The Art & Practice Blog

Why Should I See a Naturopath?

There are some people that buy into that old phrase “a jack of all trades is a master of none”, which is why my classmates and I were disheartened one day when we realized, in a Naturopathic Principles class, that naturopathic doctors really don’t shine in any one...

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is probably one of naturopathic medicine's most controversial modalities. Although it goes against virtually everything we are taught about medicine in our Western society, it can be a powerful healing tool.  Our wonderful second year professor, Dr. Nadia...

Physician Heal Thyself

In my second year of naturopathic medical school it has become apparent that the primary reason most of my classmates and I gravitated towards the pursuit of a career in health is to heal ourselves. "Physician heal thyself" is a Biblical verse that is meant to remind...

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