substances. So, it’s almost like an allergy, you really have to be careful about coming into contact with gluten. And when people avoid gluten, if they have celiac disease, then that disease is managed.

So, whether someone with celiac should avoid gluten or not is not up for debate. What is is in this grey area, which is what you’ll be reading about online and that you’ll hear certain professional say is kind of myth, is this idea of non-celiac gluten sensitivity or gluten sensitivity. These are people who don’t have celiac disease, but for one reason or another notice that, when they take gluten out of their diet, they feel better. And when they reintroduce gluten they feel worse. And the symptoms are complex, just like in celiac disease. So, in celiac, people can get rashes, they can get joint pain, they can experience brain fog, they can experience brain damage, they can get arthritis, they can start getting other conditions such as thyroid conditions and so the symptoms are so wide-spread because of the inflammation that is triggered by eating gluten, and this is also the case with non-celiac gluten sensitivity—people who avoid gluten.

So, my story was that when I was a student at the naturopathic college, one of the things that I was exposed to in first year was this idea about elimination diets and leaky gut, which I’ll explain in a bit more depth, but you might have heard me write or talk about leaky gut. And, this idea that things like gluten or dairy could be contributing to some symptoms that I was experiencing and that a lot of patients were experiencing, and that taking these foods out in a systematic fashion, so doing a really clean diet, or a “hypoallergenic diet”, or a diet that’s basically chicken, rice and maybe some spinach, that that would heal a lot of the complaints that I and many others were experiencing, but that probably gluten was implicated in that.

So I was really resistant to this for at least two years. So, I wasn’t an early adopter at all to this idea, a lot of my classmates got the information, they went out and they started eliminating a lot of these foods from their pantries and they tried eliminations just for fun—well, for fun and also to experiment and to heal themselves and to “walk the talk”, as we say. But, I was living with my Italian grandmother and I would have toast for breakfast, I’d have pasta for probably lunch and dinner. I was getting gluten in my diet a lot and the idea of taking it out and resisting those familial pressures was—I just didn’t want to deal with it.

But, throughout the first couple of years of school I was also getting migraines on an almost weekly basis. And these migraines would take me out for the entire day. So, for the entire day I’d be throwing up, lying in the dark with a cloth on my head, trying to take some Advil, or something to mitigate it, but this was a chronic thing that I was going through.

Best case scenario, I’d get these once a month, but they were things that I was getting often. And I also had this life-long problem with bloating, these kind of IBS symptoms, like gas and bloating and, when I first started the naturopathic college, it was amazing to me that that was something we were talking about, because I’d kind of written that off as just being something, a peculiarity or particularity about my body that I’d just have to live with and it didn’t even occur to me that something that wasn’t considered a “disease”, per se, could be something that warranted attention and that had a treatment that went along with it, and a cause.

So I was kind of intrigued by that idea, like “oh, you mean I don’t need to be bloated?” and that, even though I’m not sick, like I’m healthy, I don’t have a disease, I don’t have high cholesterol or some of autoimmune disease, or type one diabetes, or something like that, but that the idea that an imbalance, or symptoms that were uncomfortable could be treated was totally new and exciting for me.

And so there was this intrigue in being gluten-free, but also this resistance to it.

And then, I think I was at a talk at school where we were given—it was sort of an information session, we were given free samples of a 7-day detox that involved shakes. And so, I did that because I had this free box, probably worth about $80 and I just decided, “ok, well I’m going to do this detox, it will be good for me. It will be sort of my introduction to eliminating a lot of these foods. It’ll be easy.” And it was really difficult. The first two days I had massive headaches as I was withdrawing from a lot of the things I was addicted to, such as caffeine, sugar and, probably, gluten, as well. But that sort of set the stage because I felt a lot better after that process, even after only that week of eliminating the foods. And so, when I started introducing the things I was eating normally back in, such as pasta and bread, I felt a lot worse. So, that discrepancy kind of woke me up to the idea that maybe these foods aren’t that great for me. And then I began a process of elimination and noticed really good results. I mean I don’t get migraines any more. It’s very very rare, and it’ll be a combination of weather and other factors and stress and overwork. But, that once-a-week, or even once-a-month, being in the dark with a cloth on my head, no noise and vomiting all day: that’s in the past. And now when I reintroduce gluten I can maybe tolerate a bit of it, but I definitely notice a difference in my energy levels, in my digestion, and just in my mental functioning and in my mood when I make a habit of having it more often. So, I’m basically grain and gluten-free and have been so for about 4 or 5 years.

So, why is gluten bad? Why gluten? Why is that an issue? The obvious answer is that it’s so present in our society. So, in North America, gluten is one of the main staples in our diets. So, pasta for lunch, bread or a sandwich for dinner, and toast for breakfast, or cereal. We’re getting gluten as a main source in our diet, in wheat, very often. And so, when we’re exposed to certain foods continually, we become more susceptible to an immune response against those foods.

But also, gluten has, we see in the mechanism of celiac disease, there are these, this genetic predisposition to react to gluten. And so on immune cells, and we know that our digestive system is the gateway between our bodies and the external environment. And so, how our immune system kind of “educates” itself is by sampling things from the environment and deciding what’s us—and we shouldn’t attack ourselves, because that creates an autoimmune issue—what’s us, what’s ourselves and what’s food, what’s useful to the body, what’s supposed to be incorporated into the body as fuel—and what is not helpful for the body, what is toxic, what is foreign, and what we need to defend against, like bacteria and viruses.

So, our digestive system is kind of involved in sampling from the environment, deciding and showing those pieces of the environment to the immune system, and letting the immune system decide what it’s going to do about these things.

So, when we’re eating foods we’re kind of presenting them to the immune system. And our immune cells have different receptors, so they’re called receptors, but they’re sort of like, you can describe them as like locks for keys or little sort of antennae that feel out the environment. And so people with the receptors, HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 receptors, on their immune cells, those people tend to react and to connect those receptors with gliadin molecules, so gluten molecules, and that signals an immune response from the body. And when the body thinks it’s come into contact with something that it needs to trigger an immune response against, so that means something foreign, something threatening to us and to our health, then a whole inflammatory pathway starts to take place.

So, think about when you get a cold. You come into contact with the virus and the reason that that virus doesn’t kill us is because our immune system reacts to it. When you get a cold, depending on what virus you’re in contact with, you might get the swollen throat, and the pain, and maybe a fever, and maybe some mucus production, some runny nose. You might feel tired because it takes a lot of energy to mount an immune response like that.

So, when we’re experiencing inflammation, it’s really useful for us, because we’re killing off the things that could kill us, basically we’re at war with something from our environment, but it also doesn’t feel great to be in that state. And so we get into trouble when we’re in an inflammatory state and it’s not for the right reasons, like that we’re trying to attack something (acutely) and get rid of it.

So, a lot of people have these receptors. So even though only 1% of people react to gluten in the sense of celiac disease, about 30% of people express these HLA-DQ2/8 receptors on their immune cells. And so, coming into contact with gluten on a regular basis could be problematic for these people and it could trigger some inflammation.

Another thing that gluten does is create a leaky gut situation. So, I’ve talked about leaky gut before. Our intestinal cells, so our intestine is this long tube from our mouth to our anus, and it winds around and it goes from mouth to esophagus, to stomach, to small intestine, large intestine, and then rectum and anus, and different things happen along that process. And in our small intestine, we have these really long, they’re kind of like cylindrical cells. And, on one end, on the end that’s in contact with what we eat, there’s these little fingers, these villi that reach out into the environment and that maximizes our ability to absorb the things that good for us—the foods that we eat. And, in between—so, the villi kind of control, ok we’re going to break down the carbs, and we’re going to break down the amino acids, from proteins and we’re going to break down the fatty acids, and we’re going to absorb all of the ions and the minerals and the vitamins and we’re going to control how we take them in. We’re also going to control how we take in foreign substances, because we’re going to, remember, show them to the immune system and say “take a look, this is what’s in our environment. This is what you guys might need to prepare yourselves to defend against if this becomes a problem for us.”

And so, we really control, tightly, what we’re taking in through our intestine. So our intestine doesn’t just want to open up the gates and let whatever is outside in, it’s got these really specialized mechanisms for letting certain things into the body. And, so, between these intestinal cells. You imagine these cylindrical cells, almost like a hand, with little fingers, and they’re lined up all along your intestine. And between them are something called tight junctions. And so those, they might become more or less permeable depending on the state of the gut, and that’s controlled by something called zonulin.

Zonulin will open up that permeability and let things in between the cells. And lower amounts of zonulin will maintain a more closed environment. And so one thing that gluten has been shown to do, or gliadin, is increase levels of zonulin, which opens up our intestine to the external environment. And think about the things we eat. Think about the things that swallow, by accident or intentionally, the things in our environment that are toxic, or giant pieces of protein from foods. So, protein in and of itself can cause an immune reaction. We have children that are deathly allergic to peanuts and other nuts.

So, it becomes problematic when we have all this stuff just entering our body. And so gluten opens up the gut to allow all these things to enter the body. And so we end up mounting an immune response to things that would otherwise be harmless to us, like dairy, or eggs, those kind of things that are actually nutritious and helpful for our bodies. So, we start to enter this state. When we’re in a leaky gut state we start to enter a state of inflammation. And inflammation has widespread effects. In my case it was migraines and bloating and digestive symptoms, a foggier mind, foggier brain and lower mood as well. And in some people it can be bipolar disorder. It could be worsening of symptoms on the autism spectrum. It could be depression and it could be anxiety. And when we’re in that inflammatory state we have higher amounts of something called, they’re like excitotoxins, or endotoxins. And so these are toxins like lipopolysaccharides, or LPS, as it’s most often referred to, that trigger anxiety, they activate the limbic system, they activate the amygdala; these are fear centres in our brain.

We also have something called the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). And that’s really similar to the intestinal barrier with the tight junctions, and that prevents things from getting into our brain that are in our bloodstream. So, it’s like we have this second wall of defence because our brain is so important to our survival and fluctuations in our brain chemistry have really disastrous effects. So we have this extra sort of layer called the BBB that prevents things from getting into our brain. And when we’re in a high inflammatory state, like when we’re exposed to gluten, we get these cross-reactions where what keeps our blood brain barrier intact starts to separate, so we get this leaky brain picture. So we’ve got a leaky gut and also a leaky brain happening. And so we’re getting these toxins, and we’re getting inflammatory mediators entering the brain.

And more research into depression and other mental health conditions has shown that inflammation might play a giant role in low mood. There was one study done with patient who were hospitalized for bipolar disorder. So, these were people who were in a psychiatric facility. And they measure their blood for antibodies against gliadin. And they found that there were elevated antibodies in these people. So, there wasn’t a control group, they weren’t testing against non-bipolar, or people that didn’t have a bipolar diagnosis, but they found that every single patient, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was hospitalized, so their symptoms were severe enough to require hospitalization, had elevated levels of antibodies to gliadin. Then they retested them some time later and found that having high levels of gliadin, or even further rises in gliadin antibodies, predicted whether they were rehospitalized. So, we can infer from that that their symptoms worsened. And so we know that there is this connection between mental health conditions, you know, depression and anxiety and bipolar and even psychosis (and gluten sensitivity). Another study showed that there were high levels of antibodies in people who had psychosis and psychotic symptoms.

So, we know that there is this connection with mental health and with inflammation and that this inflammation can be worsened by a gluten sensitivity or gluten reactivity and that maybe 30% or more of people are susceptible to reacting to gluten in some kind of way. And that gluten just in and of itself might cause this leaky brain situation or leaky gut situation. So, one thing I do is that I don’t do this with every single patient that I see who comes in with depression or anxiety or stress. I mean I don’t jump right into prying gluten from their hands, because my own experience was that it took me literally two years to think about removing it and I had to come to it on my own. But, I might plant the seed, or we might do something like a trial run. Especially someone who’s got mental health symptoms, or is coming to me for mental wellness, and they also have digestive symptoms. I mean, those two things together are a clue that doing some elimination diet, or some leaky gut healing or removing foods like gluten could be a good idea.

But I might present the option to them. We find that most treatment does really need to have 100% compliance rate. So, some patients will come back and say, “you know, I kind of took gluten out, maybe 70-80%” and that’s really great, because I think that it sort of sets the stage for creating a gluten-free lifestyle and doing a gluten-free trial, but really what the research is showing is that we need to 100% take it out to allow the gut healing and the brain healing to occur and to lower those inflammatory mediators.

But, the good news is that it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to get symptoms to really come down. So, it’s not like you’re on this trial for life and you can go back to your pasta—if you don’t notice any change after 2 to 4 weeks, at all, then you can go back to your pasta with the peace of mind that this isn’t an issue for you. But, if you do notice some improvement after removing it, then it is something that we can investigate either down the line, when you’re ready, or something that you might want to consider. It’s sort of like planting that seed. But, I don’t pry out of my patients’ kicking and screaming hands. It will be something that we might work on down the road, and something that is always kind of on the table or on the back burner for future attempts and experimentation.

And so, the gold standard, when it comes to treating gluten sensitivity, is just to do an elimination, so take gluten out of your diet for about a month, 100% out, as best you can. There are blood tests that you can do and those can show an elevated antibody response to gluten or gliadin or wheat as well as other foods. The one I do on my patients looks at about 120 different foods. And this is great because having a piece of paper that shows you what your immune system is dealing with in the moment that you got the blood work done is useful. And people tend to, when it’s a blood test, it tends to hold more authority than simply the subjectivity of symptoms. But, really, the best way to see how gluten affects you or how certain foods are affecting you in your immune system is to do an elimination diet, remove it 100% from your diet, give your body some time to heal and then reintroduce it and see what it does to you once you’ve healed from the state that it’s put you in.

Doing that removal is important because the antibodies are only one part of the immune system and so when I’ve done a food sensitivity test on myself, I felt crappy because you have to eat the food for a while. So I was reintroducing gluten into my diet and I didn’t have a high gluten antibody. I had antibodies to other foods, but not gluten. So I kind of psychologically was like, “well, I guess I’m ok to eat it, then.” And went back to eating it a bit more regularly and then experienced really terrible symptoms and my mental health took a decline and then I had to take it out again.

So, the labs don’t necessarily tell the whole story. What does tell the whole story are your symptoms. So, taking gluten out for 2 or 4 weeks is what I recommend most people do. And, so how do you take it out? So, really what the goal is, because, and I’m saying this piece now because there were some articles that were floating around, it was a few months ago, but I’m sure they’re still around, that said, “going gluten-free is unhealthy. It’s dangerous.” And I was really confused by that because I was like, it’s not like wheat is this really important food in our diet that’s giving us all kind of nutrients. We fortify grains with things like folic acid and other B vitamins, like riboflavin. But, they’re not super nutritionally dense, and it’s not like we have a calorie deficiency where we need to get more carbs and calories. I’m not telling people to avoid spinach, or something that is really giving them a lot of nutritional currency, so why would it be harmful to take gluten out?

And then I realized how it’s often being taken out. So, you go to the grocery store and you find that there’s a whole gluten-free section. They basically have gluten-free breads or gluten-free Oreo cookies. And those gluten-free Oreo cookies are for, like, celiac children that want to join in with the rest of the group. They’re not like, “oh, I’m eating these gluten-free Oreo cookies. These are a healthy choice that I’m making.” It’s a substitute for a junky food. You’re substituting one junky food for another junky food, but the only thing is that you’re still maintaining your gluten-free status while on the substitution.

And when it comes to gluten-free breads vs. whole grain breads or whole wheat breads. Probably whole wheat breads have more nutritional bang for their buck; they’re higher in fibre, they have more nutrients. And gluten is a protein, which is what causes the immune system reactivity that it does, but if you don’t react to proteins, they’re healthy for us and we need them, because they contain the amino acids and they fill us up, and they do all the other things that proteins from other foods do. So, usually gluten-free bread doesn’t have very many proteins in it.

So, yeah, if you’re choosing between nutritional value of a gluten-free bread versus a whole wheat bread, then the whole wheat bread is better for you. So, we see this in people that do gluten eliminations and they’re kind of like, ok I’m going to take my wheat pasta and I’m going to have rice pasta instead. I’m going to take my gluten-free toast in the morning, or my gluten toast, my wheat toast in the morning and have gluten-free toast instead. So, that’s not the healthiest way to go about it. It might be a good way to transition when you’re trying to do an elimination. It gives you peace of mind, it allows you to still have your Oreos. It’s not creating a giant change, then that could be helpful. But really what we’re aiming to do is not just substitute wheat products, or gluten-containing products, for non-gluten-containing products and leave it at that, we’re trying to shift into a more traditional diet, like a Mediterranean diet or a Paleo diet, that’s higher in the fruits and the vegetables, and that’s higher in the healthy fats and that’s more protein-rich, and that the proteins are from better, cleaner sources. So, that’s the end goal. So, it’s not that we’re happy with patients eating rice flour and tapioca bread. It’s about switching to a cleaner and more sustainable diet that our bodies evolved to thrive on.

However, the immuno-reactivity of gluten is really what we’re trying to deal with when we’re going on a gluten-free diet, especially the 2 to 4 week trial run. And so what you’re doing on that 2 to 4 week period that’s allowing you to stay on gluten, if that involves gluten-free rice bread, then that’s another story and I think, as a naturopathic doctor working with people who are struggling to get rid of gluten and see if that’s an issue for them, I think that’s ok for the short term.

So, it’s not that going off gluten is bad for you, it’s how we do it. Are we changing our habits for better ones or are we kind of sustaining some of the same Standard North American Diet habits and just cutting the gluten out and thinking that that’s healthy for us, or that that’s going to cause weight loss, or whatever.

No, this is a different thing that I’m talking about. I’m talking about gluten as a root cause of inflammation that then leads to psychiatric disorders, such as bipolar, depression, and anxiety.

And, so one thing I’m going to say as well is that sometimes it’s not enough just to take out gluten and so what I do—or other foods that are suspect, right, so dairy could be another culprit in this or things like eggs, or soy. There’s many things that we could react to. But we often start with gluten. So, often taking the food out isn’t enough and we need to do some gut healing with things like l-glutamine, which I mention in my amino acid talk and also restoring the probiotic balance and doing some things that are just helping repair the gut, getting digestion back on track, getting your digestive motility moving through things like digestive enzymes and bitter herbs and things that like. And so, I’m just going to mention three probiotics that have been shown—they’re called “psychobiotics”. They’re nicknamed that because of the beneficial effects on mental health and in another lecture I was also talking about how the probiotics in our gut are also responsible for producing serotonin that our body has available to it, which we know is the “happy hormone”, that’s what the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors work on. So, getting the right balance of bugs in your gut could be just as effective, potentially, as taking an antidepressant medication. So, that’s really cool. But the three bugs that a lot of research has been done on are the Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacteria longum and Lactobacillus helveticus, which has been shown in studies to actually decrease anxiety and to lower levels of cortisol, which we know is also implicated in depression and anxiety and probably other more serious psychiatric disorders.

So, I hope that was enlightening. We talked about how gluten can contribute to inflammation, leaky gut and thereby exacerbate or create mental health issues. How going gluten-free is not the same as going “whole foods” and how going gluten-free might be the answer or at least a part of your self-care process in healing from mental health conditions.

Thanks a lot, guys. I hope you’re having a good New Year, a good 2017, and I’ll see you soon.

My website is and you can contact me at I’m a naturopathic doctor and I focus on mental health and I work in Toronto, Ontario, at Bloorwest Wellness Clinic.

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