I’m tired of hearing mental health conditions blamed on a “chemical imbalance”. Patients everywhere are being told that their mental health conditions are, literally, “all in their heads”. With this diagnosis—often distributed insensitively, and without much attention to the complex factors in thoughts, beliefs, emotions, the environment, biology, nutritional status, mental and emotional as well as physical stressors, and life circumstances (just to name a few) that can contribute to mental health imbalances—patients are left with the message that they are somehow damaged, broken, or that their condition arose out of an inherent weakness that they somehow possess. Through the numerous conversations I’ve had with those struggling with mental health symptoms, I have come to understand that oftentimes there are phrases that rob power more than the term “brain/chemical imbalance”.
Fortunately, there is still more to emerge in the wonderful world of science. Very little actual evidence supports the chemical imbalance theory of depression and researchers and clinicians alike are forced to admit that symptoms of conditions such as depression and anxiety are often the result of multiple factors that come together. Contrary to the common narrative of mental illness being a sign of weakness, evolutionary biologists are uncovering evidence that symptoms of depression might be the result of a highly adaptive strength based on preserving the body during times of great mental, emotional and physiological stress—showing, in fact, that depression and anxiety might in fact be afflictions of the strong, not the weak.
In my practice, I approach depression and anxiety from a functional medicine standpoint. This means, simply, that I look not at the title of the condition my patients come in with (I care very little if you have depression, or anxiety, or bipolar disorder, etc.—the name is not the thing itself), but how the condition occurs uniquely for them. By paying close attention to the multitude of symptoms, thoughts, and factors that influence the mood and emotions, I am able to uncover underlying pathways that point to imbalance in the body and dig up the roots from where the symptoms might have arisen in the first place. Through this method, focussing on the functioning of the body rather than it’s pathology, we’re able to bring the body back into a state of balance and reverse symptoms permanently, rather than simply slapping a band-aid over them.
When it comes to mental health, it is important to emphasize that depression and anxiety (as well as other mental health diagnoses) are not diseases at all; they are symptoms. When presented with low mood, feelings of sadness and worthlessness, lack of motivation, lethargy, brain fog, changes in appetite and weight, abysmal self-esteem and so on—all symptoms that many patients with depression face—we need to follow the threads of symptoms back to the point where things began unraveling. It is necessary to backtrack to the biological imbalances where symptoms first began.
There is an overwhelming amount of research coming out in the field of mental health that links the gut and digestive health to mental health symptoms, indicating that depression might not be a brain chemical imbalance at all, but a gut chemical imbalance. Where there is depression and anxiety, there is more often than not, a digestive issue.
We have always known that the digestive track and brain have an intimate bond. From the vagus nerve that enervates the gut and begins in the cranium, to the mood-regulating neurotransmitters that are created in the gut, we all have the experienced the tummy aches linked to grief or the power of anxiety to loosen our bowels. We’ve all noted the phenomenon that great ideas or moments of clarity seem to spontaneously arise from, not the brain, where we always assumed our thoughts were formed, but the gut (hence the term, “gut feeling”, which we use to characterize intuitive insights).
When it comes to issues with the brain—thoughts, moods, emotions, feelings, etc., where else should we look for answers than our brain’s close cousin, friend and confidant, the gut. Mental health symptoms can arise from impaired digestion in a number of ways:
- A failure of the gut cells (enterocytes) to create neurotransmitters. The majority of serotonin (the “Happy Hormone”) is produced in the gut. Inflamed and unhappy gut cells are often unable to make serotonin.
- An imbalance in the healthy gut bacteria that influences whole-body health. We have 10x more cells in our gut than in our body in the form of almost 5 lbs of symbiotic gut bacteria. This bacteria ensures our well-being by helping us digest our food, soothing inflammation, educating our immune system, killing off harmful pathogens, creating bulk for our stools and, relevant to the field of mental health, producing neurotransmitters important for regulating mood, such as serotonin and dopamine.
- Research has gone into the connection between a low-level of inflammation in the brain and its affect on mood. Inflammation is usually a product of our diet, stress and food sensitivities. In naturopathic medicine and functional medicine we treat inflammation with the assumption that nearly all inflammation begins in the gut. A condition called “Leaky Gut” is a failure of the important seal between the intestinal walls and the rest of the body. When this seal is broken, toxins, proteins and other debris are free to enter the bloodstream, wrecking havoc, setting the immune system off course and, eventually, triggering symptoms of inflammation, autoimmunity and mental health issues.
- Our body requires many building blocks to maintain its complex fortress. Difficulties in the digestive cells’ ability to absorb essential fats, amino acids and vitamins required for brain health, hormone regulation, detoxification and immunity, among the thousands of other chemical reactions in the body, will result in impairment in overall functional. Nutrient deficiencies are more common, even in developed societies, than one might think. Deficiencies arise from: impaired absorption, inadequate diet, increased amounts of stress and the ingestion of foods or medications the deplete the body of nutrients. In any case, optimizing the gut’s ability to digest and absorb the nutrients we’re either eating or supplementing is key for improving health and mood.
When it comes to understanding mental health issues I, as a clinician, realize it is hardly ever just one factor involved. Properly helping someone with anxiety or depression heal involves understanding the constellation of potential causes and how they inter-connect and relate to one another. Through this detective work, we can begin the journey of unraveling the imbalances and restoring the body’s ability to function and heal.
Treatment plans usually involve a combination of replenishing essential nutrients that patients are deficient in (deficiency can be detected through blood work, health history or symptoms), repairing the gut’s ability to absorb, restoring the body’s balance of healthy gut bacteria, removing food sensitivities and healing digestive inflammation, balancing hormones, and managing lifestyle stress and environmental factors that may be contributing to low mood.
My patients make impressive commitments to healing and are willing to examine their bodies and past experiences, in order to do the hard work of healing. Beyond my role as a doctor, I am committed to working as a facilitator, teacher and guide. My job is not to tell people the right path to walk, but to help them understand their body’s complex language, listen to the signals and messages that arise from it, and understand what those signals are asking of them.
Healing the digestive system requires patience, curiosity, and a willingness to engage deeply with the body’s needs. The digestive tract is intricately connected to every other system in the body, including the immune system, the nervous system, and even emotional well-being. A skilled gastroenterologist can be a crucial ally in unraveling the complex interplay between these systems, identifying imbalances, and guiding patients toward solutions that honor their unique experiences. Together, we can pinpoint the underlying causes of digestive distress, whether it’s nutrient malabsorption, bacterial overgrowth, or a deeper reaction to life’s stresses, and begin the work of true healing.
For more information, click here. I run a practice with a special focus in mental health, youth mental health and hormonal conditions. I work in Bloor West Village in Toronto, Canada.