Naturopathic Medicine
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
– Thomas Edison
and Naturopathic medicine follows a specific set of healing principles:
Nature is intelligent and carries inherent healing abilities.
When we break a limb, we go to the hospital. But, after the bones are set and the cast is wrapped, the body initiates and completes the healing process. The body heals itself. The role of the doctor is to facilitate the body’s natural healing abilities.
To heal we must uncover and treat the root cause of disease.
We must understand the role that nutrient deficiency, toxicity, stress, inflammation, microbiome imbalances, and various other biopsychosocial factors, play in causing us to become ill. We must uncover these hidden processes, and heal them at the root, not just suppress symptoms.
Treat the individual.
No two people and no two bodies are exactly the same. Even identical twins inhabit their own physical space, preferences and personalities. To treat your condition, we must know who you are, and that requires that we regard you first as a whole, unique person with individual needs and health goals.
Prevent the cause of disease.
It is my desire to help you live the longest, healthiest life possible and fulfill your purpose and potential. Perhaps you’ve been told that nothing is wrong with you–that “everything is fine”. But, you aspire to be more than “fine”. Health is not merely the absence of disease but true emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
My approach: 
Our initial visit starts with an in-depth intake.
We begin to uncover the details of your story. I ask you lots of questions to get to know your case, your health goals, and you as a person. We discuss your chief concerns, goals, and routines, such as sleep, diet, and exercise habits. We explore the indicators of health, such as digestion, hormones, energy levels, past medical history, and family history.
I then work on an analysis and assessment in order to create your Care Plan.
We consider ordering bloodwork and I get to work on putting together the assessment and plan.
In our first follow-up, I deliver the individualized Care Plan.
The plan targets the root of what is going on. It is designed to be simple and strategic. We address nutrient deficiencies, correct underlying biochemical or hormonal imbalances, and support specific organ systems.
I might recommend herbs, nutrition, or supplements, and begin to address lifestyle foundations in order to support your health.
Treatment often involves peeling back the layers of the onion. In our subsequent follow-up sessions, we order and review bloodwork or other tests, support you in implementing aspects of the plan, and assess how you and your body are responding to treatment.
Once you’re feeling better, we move to a maintenance plan to help you continue feeling your best.

My personal approach is holistic in nature.
I have an extensive scientific background and interest in many traditional healing modalities. I use counselling, herbalism, nutrition and nutritional therapeutics, Chinese medicine, mindfulness, and psychology, to name a few.
I love to teach and am passionate about empowering you to understand the reasoning behind my assessment and recommendations so that you can learn about your body.
Conditions I’ve Treated
Naturopathic medicine aims to treat the person, not the disease. Often seemingly different health conditions can have a common root and common treatment approach. In the same vein, no two people with the same health condition will receive identical Care Plans and treatments.
However, below are some of the conditions that I treat regularly. Feel free to reach out if you don’t see your condition listed.

Mental Health
Bipolar Disorder I and II
Panic attacks
Chronic stress
Chronic fatigue
Brain fog
Cognitive support

Menopause and Peri-menopause
Irregular Periods
Heavy Periods
Hormonal Acne
Thyroid conditions
Adrenal conditions (HPA Axis Dysfunction)
Metabolic syndrome
Insulin Resistance
Diabetes and prediabetes

Gut Health
GERD and heartburn
The gut-brain connection
Food sensitivities
Microbiome support
Leaky gut or intestinal permeability
Dietary support
Have a Question? Maybe I’ve answered it.
How much are visits?
Initial Intake: $240
The initial visit is 75-90 minutes long. We spend that time getting to know your health history, the nature of your concerns, your health goals and your lifestyle, putting all the pieces on the table so that we can understand how it all fits.
At the end of the session, I send you home with initial recommendations and some resources.
Research and Care Plan Assembly: Free
I do work between our first and second session to put the pieces of your case together and do the deep dive into what is causing your symptoms.
I then put together a comphrehensive plan to help you take action.
Care Plan Appointment: $160
Scheduled 1 to 2 weeks after the Initial Intake, the Care Plan is where we sit down and go over the recommendations that will help you reach your health goals.
This visit is comprehensive and collaborative. You should walk out of our session with a clear idea of next steps, lots of optimism and excitment to get started.
Subsequent Follow-ups: $115 to $160
I believe that getting to the root cause and empowering transformation takes time. I prefer to spend an hour with patients so that we can get deep enough, and provide the support necessary to help you realize your goals so that you can have the mood and health that supports you in your life: your values and your dreams.
Most of my visits are 1 hour, however I do offer 30-minute appointments for acupuncture, supplement adjustment, and quicker check-ins.
My patients and I typically see each other once every 1 to 2 months for the first year of working together.
Are visits covered by insurance?
Most extended health benefits cover naturopathic medicine, which can greatly help you offset the cost of care.
At the end of each session you’ll be issued an invoice that can be used to submit your claim so that you can be reimbursed for the amount that you’re covered.
Check with your insurance company to understand the nature of your coverage and how to submit claims.
Naturopathic medicine is too expensive.
I hear you. Amazing health is a universal right and I believe getting healthy should be free.
However, we know that health is sadly not free–neither is being unwell.
For less than a cup of coffee a day, you can get access to 1 on 1 specialized care with a naturopathic doctor.
If this investment is not realistic for you right now, I also offer foundational programs and free content that can benefit your mental health.
It is possible to start feeling better now–no matter what your financial status.
I don't want to give up coffee or take a ton of supplements.
Me neither! I also don’t want to follow a plan that might make me feel amazing in the short-term, but is expensive, difficult to follow and unsustainable in the long-term.
When creating a Care Plan I collaborate with you to make nutritional, supplemental, herbal and dietary recommendations that fit your health needs, preferences and lifestyle.
We make sure you feel empowered and GOOD when you leave my office and that you are well-supported.
I’m not going to take away your coffee!
What if I'm already taking medication?
You don’t have to choose!
I work with patients who are already taking medications to manage their mental health (or other) conditions, who are contemplating starting medication, or who are actively weaning from medications and require support.
I am trained to choose safe therapies that will not interfere or interact with your medical plan. I also collaborate with the rest of your circle of care if needed.
I help you develop a comprehensive care strategy that takes into account whatever current strategies you’re using to manage your health and wherever you are on your health journey.
Does naturopathic medicine work?
Research reveals that mental health conditions arise from imbalances in inflammation, oxidative stress, neuroplasticity, hormones and the gut microbiome. In an Australian study 32% of participants that underwent 12 weeks of dietary support and counselling experienced complete remission from their symptoms of depression compared to 8% remission achieved from medications and 12 weeks of therapy (1).
Mental health conditions stem from various biochemical, hormonal, and environmental drivers that I believe can be reversed if properly identified.
Many promising studies show that diet, exercise, social interaction, sleep hygiene, nutritional supplementation and herbal medicine all have merit in reducing symptoms of mental health conditions.
1. Jacka, F.N., O’Neil, A., Opie, R. et al. A randomised controlled trial of dietary improvement for adults with major depression (the ‘SMILES’ trial). BMC Med 15, 23 (2017).