Acne Drug Linked to Deaths… but, it’s the naturopaths you gotta watch

Acne Drug Linked to Deaths… but, it’s the naturopaths you gotta watch

Nettle tea: a botanical with the potential to treat acne... and not cause sudden death. Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

Nettle tea: a botanical with the potential to treat acne… and not cause sudden death. Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

How does naturopathic medicine treat acne? Well, it’s quite simple, really. We turn our focus to the root cause of disease. Is there a hormonal component? Is lack of hygiene an issue? Are food sensitivities at play? Is an increased toxic load on the body resulting in an elevated burden on the skin to detoxify? Is there a mental-emotional cause or result of this acne?


Acupuncture FAQ

Naturopathic doctors employ a variety of healing modalities or, as we like to say, “tools in our toolbox”, to help the body heal itself. One of my favourite healing modalities is acupuncture. While I used to cringe at the thought of spending another 2 hours being poked and prodded by my classmates in acupuncture class I’ve since overcome my fear of needles and have come to embrace the amazing powers of acupuncture to gently restore balance and healing to the body. To pay homage to my favourite modality, I’ve answered some of your burning questions about this ancient healing art.


Affordable Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto

Affordable Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto

The 4th year naturopathic clinical intern team for 2013/2014!

The 4th year naturopathic clinical intern team for 2013/2014!

As you probably know, my classmates and I have completed our 3rd year of naturopathic medical school and are about to embark on our 12-month clinical internship and final year as naturopathic medical students.

My brilliant classmates and I start to practice tomorrow, from 9 am – 7 pm at various locations around Toronto and the GTA, and we are accepting new patients!


Sometimes we forget that the textbooks are about the people all around us…

Sometimes we forget that the textbooks are about the people all around us…

I found this thought-provoking blog post from a 4th year North American medical student on the computerization of med school. As naturopathic medical students we like to think that we’re the only healthcare professionals that actually “care” about people. However, this is simply not true. I believe that most people get into medicine – any kind of medicine – for the right reasons, one of those reasons being a love for humanity. It’s only whether those reasons are still with us at the end of the 4 years that truly makes the difference.


Naturopathic Medicine, EBM and the Skeptic

It seems that, for every person who embraces the idea of holistic medicine with open arms and an open mind, there is at least one skeptic who refuses to acknowledge that alternative medical practices not only exist, but  are growing in popularity, helping thousands of people and, most likely, are here to stay.


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