A Pizza of Inspiration: Blog Award + Recipe
First of all, let me thank Mark at Endless Love and Light for my 2nd Very Inspiring Blogger Award nomination. That makes 4 blog nominations! While I’m not exactly sure what these nominations really mean, I’m grateful for the recognition from the blogging community and appreciate the love that’s sent my way (every time someone hits “like” or leaves a comment, or even reads a post). It’s a wonderful feeling when someone shows that they’ve resonated with a post, picture or thought that you’ve shared and it serves as a great motivating factor to keep on blogging. So, thanks, Mark!

The Sunshine Award
I want to thank Leanne at Eat and Get Moving for my 3rd blog award: The Sunshine Award. Receiving this award today is fitting considering the fact that it’s currently pouring rain outside. It’s an honour to receive recognition from the blogging community, knowing that other people are reading and appreciating your work. So, thanks, Leanne! I highly recommend visiting her blog, which is another good source of sunshine!

The Inspiring Blog Award!
I am pleased and excited to announce that I have been nominated for my second blog award!

The Liebster Award
So I’m suprised and happy to say that if tomorrow’s OSCE II goes horribly awry at least I can consider blog writing as a second career choice! I have been given my first blog award: The Liebster Award!