The first time I saw a naturopathic doctor was a few years before I contemplated becoming one myself. I had finished my undergrad degree and was bumming around for the summer, working on film sets, trying to get help for some underlying hormonal condition which I now know to be caused by burnout.
The doctor’s office was warm and carpeted. He had a shelf of books, although I don’t remember what they were or were about. I imagine some were medical textbooks. He performed a physical exam that seemed at the same time unnecessary and strangely medical. Still, I hoped would be injected with this particular kind of magic and systems thinking that I expected—that he would look at me and declare me to have too much phlegm or give me some insights into my general state and appearance that had been handwaved as “normal” by the blood tests and various other medical practitioners I’d been to.
I had tracked my food for a week. For breakfast, I had cereal (the healthy kind), skim milk, coffee, and fruit. He held this paper in front of him, and I awaited his thoughts.
“You should stop eating dairy,” he said, not looking up, “It’s not that good for us.” I assumed “us” meant “us humans.” He didn’t elaborate, stating it as if I were apparent.
I remember this 16 years later, although I’m sure he said more things in that appointment.
What does it mean to make these statements to patients? Sometimes, I find myself explaining things, elaborating, discussing how we might try a dairy elimination diet, and making connections between the properties of dairy or this client’s experience with dairy (bloating, inflammation, eruptions of cystic acne).
I was bloated and inflamed with cystic acne, but I don’t remember if I stopped putting milk in my cereal that day. I distinctly remember a year later indulging in a frothy milk latte in a café in Cartagena, Colombia, writing in my journal that I expected it would bloat me and combine poorly with the insufferable heat and humidity outside.
The other day, I was visiting with my friend and naturopathic colleague, playing with her baby on the floor and talking about practice, health, and medicine. I was speaking about the pressure I feel when working with a new patient to solve their problems in the first visit. Often, no one had even acknowledged their problems before, and here was my task to not only acknowledge but already know about and have a solution for these problems. I remember attributing this same magic to the naturopathic doctor I saw in 2008.
My friend nodded, “Many of our solutions are just band-aids. It takes years to shift our thinking and behaviours to make long-term changes to our health.” I remember eating Tiramisu years after this 2008 appointment, developing painful cysts the next day.
One thing was certain: I remembered his (perhaps offhand) remark and started making connections, even if they didn’t lead to long-term behavioural changes.
I still sometimes eat dairy. At this friend’s house, we each had a Greek salad with chicken and all the fixings, including feta cheese. It was delicious. The next day, my skin looked okay. All in all, I’m pretty good at avoiding cow’s milk.
I am more meticulous about avoiding gluten.
I don’t necessarily agree that dairy isn’t good for “us [humans].” I’m not even sure if it’s not good for me. Like most things, it’s nuanced and depends on the terrain (my stress levels, gut health), the type of dairy (organic, fermented) and the amount. So, maybe I’m not entirely convinced. Sometimes, it tastes so darn good, and I don’t care.
I suppose that hearing something is “not good for us” is insufficient for learning. Experiencing how something is not good for us, while better, is still probably not sufficient.
I suppose that sometimes we humans do things that aren’t good for us.
I suppose our lives, like healing, are works in progress.
You know how you just want the recipe and yet you have to scroll through someone’s long story about their cat and their grandma and a blistery winter day?
Forget all that. I made this curry.
Here’s the recipe (you’re welcome 😜 ):
1 can coconut milk (full fat, Arroy-D)
2 heads broccoli, chop off the florets into small pieces
2 large bell peppers, chopped into slices
1/2 jar of Thai Kitchen red curry paste (nice, clean, delicious, free of seed oils 👍 )
4 large chicken breasts
Salt, pepper, olive oil.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees (you can also do all this in the air fryer). Add chopped chicken breast to a baking pan, add broccoli and peppers, drizzle with olive oil. Cook for 45 minutes (or until everything is cooked).
In a large stir-fry pan, add cooked vegetables and chicken, add red curry paste and coconut milk.
You can serve on rice, but you don’t have to.
Filling, rich in protein and veggies. Delicious, warming. I love Thai curries on snowy days.
It’s day one of my period and I’ve been healing a broken foot for 6 weeks. The weather is overcast, thick, humid and rainy.
My body feels thick and heavy. Clothing leaves an imprint on my skin–socks leave deep indentations in my ankles. My face and foot is swollen. My tongue feels heavy. My mind feels dull, achey, and foggy. It’s hard to put coherent words together.
I feel cloudy and sleepy. Small frustrations magnify. It’s hard to maintain perspective.
My muscles ache. My joints throb slightly. They feel stiffer and creakier.
This feeling is transient. The first few days of the menstrual cycle are characterized by an increase in prostaglandins that stimulate menstrual flow and so many women experience an aggravation of inflammatory symptoms like depression, arthritis, or autoimmune conditions around this time. You might get. a cold sore outbreak, or a migraine headache around this time of month. The phenomenon can be exaggerated with heavy, humid weather, and chronic inflammation–such as the prolonged healing process of mending a broken bone.
It’s our body’s beautiful healing response, bringing water, nutrients, and immune cells to an area of injury or attack. The area involved swells, heats up, becomes red, and might radiate pain. And then, within a matter of days, weeks, or months, the pathogen is neutralized, the wound heals and the inflammatory process turns off, like a switch.
However, inflammation can be low-grade and chronic. Many chronic health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, PMS or PMDD, depression, anxiety, migraines, even bowel and digestive issues, have an inflammatory component.
In the quest to manage chronic inflammation, people often explore various avenues, including dietary supplements. One such natural option gaining attention is OrganicCBDNugs. Derived from the hemp plant, CBD, or cannabidiol, is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties, potentially offering relief to those struggling with conditions like arthritis, anxiety, or migraines.
This organic supplement, with its purported ability to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, might provide a holistic approach to tackling inflammation-related issues. As we navigate the complexities of our bodies and the ebb and flow of inflammation, exploring natural remedies like Organic CBD could be a step toward finding equilibrium and promoting overall well-being.
As I telly my patients. Inflammation is “everything that makes you feel bad”. Therefore anti-inflammatory practices make you feel good.
Many of us don’t realize how good we can feel because low-grade inflammation is our norm.
We just know that things could be better: we could feel more energy, more lightness of being and body, more uplifted, optimistic mood, clearer thinking and cognitive functioning, better focus, less stiffness and less swelling.
Obesity and weight gain are likely inflammatory processes. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are inflammatory in nature. It’s hard to distinguish between chronic swelling and water retention due to underlying low-grade chronic inflammation and actual fat gain, and the two can be closely intertwined.
It’s unfortunate then, that weight loss is often prescribed as a treatment plan for things like hormonal imbalances, or other conditions caused by metabolic imbalance. Not only has the individual probably already made several attempts to lose weight, the unwanted weight gain is most likely a symptom, rather than a cause, of their chronic health complaint. (Learn how to get to the root of this with my course You Weigh Less on the Moon).
Both the main complaint (the migraines, the PMS, the endometriosis, the depression, the arthritis, etc.) and the weight gain, are likely due to an inflammatory process occurring in the body.
To simply try to cut calories, or eat less, or exercise more (which can be helpful for inflammation or aggravate it, depending on the level of stress someone is under), can only exacerbate the process by creating more stress and inflammation and do nothing to relieve the root cause of the issues at hand.
Even anti-inflammatory over the counter medications like Advil, prescription ones like naproxen, or natural supplements like turmeric (curcumin) have limiting effects. They work wonderfully if the inflammation is self-limiting: a day or two of terrible period cramps, or a migraine headache. However, they do little to resolve chronic low-grade inflammation. If anything they only succeed at temporarily suppressing it only to have it come back with a vengeance.
The issue then, is to uncover the root of the inflammation, and if the specific root can’t be found (like the piece of glass in your foot causing foot pain), then applying a general anti-inflammatory lifestyle is key.
The first place to start is with the gut and nutrition.
Nutrition is at once a complex, confusing, contradictory science and a very simple endeavour. Nutrition was the simplest thing for hundreds of thousands of years: we simply ate what tasted good. We ate meat, fish and all the parts of animals. We ate ripe fruit and vegetables and other plant matter that could be broken down with minimal processing.
That’s it.
We didn’t eat red dye #3, and artificial sweeteners, and heavily modified grains sprayed with glyphosate, and heavily processed flours, and seed oils that require several steps of solvent extraction. We didn’t eat modified corn products, or high fructose corn syrup, or carbonated drinks that are artificially coloured and taste like chemicals.
We knew our food—we knew it intimately because it was grown, raised, or hunted by us or someone we knew—and we knew where it came from.
Now we have no clue. And this onslaught of random food stuffs can wreck havoc on our systems over time. Our bodies are resilient and you probably know someone who apparently thrives on a diet full of random edible food-like products, who’s never touched a vegetable and eats waffles for lunch.
However, our capacity to heal and live without optimal nutrition, regular meals that nourish us and heal us rather than impose another adversity to overcome, can diminish when we start adding in environmental chemicals and toxins, mental and emotional stress, a lack of sleep, and invasion of blue light at all hours of the day, bodies that are prevented from experiencing their full range of motion, and so on.
And so to reduce inflammation, we have to start living more naturally. We need to reduce the inflammation in our environments. We need to put ourselves against a natural backdrop–go for a soothing walk in nature at least once a week.
We need to eat natural foods. Eat meats, natural sustainably raised and regeneratively farmed animal products, fruits and vegetables. Cook your own grains and legumes (i.e.: process your food yourself). Avoid random ingredients (take a look at your oat and almond milk–what’s in the ingredients list? Can you pronounce all the ingredients in those foods? Can you guess what plant or animal each of those ingredients came from? Have you ever seen a carageenan tree?).
Moving to a more natural diet can be hard. Sometimes results are felt immediately. Sometimes our partners notice a change in us before we notice in ourselves (“Hon, every time you have gluten and sugar, don’t you notice you’re snappier the next day, or are more likely to have a meltdown?”).
It often takes making a plan–grocery shopping, making a list of foods you’re going to eat and maybe foods you’re not going to eat, coming up with some recipes, developing a few systems for rushed nights and take-out and snacks–and patience.
Often we don’t feel better right away–it takes inflammation a while to resolve and it takes the gut time to heal. I notice that a lot of my patients are addicted to certain chemicals or ingredients in processed foods and, particularly if they’re suffering from the pain of gut inflammation, it can tempting to go back to the chemicals before that helped numb the pain and delivered the dopamine hit of pleasure that comes from dealing with an addiction. It might help to remember your why. Stick it on the fridge beside your smoothie recipe.
We need to sleep, and experience darkness. If you can’t get your bedroom 100%-can’t see you hand in front of your face-dark, then use an eye mask when sleeping. Give your body enough time for sleep. Less than 7 hours isn’t enough.
We need to move in all sorts of ways. Dance. Walk. Swim. Move in 3D. Do yoga to experience the full range of motion of your joints. Practice a sport that requires your body and mind, that challenges your skills and coordination. Learn balance both in your body and in your mind.
We need to manage our emotional life. Feeling our emotions, paying attention to the body sensations that arise in our bodies—what does hunger feel like? What does the need for a bowel movement feel like? How does thirst arise in your body? Can you recognize those feelings? What about your emotions? What sensations does anger produce? Can you feel anxiety building? What do you do with these emotions once they arise? Are you afraid of them? Do you try to push them back down? Do you let them arise and “meet them at the door laughing” as Rumi says in his poem The Guest House?
Journalling, meditation, mindfulness, hypnosis, breath-work, art, therapy, etc. can all be helpful tools for understanding the emotional life and understanding the role chronic stress (and how it arises, builds, and falls in the body) and toxic thoughts play in perpetuating inflammation.
Detox. No, I don’t mean go on some weird cleanse or drinks teas that keep you on the toilet all day. What I mean is: remove the gunk and clutter from your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional plumbing. This might look like taking a tech break. Or going off into the woods for a weekend. Eating animals and plants for a couple of months, cutting out alcohol, or coffee or processed foods for a time.
It might involve cleaning your house with vinegar and detergents that are mostly natural ingredients, dumping the fragrances from your cosmetics and cleaning products, storing food in steel and glass, rather than plastic. It might mean a beach clean-up. Or a purging of your closet–sometimes cleaning up the chaos in our living environments is the needed thing for reducing inflammation. It’s likely why Marie Kondo-ing and the Minimalist Movement gained so much popularity–our stuff can add extra gunk to our mental, emotional, and spiritual lives.
Detoxing isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s about fostering clarity and wellness in every aspect of our lives, including our living spaces. A clean, organized home can significantly contribute to a healthier mindset and emotional balance. That’s where Clean 4 You comes in, offering a fresh perspective on home cleaning that goes beyond mere tidiness.
They understand that clutter and grime can weigh heavily on our mental and emotional states, which is why they provide services tailored to create an environment that supports your detox journey. By enlisting the help of professionals, you can focus on nurturing yourself while they take care of transforming your space into a sanctuary.
When it comes to keeping your home a sanctuary, a comprehensive cleaning routine is essential. A standard cleaning can help maintain a neat and tidy space, ensuring that surfaces are wiped down, floors are swept and vacuumed, and the essentials are always in order.
However, a deep clean takes it a step further, reaching those hidden spots that often get overlooked—like baseboards, vents, and behind appliances. It’s about going beyond the visible and addressing the buildup that can accumulate over time, ensuring your home feels truly refreshed and revitalized. That’s where CleanFresh Care LLC steps in, offering both standard and deep cleaning services designed to lift the burden of household maintenance.
Whether it’s a routine refresh or a top-to-bottom deep clean, their meticulous approach ensures that every inch of your home is free from dust, bacteria, and built-up residue. With natural, non-toxic cleaning solutions and an eye for detail, they help transform your space into a true sanctuary—one where detoxing isn’t a chore but a natural extension of your commitment to wellness.
If you’re seeking assistance specifically designed for individuals with unique needs, the NDIS Cleaner Perth service from Clean 4 You is here to help. This dedicated team is trained to cater to the requirements of those on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, ensuring that every client receives the support they need for a clean and safe living environment.
With a commitment to using eco-friendly products and methods, Clean 4 You allows you to detox your home in a way that aligns with your values, providing peace of mind as you embrace a healthier lifestyle. With their expertise, you can achieve a pristine space that not only looks good but feels good, allowing you to focus on your personal wellness journey.
Finally, connect with your community. Loneliness is inflammatory. And this past year and a half have been very difficult, particularly for those of you who live alone, who are in transition, who aren’t in the place you’d like to be, or with the person or people you’d like to be–your soul family.
It takes work to find a soul family. I think the first steps are to connect and attune to oneself, to truly understand who you are and move toward that and in that way people can slowly trickle in.
We often need to take care of ourselves first, thereby establishing the boundaries and self-awareness needed to call in the people who will respect and inspire us the most. It’s about self-worth. How do you treat yourself as someone worthy of love and belonging?
Perhaps it first comes with removing the sources of inflammation from our lives, so we can address the deeper layers of our feelings and body sensations and relieve the foggy heaviness and depression and toxic thoughts that might keep us feeling stuck.
Once we clear up our minds and bodies, and cool the fires of inflammation, we start to see better—the fog lifts. We start to think more clearly. We know who we are. Our cravings subside. We can begin to process our shame, anger and sadness.
We start to crave nourishing things: the walk in nature, the quiet afternoon writing poetry, the phone call with a friend, the stewed apples with cinnamon (real sweetness). We free up our dopamine receptors for wholesome endeavours. We start to move in the direction of our own authenticity. I think this process naturally attracts people to us. And naturally attracts us to the people who have the capacity to love and accept us the way we deserve.
Once we start to build community, especially an anti-inflammatory community—you know, a non-toxic, nourishing, wholesome group of people who make your soul sing, the path becomes easier.
You see, when you are surrounded by people who live life the way you do–with a respect for nature, of which our bodies are apart–who prioritize sleep, natural nutrition, mental health, movement, emotional expression, and self-exploration, it becomes more natural to do these things. It no longer becomes a program or a plan, or a process you’re in. It becomes a way of life–why would anyone do it any other way?
The best way to overcome the toxicity of a sick society is to create a parallel one.
When you’re surrounded by people who share your values. You no longer need to spend as much energy fighting cravings, going against the grain, or succumbing to self-sabotage, feeling isolated if your stray from the herb and eat vegetables and go to sleep early.
You are part of a culture now. A culture in which caring for yourself and living according to your nature is, well… normal and natural.
There’s nothing to push against or detox from. You can simply rest in healing, because healing is the most natural thing there is.
Whenever I sit with a new patient for an initial intake, I ask about cravings.
From my many conversations about food, appetite and cravings, the most common responses are cravings for salt, or sugar, with many people falling on one end of the preference than the other: “I’m a salt craver” or “I’ve got a sweet tooth”.
However, cravings are so much more than that.
I believe that they are a beautifully intricate process, in which our body is trying to speak to us about what it needs.
Our bodies have developed taste receptors to detect quality nutrients from the environment. While these days sugar is abundant wherever you turn, during our hunter-gatherer times, it was a relatively scarce and highly sought after taste–the taste of ripe fruit, rich with nutrients, the taste of quality calories from carbohydrates, which may have been scarce in times of food shortage or famine.
Salt or “savoury” or umami cravings, often represent a need for more protein. Unfortunately, many of my patients who crave salt (and often calories) find themselves the bottom of a bag of chips, rather than grilling up a chicken breast.
Our modern environment doesn’t necessarily set us up to adequately translate and respond properly to certain cravings. Salted chips were probably not a thing in a natural environment and the only way to satisfy a salt and savoury craving would have been through hunting, consuming meat, or eggs and poultry.
When I was travelling in Colombia I was obsessed with broccoli–it was like I couldn’t get enough of it.
The same thing happened on a month-long trip to Brazil in 2019. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, sulphur, and certain amino acids. It’s also a decent source of calcium. I’m not sure what nutrient I may have been lacking on my travels, but it’s possible that those cravings meant something for my body. And so I honoured them–I sought out broccoli like it was a magic elixir of health and ate as much of it as I could.
After developing significant iron deficiency after spending a few years as a vegetarian, I became suddenly attracted by the smell of roasting chicken from a local Korean restaurant I was passing by while walking the streets of Toronto.
The wafting smell of roasting poultry was majestic and impossible to ignore. It didn’t smell like sin, or temptation–my body betraying my moral sensibilities or whatever else we often accuse our cravings of—it smelt… like health.
There was no doubt in my mind as the delicious fumes touched my nostrils that I needed to honour my body and start eating meat again. I did and my health and nutrient status has never been better.
Patients will report craving carbs and chocolate the week before their period. The eb and flow of estrogen can affect serotonin levels. A large dose of carbs allows tryptophan, the amino acid that forms the backbone of serotonin, to freely enter the brain. This explains the effect “comfort foods” like starchy warm bread and pasta have on us, creating that warm, after-Thanksgiving dinner glow.
Chocolate is rich in magnesium, a nutrient in which many of us are deficient, that is in higher demand throughout the luteal phase of our cycle, or our premenstrual week.
Cravings are not just nagging, annoying vices, thrust in the path to greater health and iron discipline. They’re complex, intuitive and beautiful. They may be important landmarks on the path to true health and wellness.
Disciplines like Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating have based themselves on the idea that our bodies hold intuitive wisdom and our tastes, cravings and appetites may be essential for guiding us on a road to health. Through removing restriction and paying more attention to the experience of food, we may be better guided to choose what foods are right for us.
The book The Dorito Effect outlines how our taste cues have been hijacked by Big Food. Like having a sham translator, processed foods stand between essential nutrients and the signals our bodies use to guide us to them. A craving for sweet that might have led you to ripe fruit, now leads you to a bag of nutrient-devoid candy that actually robs you of magnesium, and other nutrients in order to process the chemicals. A craving for salt and umami, or hunger for calories leads you to polish off a bag of chips, which are protein-devoid and laden with inflammatory fats, and only trigger more cravings, and shame.
It’s no wonder that we don’t trust our cravings– we live in a world that exploits them at every turn.
Clara Davis in 1939 was curious about the instintual nature of human cravings and devised a study that was published in the Canadian Medical Assoication Journal (CMAJ). The study was called Self-Selection of Diets by Young Children.
Clara gathered together 15 orphaned infants between 6 to 11 months of age who were weaning from breast-feeding and ready to receive solid food for the first time. These infants, before the study had never tried solid food or supplements. They were studied ongoing for a period of 6 years, with the main study process was conducted over a period of months.
The babies were sat at a table with a selection of simple, whole foods–33 to be exact. The foods contained no added sugars or salt. They were minimally cooked. Not all 33 were presented to each baby at each meal, however the babies were offered an opportunity to try everything.
The foods they were offered were water, sweet milk, sour (lactic) milk, sea salt, apples, bananas, orange juice, pineapple, peaches, tomatoes, beets, carrots, peas, turnips, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, potato, lettuce, oatmeal, wheat, corn meal, barley, Ry-krisp (a kind of cereal), beef, lamb, bone marrow, bone jelly, chicken, sweetbreads, brains, liver, kidneys, eggs, and fish (haddock).
The nurses who were involved in running the study were instructed to sit in front of the infants with a spoon and wait for them to point at foods that they wanted. The nurses were not to comment on the choices or foods in any way, but wordlessly comply with the infants’ wishes and offer them a spoonful of the chosen foodstuff.
Throughout the study Davis noted that all the infants had hearty appetites and enjoyed eating.
At first, the babies showed no instinct for food choices, selecting things at random, and exploring the various foods presented to them. All of them tried everything at least once (two babies never tried lettuce and one never explored spinach). The most variety of food choices occurred during the first two weeks of the study when they were presumably in their experimentation phase.
Their tastes also changed from time to time, perhaps reflecting some hidden, internal mechanism, growth spurt or nutritional need. Sometimes a child would have orange juice and liver for breakfast (liver is a source of iron, and vitamin C from the orange juice aids in its absorption), and dinner could be something like eggs, bananas, and milk.
Many infants began the study in a state of malnourishment. Four were underweight and five suffered from Rickets a condition caused by extremely low vitamin D. One of the babies with severe Rickets was offered cod liver oil in addition to the other food options. Cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamin D.
The infant selected cod liver oil often for a while, after which his vitamin D, phosphorus and calcium blood levels all returned to normal range, and x-rays showed that his Ricket’s healed.
It is often thought by parents that children, if left to their own devices will eat themselves nutrient-deficient. While that may be true in todays’ landscape of processed frankenfoods, the infants in Davis’ study consumed a diet that was balanced and high in variety. They got 17% of their calories from protein, 35% from fat and 48% from carbohydrates and intake depended on their activity levels.
During the 6 years in which the infants’ eating habits were under observation, they rarely suffered from health issues. They had no digestive issues, like constipation. If they came down with a cold it would last no more than 3 days before they were fully recovered.
In the 6 years, they became ill with a fever only once, an outbreak that affected all of the infants in the orphanage. The researchers noticed their appetites change in response to the illness.
During the initial stages of the fever, they had lower appetites. And, once the fevers began to resolve, their appetites came back with a vengeance. They ate voraciously, and it was interesting that most of them showed an increased preference for raw carrots, beef and beets–which may indicate a need for vitamin A, iron and protein, which are needed for immune system function and recovery.
The habits of the infants to crave and select medicinal foods during times of fever and nutrient deficiency is such compelling evidence of Clara Davis’ craving wisdom hypothesis—were their bodies telling them what they needed to heal?
The self-selected, whole foods diets seems to have a positive impact on the mood and behaviours of the babies, all of whom were living full-time at the orphanage.
A psychiatrist, Dr. Joseph Brennemann wrote an article on them entitled “Psychologic Aspects of Nutrition” in the Journal of Pediatrics on their mood, behaviour and affect, “I saw them on a number of occasions and they were the finest group of specimens from the physical and behaviour standpoint that I have even seen in children of that age.”
In our world we often try to mentalize our food choices: going vegan or low-fat, counting calories, or reducing carbs. We time our eating windows, fast, or try to exert discipline and will over our bodies’ inherent desires.
So often my patients need to be coached through food eliminations, or given meal plans and templates. The art of listening to the body: properly identifying hunger, thirst, fatigue, inflammation, and even emotions like boredom, anxiety, sadness, anger, and hurt, can be a long process.
And yet, I wonder if we clear our palates and offer them a variety of whole, unprocessed, fresh foods, if our bodies will settle into their own grooves–perhaps our health will optimize, our bodies will be able to more readily communicate what they need, our taste receptors and cravings will adjust, and our cravings and appetite will serve the purpose they were meant to–to tell us what we need more of and what need less of or not at all.
I wonder if we listen, what our bodies will tell us.
I wonder if we let them, if our bodies will exhibit the pure instinctual wisdom of nature and the quest for harmony and homeostasis that lies at the heart of our natural world.
The Low Carb, High Fat or “Ketogenic” Diet has been touted as a health solution for weight loss, mental health, hormonal health, as well as a treatment for insulin resistance, diabetes, childhood seizures, migraines, and dementia.
It consists of eating foods like meat, fish, and non-starchy vegetables, and plenty of healthy fats from avocados, coconut, olives, nuts and seeds, while avoiding starchy foods like grains, legumes, fruit and root vegetables.
Our bodies and brains can use two main types of fuel: sugar and fat.
In this 21-day challenge we will teach our bodies to burn fat for fuel.
Some argue that fat is a “cleaner” fuel source than carbohydrates.
Ketone bodies, produced from fat have been shown to decrease inflammation, improve mitochondrial function—our cells’ power supply—and boost cognition. Ketone bodies also keep us full for longer, our brain sharp and focussed, and our energy abundant and sustained.
Many are introduced to low carb diets through their weight loss journeys. When we restrict carbohydrates, our bodies burn dietary fat and body fat for energy. Furthermore, less dietary carbohydrates means less insulin release. Insulin is our storage hormone, that prevents our bodies from breaking down fat, possibly impeding weight loss. When we cut out carbs we reduce our insulin levels, helping to heal insulin resistance, and helping our bodies shed fat.
To be perfectly honest, I don’t believe in diets,
particularly trendy diets that have names and followers, like groupies at a rock concert.
I believe that how we eat has a LOT to do with our individual biochemistry, our genes, our gut bacteria, our culture, our preferences, our job, our family, our free time, our individual health goals and health challenges.
Diet (or since diet is often a trigger word, but honestly all I mean by it is “way of eating”, or daily nutritional practice), is highly individualized. There is no one-size-fits-all diet.
HOWEVER, I do believe in resets.
I believe all adults could do well with a dedicated amount of time: 14 days, 20 days, 30 days, etc.: in which we really examine our relationship with food. In which we strip our diets down to the bare bones and examine our blood sugar, food sensitivities, food addictions, tendencies to emotionally eat, taste buds, etc.
After all, the human “diet” is essentially meat and vegetables. What happens when we strip all the fluff away? What might we discover about our bodies and minds? About our habits? About ourselves?
This way of eating restores metabolic flexibility, gets us burning fat for fuel (in addition to carbs when you add them back in after the 21 days). It helps us manage blood sugar, which is implicated in chronic stress, acne, diabetes, and hormonal disruption to name a few conditions and symptoms.
Obviously this challenge is not for those who struggle emotionally with food and need more one-on-one focused support, but it is an excellent way to be held accountable, to take on a challenge in which you’re given all the tools you need to do the discovery work.
You might discover that this is the best eating style for you.
You might restore your insulin sensitivity but discover that you need some carbs, or certain carbs, to feel your best.
You might discover hidden food sensitivities that have been plaguing you with inflammation for years.
I review my adventurous year of living on the Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic Diet.
I’ve always had a sweet tooth.
I remember binging on Halloween candy as a kid, stuffing one tiny chocolate bar after another into my mouth, as fast as my little fingers could unwrap them, trapped in some kind of sugar-filled trance.
“Never get between Talia and her food!” My family would joke when my blood sugar would crash between meals and I’d rage towards the fridge for a snack to keep me sane.
I remember digging into the little bags of cheese popcorn reserved for school lunches, finishing off one after another and then hiding the wrappers in their big Costco box so that it would look like it was still full, the way rebellious teens top up empty vodka bottles with water.
I can gain weight with the drop of a hat (but also put on muscle fairly easily), and it takes concentrated effort and dedication to take it off.
After a period of temporary stress and bagel-related weight gain, I decided to embark on a bit of experimentation. Work was getting busy and I wanted to supply my brain with constant energy without having to take snack breaks every few hours. Also enticed by anecdotes of shattered weight loss plateaus, I decided to “go Keto”.
I like experimenting with diet. Like many health-conscious people, finding the right nutrition regime for me has been a process. In my teens I started controlling portions and switching out white breads for whole grain rye and Jolly Ranchers for carrot sticks. In my early 20’s, I was vegetarian. I tried being vegan for a while before deciding it was a disaster for my health when I began to experience nutrient deficiencies, weight gain, and hormonal issues.
Later on, I followed my naturopathic school classmates to a modified Paleo diet (keeping in some gluten-free grains and legumes), then moved to a more traditional Paleo diet (taking out the grains and legumes), before going back to the modified version (which is probably the best eating style for me—more on that later).
For the most part, my diet is comprised of whole foods, with lots of vegetables, but in the Fall of 2016, when this all began, I was in a pretty Standard North American place when it came to food intake. At the time I was suffering from IBS, some issues related to subclinical PCOS, and fatigue. I was also starting to see some signs of impaired glucose control.I wasn’t feeling good and I was in need of a kind of reset of sorts.
I was interested in seeing how relying on ketone bodies for fuel would help my body, mental performance, and improve my blood glucose control and symptoms. I have a family history of type II diabetes and I wanted to do what I could to prevent insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Drastic times call for drastic measures, I thought.
Ergo, The Ketogenic Diet.
About the Diet:
The Classic Ketogenic Diet was first developed in the 1920’s to treat children with medication-resistant epilepsy.
When our brains are starved of glucose, their preferred fuel source (our brains use up 60% of the body’s glucose), the liver creates ketone bodies from stored or dietary fat that the brain can use as a substitute source of energy.
One of these ketone bodies, beta-hydroxybutyrate, is thought to be a particularly therapeutic molecule for the brain, conveying anti-convulsive benefits, thereby helping to reduce the incidence of seizures in children who don’t respond to medication.
However, the original Ketogenic diet is more extreme than the general health and weight loss-aimed diet we see described in recipe books these days. The Classic Ketogenic diet consists of about 90% of calories coming from fat. In order to achieve that, followers need to severely restrict their protein intake, and virtually eliminate all dietary sources of carbohydrate, which drastically limits their nutrition choices.
Since, the benefits of beta-hydroxybutyrate are being studied for other neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, migraine headaches and narcolepsy. It’s being looked at as a potential treatment for mental health conditions, like autism and depression, and metabolic disorders such as type II diabetes, and even to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation treatments in cancer. Other studies are looking at its role in improving cognitive function in mice and humans.
Some research shows that beta-hydroxybutyrate can expand lifespan by interacting with genes that slow aging. It is also shown to confer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
In the 1970’s, Dr. Atkins responded to the high-carbohydrate, low-fat dogma of the nutrition world at the time, by bringing a modified Ketogenic diet into vogue. Restricting all forms of carbohydrates and encouraging a consumption of the still-vilified high-fat foods like bacon, eggs and cheese, Atkins affirmed that people could lose weight by eating fat, as long as they restricted carbohydrates at the same time.
The modern version of the Ketogenic Diet is slightly more health-conscious, promoting a higher intake of vegetables. The current diet restricts carbohydrates to under 20 to 50 grams per day, and encourages a high fat intake and a moderate protein intake, in order to encourage the body to turn to fat as its primary source of fuel. The current version of “Keto” is less strict than it’s initial epilepsy-treating incarnation, with anywhere from 60-85% of its calories coming from fat.
My Version of Keto:
I started the whole journey by tracking my food intake (using My Fitness Pal). My aim was to consume 20 grams of net carbs, or less, per day to push my body into using fat-turned-to-ketone bodies as a its primary fuel source.
Net carbs are calculated by subtracting dietary fibre from total grams of carbohydrates. For example, 1 cup of raw broccoli contains 6 grams of carbs. 2.5 of those are fibre. Therefore, the net carbs in broccoli are 3.5, which would count towards my net carb goal of 20 grams per day.
This isn’t easy. Take a look at any package of food you regularly consume. 1 cup of cooked oatmeal contains 23 grams of net carbs: 3 grams over my entire daily allotment. Therefore all high-carb foods like grains, legumes, starchy nuts, all fruits, and some starchier vegetables, were off limits.
Many people opt to test their blood, breath or urine for ketone bodies to determine whether or not their bodies are in ketosis. I dabbled in this, using the urinalysis strips in my clinic to test for urinary ketones. However, even though I was sticking to the diet, the strips would mostly turn up negative for ketones.
There are a few reasons why ketone strips may not be a reliable marker for ketosis. Firstly, the don’t test for beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the main ketone body utilized by the brain, but acetoacetate, another ketone body produced in the liver.
Secondly, urinalysis strips only test for urine ketone spillover. They don’t necessarily reflect blood levels, and they won’t pick up the ketones that are being utilized as fuel by the body. If cells are absorbing all the ketones the liver produces, urine testing may not be positive.
The most accurate, albeit more expensive, method for testing ketone bodies is through a skin-prick test that analyzes blood levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate.
While I knew that the urine strips weren’t highly accurate, not having my state of ketosis validated was discouraging. I was often left in doubt over whether things were “working”. I wondered if there was some other mechanism going on. Was my body finding carbohydrates from someplace else? Did I have Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth that was digesting my fibre and allowing me to absorb it somehow? Were my blood ketones being used up somewhere else (by the yeast in my gut, for instance)?
I did have signs of being in ketosis that I could watch for, however. When I avoid carbs, or fast for a few days, I start to develop a metallic taste on the tip of my tongue. It’s not a common sign of ketosis, a more common sign is a “nail polish” or “paint thinner” taste in the back of the throat, but still a symptom that some people report.
Keto Flu:
During the first few days of switching to Low Carb High Fat, I had to white knuckle through a phase realistically termed the “Keto or Low Carb Flu”. This horrible phenomenon is thought to be a result of the body switching from burning glucose as its primary fuel source to adapting to ketone body production. There is often a painful adjustment period for brains that have to learn how to rely on ketones for their main fuel source after a lifetime of glucose abundance.
It was nasty. I felt intense hunger and sugar cravings, nausea, dizziness, and weakness—it truly was a “flu”.
I knew that I had spent most, if not all, of my life as a sugar burner. Before Keto, I would crave food even just two hours after a full meal. I would often feel “hangry”: dizzy and shaky in between meals, and irritable if made to wait for food for too long. I had been existing between carb-dense meals, experiencing insanity-inducing reactive hypoglycemia between my regular sugar fixes.
The more I read about others’ experiences, the more I was assured that the keto flu symptoms were actually a sign of my body healing. I was becoming adapted to other fuel sources, which was a good thing, I thought.
So, I muscled through and followed the online advice: I consumed more fat to provide more fuel to my brain, including medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, which is quickly absorbed by the lymphatic system and turned into ketones by the liver, and I consumed electrolytes, which are more rapidly excreted from the bodies of low carb dieters.
For some people, Keto flu can last for days, for others it lasts weeks. For me, the Keto flu thankfully only lasted two days, after which my body began to adjust and my cravings for sugar went down. I began to feel more energy, which felt encouraging.
Daily Meal Plan:
For breakfast, I would typically eat a high-fat smoothie containing coconut milk yogurt, gelatin, and avocado, and topped with pumpkin seeds and cacao. Sometimes I’d make fat bombs or homemade unsweetened chocolate.
I’d have my second meal of the day in the mid-afternoon, around 2 to 3 pm, for which I’d consume a few cups of cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli or cabbage, with a fatty cut of meat like ground beef, chicken thighs, or salmon, all topped with liberal amounts of fat from coconut, olives, avocados, or grass-fed ghee. I made a lot of batch-cooked grain-free curries and stews.
If I had a third meal or snack in the day, it would be another serving of fat: a handful of macadamia nuts or a hunk of creamed coconut.
Eating this way made me feel like Obama and his grey suits—I didn’t have to plan my meals too carefully. All I had to do was eat fat. My food was so calorie dense and my blood sugar so stable that I didn’t need to eat often. This meant that I didn’t need to worry about bringing food with me everywhere I went; one meal could satiate me for half the day. Hunger was never an emergency situation, as it had been in the past. Hunger would come on very slowly, and it would never be “hanger”; my already low blood sugar had nowhere to dip to. If I needed more food, I could always wait until I got home to eat.
More Benefits:
Within a few days, my PCOS- related cystic acne cleared. I also felt slimmer as some water retention deflated. This felt good. Our body stores carbohydrate in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles. Glycogen stores retain water.
When glycogen stores are used up, a rapid 5 or more pound drop in weight can occur. This is the “water weight” that people talk about losing when they first begin some kind of nutrition plan.
It’s also common to notice a drop in water weight from a decrease in inflammation, when embarking on a new eating plan. I know that I am sensitive to certain carbs and dairy and, because those things were out of my diet overall (although Keto can certainly include high-fat dairy products for those who can tolerate them), the water retention caused by chronic inflammation seemed to clear.
Although it seems to attract people primarily for its hip-slimming potential, the Ketogenic diet probably does not cause weight loss in and of itself. Instead, the diet encourages a passive reduction in calories by stabilizing blood sugar and insulin levels, while promoting the intake of highly satiating foods containing protein and fat. Ketone bodies also have appetite-suppressing effects. Therefore, it’s probably a calorie deficit that causes the weight loss, rather than any specific biochemistry in the diet itself.
I didn’t lose much more weight than the water weight. However, my mood was brighter. I would wake up in the morning looking forward to the day, which often doesn’t happen in the winter. I felt more sustained energy throughout the day, and really enjoyed the decreased appetite, which led to more productivity.
I felt fine consuming two meals a day, able to get through hours of back-to-back patient visits without needing a snack or a break. It was actually incredible to need so few meals; it was like becoming another person, one no longer ruled by sugar cravings. I was like a camel, switching to stored fuel when the fat from my last meal had run out, and the transition was seamless. There was no wall to hit, and no hypoglcyemic crash to be seen.
I also noticed less bloating and digestive issues, probably from the lack of fermentation in my gut and the reduction in foods that tend to aggravate IBS, like certain vegetables, fruit, and legumes.
However, all was not roses on the Keto diet. While the first few months were dreamy, the longer I stayed on it the more I started to notice changes in my body that indicated the honeymoon period I was enjoying wasn’t going to last.
The Microbiome:
The research is in: human beings probably need 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (roughly 5 cups), or 800 g, a day to get the most heart disease, stroke and cancer-preventing benefits that diet can afford us. The International Journal of Epidemiology concluded that, if the correlations found in their February 2017 study were causal, almost 8 million lives might have been saved in 2013 if everyone in the world had simply consumed their fruits and veggies.
It’s one thing all diets, even the faddy ones, agree on—from the Paleo Peeps, to Plant-Based Hippies, to Raw Macrobiotic Sun Worshippers, to Whole Foods Michael Pollen Omnivores, to the dejected nagged-at husband pushing brusselsprouts around on his plate—fruit and vegetables are good for you. You should eat them. If you’re a typical North American, you should probably eat more than you’re eating. The health value of everything else we eat seems to be up for debate: red meat, saturated fat, soy, bread, coffee. The benefits of eating enough fruits and vegetables, however? There’s no contest.
It’s hard to pick one way in which fruits and vegetables are so health protective. It could be because of their high concentrations of micronutrients, reducing the risk of common nutrient deficiencies, like magnesium and vitamin C. It could be because, if you’re filling your body with a kilogram of fruits and vegetables a day, you probably aren’t scarfing down an entire medium-sized pizza and supersized orange pop as well—there just isn’t room. It could also be the antioxidants they contain that protect cells against free radical damage, protecting DNA. Or perhaps its the fermentable fibres present in fruits and vegetables that feed our invaluable microbiome.
The problem with keeping net carbs under 20 grams a day was that I needed to restrict my fruit and vegetable intake. I was eating no fruit at all, and staying away from the starchier veggies, like carrots and beets. I still stuck to my beloved leafy greens and crucifates, but even eating 2 to 3 cups of those guys a day would push me to the upper limits of my carbohydrate intake, which meant I couldn’t eat them as liberally as I had been.
Getting enough vegetables and (any) fruits on the keto diet is hard, if not impossible. This can impact our ability to get the micronutrients we need, but also enough fermentable fibres from vegetables like garlic, onions, yams, Jerusalem artichokes, and legumes, which provide food for our microbiome.
Feeding our gut bugs is important. They benefit us in numerous ways, from digesting out food, to calming inflammation, to fuelling gut cells by producing a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. They help our immune systems function optimally. They produce neurotransmitters for our brains to work. They balance our stress responses and our circadian rhythms.
Jeff Leach, at the Human Microbiome Project speculates that the lack of dietary fibre in most low-carb diets may impact the health of the microbiome in negative ways by depriving the gut bacteria of their preferred food sources, as well as altering the acidity of the colon and intestines. He cites this article, in which obese subjects on a high-protein and low-carb diet had lower levels of butyrate in their bodies and intestines, likely due to decreased diversity in their guts.
There are, however, some studies that suggest that a Ketogenic diet can improve the microbiome in children with epilepsy, and autism, and some speculation by the researchers that that may be how the diets treat these conditions. However, since these studies are not done in “healthy” children, with an already healthy microbiota, it’s hard to extrapolate the findings to the healthy adult population.
Then there’s the fact that most studies that look at high fat diets and their impact on the microbiome are mostly done in rats. Of course, rats aren’t humans, despite there being relative genetic similarities. In these animal studies, researchers refer to “a high fat diet” when in fact they mean a high fat, high sugar diet. The sources of fat in these “high fat” mouse diets are often corn, margarine, or soy oil, which we know are highly inflammatory and offer few if any health benefits.
In other words, many studies on “high fat” diets are not looking at a relatively balanced Ketogenic diet that consists of vegetables, proteins, and healthy sources of fats from avocados, coconut, fish, olives, nuts and seeds and grass-fed meats.
Context is important as well. Is it the high fat diet that causes a reduction in gut diversity or the absence of fibre? This one mouse study showed that simply providing the mice with fibre in addition to their high fat diets decreased their risk of obesity.
I felt that my gut initially improved in the first few months on Keto: the diet was low in foods that aggravate me: namely refined carbs, sugar, gluten and dairy, as well as some of the fermentable fibres that can aggravate IBS. However, it never fully healed. After a few months, I started to notice the symptoms of bloating and digestive irregularities coming back.
Candida, a yeast that resides in the gut and can overgrow in the intestines in some people, especially the immunocompromised, causing symptoms of fatigue, IBS, and weight gain, among a variety of other symptoms, can survive on ketone bodies. Yeasts have mitochondria of their own. Some species of gut bacteria can consume protein, bile salts and even fats.
Contrary to what many claim, a Ketogenic diet doesn’t necessarily “starve out” the bad gut bugs. Combined with the lack of fibre to feed the beneficial gut bacteria and promote more bacterial diversity, a prolonged Ketogenic diet may be a recipe for gut dysbiosis.
Throughout my year spent in ketosis, I definitely noticed an improvement in my insulin signalling and glucose control, especially in the first few months. Looking at my blood work in March, after about a year of the Ketogenic diet (and then having been off it for a few months), my fasting insulin was very low and fasting blood glucose levels were in the low-optimal range. HOMA-IR, a calculation that is used as a marker of insulin resistance, was also low, indicating good insulin sensitivity.
I personally believe that this means that my risk for getting metabolic syndrome or type II diabetes is low, as long as I maintain this level of insulin sensitivity by watching the glycemic load of my diet and my stress levels.
The metabolic flexibility awarded to me from my year in ketosis also proved to be invaluable. Now, I no longer fear fasting and I can survive on other fuel sources besides sugar. My brain knows how to tap into stored and dietary fat more efficiently, and use those for energy. Even when not following any sort of low-carb diet, I noticed that I could survive between meals while travelling in Southeast Asia for two months, whereas normally I would have had to exist on unhealthy, sugary snacks.
However, after a few months on the diet, I began to notice a decline in my menstrual health. My cycles began to get longer, and soon I started missing periods. I noticed more hair falling out in the shower and more cystic acne developing on my chin. When I ran my blood estrogen and progesterone levels, I was surprised to see that their levels were very low.
We know that insulin, while often vilified as a “fat storage” hormone is actually responsible for storing everything, including nutrients. It also correlates with estrogen levels and the conversion of T4, one of our thyroid hormones, to its active friend, T3, which runs our metabolism. Insulin builds muscle, bone and brain cells. Very low insulin levels, in my case, were contributing to amenorrhea and a disruption in my sex hormones.
This wasn’t good.
While not quite the same as Intermittent Fasting (IF), Keto is often grouped into the same category because of its similar impact on blood glucose and insulin. The difference is that Intermittent Fasting induces ketosis through periodic food restriction, as opposed to carb restriction. Keto and IF often go hand in hand, however. The reduced hunger and high-nutrient density of the foods eaten on a Ketogenic diet often lend well to practicing intermittent fasting. It did in my case—I was only eating two main meals a day.
I always found it interesting, however, that most proponents of intermittent fasting are men. The male body appears to thrive in the fasted state, getting a boost of growth hormone and norepinephrine, both of which provide men with energy, motivation, and an improved sense of well-being.
This hormonal change may be a remnant of our ancestral hunter-gatherer days where it would be an advantage to feel motivated and energized to go out and hunt during periods of food scarcity.
I don’t think female bodies experience exactly the same effect. Some preliminary animal research tends to suggest that as well.
A few rat studies indicate that fasting may impair female insulin sensitivity, and induce amenorrhea, or missed periods. Female bodies rely on a consistent influx of calories and carbohydrates to stimulate insulin, which plays a role in stimulating thyroid hormones and estrogen, to continue to ovulate. Another study showed that fasting tended to “masculinize” female rats, lowering their female hormones, and increasing their levels of androgens, the male sex hormones, like testosterone.
Of course, these studies were done on fasted rats, which cannot be fully translated to the effects of Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic diets on women. However, some of these findings did validate my experience, which certainly wasn’t being validated in the podcasts and blog posts I was exposed to, largely written and followed by men.
I did experience positive hormonal effects: the increased insulin sensitivity and lowered blood glucose. However, I was not happy about my irregular cycles and estrogen deficiency.
Therefore, I decided to increase my carbohydrate intake, returning to a more moderate Paleo diet that consists of some fruit, starchier vegetables and legumes. After a few months, my periods returned to normal, my skin cleared up, my hair stopped falling out, and my thyroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone levels all returned to their optimal ranges.
I have still have low fasting insulin levels, suggesting that the Ketogenic diet did help to reset my insulin sensitivity and that this effect may be lasting.
Metabolic Health:
After a year of doing the Ketogenic diet, and then a few months of returning to a moderate-carb paleo diet, I tested my cholesterol levels and inflammatory markers. My HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol, to put it very simply) was high, my triglycerides (a risk factor for heart disease) were very low, and my LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol that statin drugs target) was also low. My inflammatory markers: C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), were also low.
While it is typically the monounsaturated fats, like olive oils and avocados, that are associated with increased levels of the heart-protective HDL cholesterol, even saturated fats from coconut oil can raise HDL. LDL is often lowered by these healthy monounsaturated fats, however saturated fats, even healthy ones, can raise LDL in certain individuals.
All else being equal, higher levels of LDL may not be as big of a problem as we think. Especially in the context of low risk factors, like low inflammation, absence of smoking and a healthy body weight. What’s more, the triglycerides and cholesterol/HDL ratio may be more important factors for determining heart disease risk. Further, assessing LDL particle size may also provide those concerned about their LDL levels with more information concerning their cardiovascular health. That being said, it is important to be aware that some of the fats present in a Ketogenic diet have the potential to raise blood levels of LDL in certain susceptible individuals, and that not everyone’s blood lipid results will look like mine.
Triglyceride levels are associated with liver function, and generally reflect dietary sugar, fructose and refined carbohydrate intake, rather than fat intake. Reducing refined dietary carbohydrates like white grains, flours and sugars is a good strategy for reducing triglyceride levels and reducing heart disease risk.
Some individuals can experience elevated levels of inflammation on a Ketogenic diet, depending on the quality of foods consumed. A Ketogenic diet low in fibre that fails to feed the microbiome; high in foods that a person may have an individualized sensitivity to (such as dairy, eggs, nuts or soy); or high in inflammatory fats like trans fats, and industrial oils like canola and corn oil, may all contribute to increased inflammation.
That being said, certain ketone bodies like beta-hydroxybutyrate may have anti-inflammatory properties. Many of the fats consumed in a mindful, whole foods Ketogenic diet, such as olives, avocados, seeds, salmon, and coconut, are also anti-inflammatory.
I found my blood markers a good indicator of the power of a high-fat, low-carb diet to, at least in my case, improve HDL cholesterol and lower triglycerides, fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels. Whether I needed an entire year in ketosis, or whether I even needed to actually enter ketosis to receive these benefits, isn’t clear. Perhaps I could have gotten the same results by moderately lowering my carb intake while increasing my dietary intake of healthy fats.
Modified Ketogenic Diets:
While I do think I benefitted from entering into ketosis, I would not necessarily recommend a Ketogenic diet to patients unless to achieve some sort of therapeutic goal, such as improved insulin resistance, or for adjunct cancer care, to reduce inflammation, or to improve severe depression, migraines, or narcolepsy.
However, there may be a benefit to cyclical Ketogenic diets for memory and cognition, and increased life span in mice. Cyclical Ketogenic diets involve entering ketosis on alternate weeks. On the other weeks, participants return to a normal, whole foods diet that contains higher amounts of carbohydrates. In this case, individuals gets the benefits of beta-hydroxybutyrate production and increased metabolic flexibility on their weeks on, while also being able to eat a high amount of fermentable carbs and fibres on their weeks off, essentially getting the best of both worlds.
Adding medium chain triglycerides to food may also confer health benefits, similar to being on a Ketogenic diet. One study showed that adding MCT oil to a high-carb breakfast (pasta), reduced appetite in men. This is likely because, after burning through the glucose in the pasta, the men’s brains were able to access the ketone bodies that were made readily available by burning the MCT oil. This kept their brains fuelled and their bodies satiated for longer.
The men eating pasta and MCT oil in the study had a ketone blood level of 0.3, which is similar to that obtained from a diet that derives 10% of its calories from carbohydrates, which is an essentially a very low-carb, if not Ketogenic, diet. This may indicate that simply adding MCT oil to a moderate to low-carbohydrate diet, may confer some of the benefits of having a slightly higher rate of circulating ketone bodies without having to follow a strict diet. Again, following this strategy, you can get the best of both worlds: consume a diet high in fibre, while also getting a steady flow of ketone bodies to the brain.
Other interesting areas of research are the use of supplemental, or exogenous, ketones for therapeutic use, however the area is new and not something I currently recommend in my practice (although this may change when more research begins to emerge and better supplements enter the market).
My Plan Moving Forward?
I’m happy that I gave the Ketogenic diet a try, but now I’m back to my more modified Paleo diet, aimed at promoting gut health, optimizing my micronutrient intake, regulating hormones, and supporting my energy levels. I now consume berries and apples, legumes, starchier vegetables and lean proteins more often and aim to get 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, with 8 to 9 of servings coming from vegetables, as opposed to fruit.
I currently start my day with a smoothie with berries, an avocado, spinach and protein powder. For lunch I have some sort of protein, fat, and tons of veggies. I eat more often than when I was in ketosis: about 3 meals a day with a vegetable and fat as a snack, or no snack at all in between, depending on my schedule.
My total daily carbohydrate intake falls around 100 grams a day with a net carb intake between 50 to 70 grams a day, depending on the fibre content of the vegetables, seeds, and legumes I’ve eaten that day. I try to get upwards of 30 grams of dietary fibre per day.
I avoid all sugar, including sweeter fruits like tropical fruits, and dried fruits, like dates. I especially stay away from refined sugars, even “natural” coconut sugars and agave. I avoid processed carbohydrates and flours. I mostly avoid grains, except when travelling or visiting someone’s house, getting my carbs from starchy vegetables and tubers, legumes and berries. I continue to avoid dairy (which I’m sensitive to), gluten, and processed industrial oils like canola, corn, and soy oil.
Right now, rather than focussing on macronutrient ratios, I’m directing my food intake towards obtaining the Recommended Daily Allowances of the micronutrients that run all of our cellular reactions, and the fibres that feed a healthy gut microbiota. I use an app called Cronometer to track this.
I definitely eat more fat than before, adding MCT oil to my morning smoothie, especially on days when I need to stay full and focused for longer. I also aim to do at least 12 hours of fasting a day, trying to get in 16-18 hour fasts where I can, ending dinner at 4pm, for example. I no longer do regular long bouts of Intermittent Fasting, particularly not when I’m feeling stressed and burnt out.
Would I Recommend the Ketogenic Diet to Patients?
One of the main tenants of Naturopathic Medicine is “Do no harm”. While it may seem like making diet and lifestyle recommendations are relatively benign therapies, I believe that they do have the potential to do physical and psychological harm, particularly if they are strict recommendations.
Following a strict diet may have health benefits, but it also may isolate us from friends and family, frustrate us and restrict our intake of certain nutrients, like fibre, vitamins and minerals. This is one of the reasons I do not ever advocate a Vegan diet, although if patients are following one already, I believe in guiding them to optimize their nutrient intake.
Furthermore, at least in my personal experience, the cure was stronger than the disease. I probably didn’t need to do the Ketogenic diet for so long; this was evidenced by the hormonal imbalances that I began to experience towards the end of my year on the diet.
However, particularly for patients who are suffering from metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and insulin resistance or PCOS, there may be some powerful benefits to entering ketosis in order to dramatically reverse metabolic dysfunction. In this case, a modified regime combining Intermittent Fasting and cyclical Ketogenic diets could be beneficial.
Of course, it all depends on where patients are at in their nutrition journeys. Sometimes I meet patients who require, and respond well to, more heroic lifestyle interventions. Other times I meet patients relying on several sugary treats a day to get them through. In these cases, simply tweaking their diet in small ways, using baby steps may also have powerful disease-risk-reversing effects.
I talk about 8 functional foods that can help calm inflammation, boost neurotransmitter synthesis and restore common nutrient deficiencies that might contribute to low mood and mental health conditions.
My name is Dr. Talia Marcheggiani. I’m a naturopathic doctor with a focus in mental health and emotional wellness as well as hormonal health and hormone balancing, and today I’m going to deliver a short video about some foods that you can add to your diet to help your mental health.
These are all medicinal foods that act like prescriptions, like anti-depressants, that you can just add to your diet. So, a lot of these foods are recommended based on the idea that depression is an inflammatory condition in the brain. There’s more and more research that shows that there’s low levels of inflammation in people who have depression and anxiety and other mental health conditions like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD and even sub-diagnostic symptoms, such as brain fog and cognitive disruptions. So all of these are a result of some kind of inflammation in the brain. And so a lot of these foods are working to heal depression and anxiety with their ant-inflammatory properties.
And so the first thing that’s recommended to eat are lots of anti-inflammatory fats. These are omega 3 fatty acids such as fish oil. So you can either increase the amount of fish oil by having fatty fish three times a week. You can remember what a fatty fish is by the acronym SMASH. And SMASH stands for sardines, mackerel, anchovy, salmon and herring, and also trout, so SMASHT. And these kinds of fish are rich in the omega 3’s EPA and DHA. Our body can make EPA, but some of us have impaired ability to make it. And so supplementing is necessary for a lot of these people. If you’re looking for a fish oil, make sure you look for one that has a higher amount of EPA compared to DHA. This is very important, because studies on depression are very favourable for fish oil supplementation, but the ratio of EPA to DHA has to be at least 3:1 or higher, and the higher the ratio, the higher the amount of EPA relative to DHA, the better the anti-depressant effects, and the mood-regulating effects. So, fish oil actually showed positive outcomes treating bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, so there’s a mood-stabilizing effect as well. And we think because our brain is made up largely of DHA and EPA, but also the anti-inflammatory effects are very helpful for mood and emotional balancing and mood balancing.
Coconut oil is also another great oil you can add to your diet. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but it’s rich in something called Medium Chain Triglycerides. So these are saturated fats that the body uses readily for energy. So they don’t go through the normal process of digestion that other fats have to go through. They’re absorbed in our lymphatic system. So we get those fats, the energy from those fats, right away.
Coconut oil is very anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, so it can help regulate bacterial balance in our gut and it can give you a boost of energy. There’s also some evidence that being in ketosis, so this means relying on fats for energy, as opposed to carbohydrates, and, to an extent, proteins. Being in ketosis, so burning fat for fuel: body fat or dietary fat, has a mood-stabilizing effect. And so you might read about intermittent fasting, Ketogenic diet. I wouldn’t recommend doing that without working with a functional medicine practitioner, nutritionist or a naturopath, because there are some negative downsides to doing those kinds of diets prolonged, without supervision, but there is some growing evidence for that. But one thing you can do is add coconut oil to a morning smoothie, or eat a couple of tablespoons in the morning, even looking at some Bulletproof coffee recipes, that can also help with keeping your mood steady or your energy high in the morning.
Staying on the topic of fats and nuts, something that is really great for mental health are Brazil nuts. And Brazil nuts are high in a nutrient called selenium, which our body needs to create an anti-oxidant, the main anti-oxidant in our body, glutathione. You may have heard me talk about n-acetyl cysteine, NAC, which is an amino acid that I often recommend for people with bipolar disorder, for schizophrenia and, to an extent, depression and anxiety, and especially personality disorders, like borderline personality. There can be a very strong mood-stabilizing effect with NAC. And that’s probably because—we’re not exactly sure why that is—but it’s probably because NAC is the precursor to what our body uses to make glutathione, but we can’t make glutathione without selenium. So two brazil nuts a day, and they’re really delicious and fun to eat, they’re big nuts—two brazil nuts a day gives you the 200 mcg of selenium that’s the therapeutic dose. It’s also helpful for thyroid health.
Another thing I tend to recommend and am recommending a lot more in my practice is collagen, specifically gelatin, but for the more health-food minded people, going with a collagen hydrosylate supplement from grass-fed meat is something that I often recommend. But, for most people and myself, I just throw some gelatin that you can buy at Bulk Barn, into a shake or into a seed bowl, or into something that I’m eating like oatmeal, or I’ll make jello out of it.
So, gelatin is really rich in collagen, so it’s made from the hooves of animals, and collagen has a gut-stabilizing effect, so it can help heal the gut. A lot of us suffer from something called “leaky gut” in which inflammation in the gut makes its way to the rest of our body and can affect our brain. Leaky gut can often result in “leaky brain”, resulting in inflammation in the brain and then mental health symptoms. So, collagen helps to repair the gut barrier and the blood-brain barrier. It’s also very anti-inflammatory because it’s high in an amino acid called glycine, which is a calming neurotransmitter as well as an amino acid. It can also help balance the immune system. So anyone that has a low level of autoimmunity, or maybe your immune system is on the sluggish side and you’re getting colds and flus and infections more readily than others, collagen is a great supplement for that. Because our main sources of protein: meat, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, don’t contain a lot of glycine. We’re pretty glycine deficient in our society because we’re not eating that much gelatin, we’re not getting as much bone broth. And so you can get collagen from from making bone broth, from stewing bones and accessing that bone marrow, or you can get it from something like gelatin, which is from hooves, from the collagen-rich membranes, the cartilages, of animals. There’s also fish collagen for more pescatarian-oriented people.
Collagen is also really great for anti-aging, for treating hair loss, for skin and for cellulite. So, all aesthetic things that might bring someone in to my practice, but also really great for mood balancing. A good source of protein as well.
You can either just throw it into a shake, mix it into some water or make your own jello. And I make jello by boiling some fruit, about a cup of blueberries in water. I boil it until the blueberry juice is extracted, then I add a couple tablespoons of gelatin and then I put it in the fridge until it’s hard. And you have a natural jello you can serve to your kids. It’s pretty good.
Another great food to help balance your mood and mental health is turmeric. Turmeric, or curcumin, as it’s scientifically called, is a spice that is used mostly in India. It’s a yellow spice, it stains things yellow: your clothes, your counter, your intestines. It has very very strong anti-inflammatory benefits. It also helps the liver detoxify, it’s been shown to have anti-cancer properties, it’s a really powerful, nutrient-rich plant, root. So studies have shown that two grams per day of turmeric actually outperformed Prozac for treating depression and probably this is due to its anti-inflammatory properties in really lowering inflammation in the brain, which we know is really one of the underlying roots of depression. The way that we get to that inflammation is different in every person with depression, but there is this kind of common thread of inflammation that’s going on in every case of mental health condition, mental illness. So, adding turmeric to foods, or supplementing with turmeric, is a great way to combat that inflammation and keep moods balanced.
Some other foods you might want to add to your diet are foods that are rich in zinc. So, these are mainly things like pumpkin seeds. You’ve got to get around two cups, though, of pumpkin seeds, to get a decent therapeutic dose of zinc, or oysters. Or you can supplement with zinc. Zinc, again, is anti-inflammatory, it can help heal the gut. We need it to make neurotransmitters and enzymes that our brain needs to rebalance mood. And there’re also some studies that zinc increases something called BDNF. BDNF is a chemical in the brain that help with neurogenesis, this is the creation of new neurons in an area of the brain called the hippocampus. So you may have heard “you can’t teach and old dog new tricks” or that our neurons never regenerate once we reach a certain age, and this is not true because new research has shown that we do have neurogenesis, something called neurogenesis, that increases and changes and grows new neurons even as we age. And so anyone suffering from brain fog or really high amounts of cognitive stress, or mental illness, maybe benefit from zinc as that increases the neurogenic abilities of the brain. It’s also very anti-inflammatory and it can help with leaky gut and leaky brain situations. Vegetarians, unfortunately, are often deficient in zinc just because we get most of it from animal products and animal sources, but really upping your pumpkin seed intake might get you to a therapeutic level of zinc or you can supplement as well.
Another really great addition to your diet to help balance mood and to improve your mental and cognitive health are fermented foods. So, these include things like kefir, kombucha, kim chee, saurkraut, and yogurt, if you do dairy. These things, they contain probiotics, and studies show that it may be better to supplement or to add fermented foods to your diet rather than supplementing with a probiotic, and this is obviously an individualized recommendation that would have to be made by a doctor, but adding fermented foods to your diet, especially if you make them at home and ferment them at home, like you make your own kombucha or your own kefir, that can actually boost the probiotic capacity of your gut. Probiotics actually make neurotransmitters, they make things like serotonin, and the calming neurotransmitter GABA and they can help us digest our food, like gluten, as well as combat inflammation and regulate our entire immune system. It’s also important to feed those probiotics with something called resistant starch that you can find in carbohydrates that have been cooled to room temperature after they’ve been cooked, so, for example brown rice that’s after it’s been cooked as been cooled to room temperature, potato starch, green bananas, black beans, and jerusalem artichokes. These are all starches that bacteria feed on and that keeps them populated in the gut. Coconut oil tends to kill more pathogenic bacteria and therefore can promote a healthy bacterial balance.
And lastly, I’m going to talk about leafy greens. So, adding a cup of spinach, or two cups of spinach or chard to your diet will give you the amount of magnesium you need. Magnesium has a calming effect on the body. We need it to make the neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and melatonin, to help with sleep. Magnesium also can help balance mood and help us with stress. A lot of us suffer from stress. It can also make our brain more resilient to stress, as stress is one of the major causes of neuro-inflammation in people with mental illness and this can be stress from a significant trauma, it can be psychosocial stress, interpersonal stress, the stress of being out of work, even long-term chronic stress or burnout from school and work and things like that. So, two cups of spinach gives you your daily magnesium serving. You can also get it from chocolate but you need to eat quite a bit of chocolate.
So, in boosting your mental health, or in promoting mental and emotional wellness, you can add all of these foods to your diet and balance your inflammation, feel good and nourish yourself.
I often recommend smoothies as an easy way to manage mental health symptoms, balance blood sugar, reduce inflammation and increase energy. I discuss the types of foods I put into my morning smoothie and their benefits on the body and mind.
Hello, everyone. My name is Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, I’m a naturopathic doctor with a special focus in mental health and emotional wellness and today I’m going to talk to you about how to make one of my favourite breakfasts to recommend patients: the morning smoothie. I always recommend smoothies in the mornings because it’s a great way to take care of a lot of your daily recommended nutrients in terms of protein, vegetable, anti-oxidant-rich berries and a healthy source of fat.
I always recommend somewhere between 20-30 grams of protein in the morning for people with depression and anxiety as well as digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, anything like fatigue or chronic stress because when we wake up in the morning we’ve been fasting for at least 8 hours. Sometimes in healthier cases, it’s actually better to fast for 12 hours and so throughout the night our blood sugar hasn’t been stimulated, we haven’t been increasing our blood sugar throughout the night and so, when we start our morning with something like, in North America, like we usually start, with a piece of toast or some sugar-rich cereal, our blood sugar goes from the lowest point, since we’ve been fasting for so long, and spikes. And then around 10 am, a couple hours after we’ve had our breakfast, our blood sugar will drop again, causing symptoms of hypoglycemia, which can worsen stress, it can trigger cortisol release and cause fatigue, worsening of anxiety and depression. And then throughout the day our blood sugar’s going to go up and down as we start to crave sugar again and it’s more likely to throw us off our balanced state that we want to be in.
So I start by recommending 20-30 g of protein to my patients in the morning and they often ask me what they can eat. And I’ll recommend something like leftovers from the night before, like a chicken breast has about 30 g of protein. Other patients ask “can I eat eggs?” And eggs are wonderful to eat but in order to get 30 g of protein you need to eat about 5 or 6 eggs, which is not typical. We usually eat 1 or 2. Although eggs is a great addition. You can throw eggs into your smoothie as well.
It’s also important to get a nice source of fat in your smoothie. So this is something that we often leave out, we don’t put sources into smoothies and so I recommend something like ground flaxseed or coconut oil, olive oil if you have that lying around, avocado, you can even through your fish oil in, if you’re that kind of person.
And I always throw in a leafy green, which you can’t taste. A cup of something like spinach or kale is a source of leafy greens. It’s full of fat-soluble vitamins as well as things that help us detoxify the estrogens from our body and keep our hormones balanced. This is something I always recommend for women with irregular periods or heavy periods, or things like PCOS, Polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, infertility. Anything that causes estrogen to go off and if you’ve read some of my articles you know that a lot of us suffer from estrogen-dominance. This is just more estrogen than progesterone in the female body. Even men can suffer from this and that’s because we’re just exposed to so many things, so many toxins in our environment that are activating estrogen receptors. So by eating leafy greens, we allow our bodies to detoxify a lot of those xeno-estrogens, those toxic estrogens in our environment.
So all you need is a blender. I like to throw in some baby spinach, pre-washed. I just eye it and throw in a couple of handfuls. That amount. Just a couple servings of spinach. The nice thing about things like spinach is it blends really well. You don’t taste it and depending on how much other ingredients you throw in, your smoothie might not even be green, so you can also fool your kids by throwing some spinach in their smoothies.
I always throw in some frozen berries. You can put in blueberries or a berry medley. I get it from No Frills for about $11 for a bag. Frozen’s nice because your smoothie gets icey. It might not be the best for winter but the days are still warm our digestive fire is still strong enough to be able to digest things that are cold.
Today the fat I’m going to add is coconut oil. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but it contains medium-chain triglycerides, which our body doesn’t need to convert into sugar to be used as energy so we can just use them right away as an energy source. It’s great for the skin and it’s great for gut-healing because of its anti-fungal properties. It’s also really good for balancing blood sugar and boosting our metabolism. 2 tablespoons, I put in.
Fats are great medicinal foods. You can throw in a couple tablespoons of olive oil if you have cholesterol issues, blood sugar issues. The right kinds of fats are very anti-inflammatory and we know that inflammation is implicated in things like digestive issues, depression and anxiety, stress and so, by making sure we’re getting the right balance of fats in our diet, you can start in your morning smoothie, by setting your fat balance on the right track, be able to balance inflammation and feel really good throughout the day.
This smoothie will also keep you full really long, well into the afternoon because of the source of fats in it. I like to throw in things like eggs as well, just raw eggs. It’s difficult for me to really recommend it universally to all my patients because there is, of course, the risk of salmonella in raw eggs. So, at your own risk you can try it out, but I find it really makes it taste nice and rich as well as give us a good source of cholesterol. And cholesterol’s a good thing, because we need cholesterol to make hormones. Especially in depression and anxiety. You don’t want to be sacrificing cholesterol or taking—of course this depends on your health history—but there’s a risk of depression in people who are taking statin drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs that are lowing our cholesterol in the body because how are we making our hormones if we don’t have enough cholesterol.
You can also throw in something like an avocado, it makes it nice and thick and rich or some peanut butter or almond butter, or nut butter. I’m also going to throw in some ground flaxseed.
Flax has two really great medicinal benefits. I use it for hormone-balancing in a lot of my patients with things like period irregularities or amenorrhea, this is not getting your period, infertility. So what flax does is it activates estrogen receptors. But it activates them weakly so if you’ve too much estrogen, the flax competes for the estrogen by binding to receptors preventing those hyper-estrogenic effects and if you don’t have enough estrogen, so in the case of post-menopause or ovarian failure, flax binds to estrogen receptors and causes the estrogen effects that we really want, like libido and energy and the expression of female sex characteristics. It can also clear skin and it’s great for acne, it’s great for regulating periods. It’s great for balancing heavy periods, bringing periods back and making them more regular.
Flax is also great for constipation because it’s a good source of fibre and you need to grind the flax, it needs to be milled. And this is because our body can’t break down whole flaxseeds. So you might have seen breads or crackers where there’s whole flaxseeds and they advertise flax on the package, well it really doesn’t so us any good. It just passes right through the body. It’s not adding those fibres or medicinal fats.
Finally, this is a protein powder that I just got from Bulk Barn. I find that Bulk Barn is the cheapest in terms of protein powders. I use a vegan protein powder. So this is great is you’re vegan or vegetarian. Whey is the best absorbed protein, but personally I have a food sensitivity to whey, caseine and other dairy products, so I go with vegan protein, which is a mix of pea protein, hemp protein and rice protein. But you can also use whey. If you’re sensitive to dairy and not sure if you’re sensitive to whey, always go with a whey isolate, because whey isolate doesn’t contain caseine, which is the protein in milk that most people react to. So it’s just pure whey.
In my protein powder, I also mix gelatin. So gelatin is just a crystalized powder. I put in one scoop of protein powder for 30 grams of protein. So gelatin comes from the hooves of animals. It’s rich in collagen and it can actually increase the amount of collagen in the body. It’s an incomplete protein, so it has a lot of an amino acid called glycine, which most of us are deficient in because we don’t get a lot of glycine from the meat of animals. It’s actually located in the collagen. Glycine’s a really calming neurotransmitter. We use it to bind minerals, so if you’re my patient you might have been prescribed magnesium glycinate, which is an easier absorbed form of magnesium, also a source of glycine, to help calm the body. It activates those suppressive neurotransmitters, the GABA pathways in the brain so it’s great for calming anxiety and great for preparing us for sleep. But it doesn’t make you tired for the rest of the day. What’s great about getting a source of collagen is that it can help with gut healing. It can help with the integrity of the gut in leaky gut situations and it’s great for the skin and hair because we know our skin is made of collagen as well as our joints. So, if you have acne, acne scars, if you’re suffering from premature aging or sun damage, a couple tablespoons of gelatin or collagen hydrosylate is a great thing that you can do every morning.
So I’m just going to add in, as your liquid source you can add in something like water, I usually just use water or almond milk. I’m going to use coconut milk today because it’s delicious. I’m going to mix a little bit of coconut milk with water. Just tap water. I’m going to add some tap water. So how much water you add depends on how thick you want your smoothie and the quality of your blender. I filled it up to about 500 ml. I like to eat a lot in the mornings.
Put it into your blender. So this is my smoothie pre. And then you just pour your smoothie in a glass. Mine’s kind of on the watery side. It turns out purple, not green at all, so you can still fool the kids. If you want to make it sweeter, you can add in half a banana, or even some maple syrup. But it tastes pretty good. It tastes like berries.
So this is great because liquid is obviously, it’s pre-chewed, so it’s easier for our body to absorb the nutrients, which is nice in the morning, especially for people who aren’t really into breakfast. It’s also really portable you can put it in a mason jar or a glass container and take it to work. You can drink it half before leaving for work and half while in your in the car or commute or on the subway. A lot of your nutrition for the day is taken care of. So, even if you, have not-an-ideal lunch or dinner you’ve gotten a great source of highly-absorbable protein, you’ve gotten some gut-healing in in the form of gelatin. You’ve gotten some healthy fats and a serving of leafy greens and anti-oxidant-rich berries. So, you’re on your way for a healthy day.
The key to having healthy, delicious meals on the go is organization. I explain how I overcome a busy schedule by doing a focused grocery-shop, heating up the oven and batch-cooking seven or more whole-food, healthy meals in under three hours.
You know the feeling: you’re finishing up a long day of work, your blood sugar levels are dropping, and you’re wondering what you’re going to eat once you get home. When you assess the situation, you realize that you’re coming home to a fridge that’s empty, and your Julia Childsesque inspiration levels are at an all-time low. You decide on frozen pizza (freezer burnt and sad), and a half-eaten jar of pickles.
My patients sometimes tell me that they don’t have time to cook and so they end up microwaving a Lean Cuisine or throwing limp fish sticks into the oven once they’ve dragged themselves through the front door. I find this interesting because I know that I can stick some chicken breast, squash and broccoli in the oven and have it ready quicker than you can say “leaky gut”. I believe, though, that the secret to success is preparation, mindset, a little bit of organization and nutritional know-how.
I frequently get caught in the “what-am-I-going-to-eat” spiral but, with a fridge stocked with foods that are already cooked and can last for days, I usually end up eating something that’s pretty good for me. Here’s what I do on a weekend, or weeknight when I have a little more wiggle-room in terms of time: batch-cook. With the right prep you can throw together an endless combination of meals with minimal waste that requires very little prep and assembly the day of. What’s more, all of these meals are grain-free and nutrient-rich to keep hormones stable, energy sustained and mood high.
Step 1:Grocery shopping. On the way home from my clinic, I whip out my portable grocery bag and make a quick stop at the grocery store, or meat store and fruit and vegetable markets. When grocery-shopping I’m in and out in record time, and this is because I forgo straining to read complicated labels, or getting lost in heavily-processed middle aisles, and just stick to the peripheries: fruits and vegetables, deli, meat, fish, freezer. 95% of grocery-shopping should be about stocking up on perishables like proteins, veggies and fruits. I buy:
2-3 bags of pre-cut coleslaw, chopped kale, baby spinach and boxes of baby arugula from the pre-washed salad section
fennel, zucchini, broccoli, eggplant, tomatoes from the vegetable section
a bag of apples and avocado from the fruit section
goat cheese and natural sliced turkey breast from the deli section
chicken breast or chicken thighs, ground beef, steak and/or fish from the meat and fish section
eggs from the dairy fridge
frozen blueberries from the freezer
At home, in my cupboards, I know I already have things like: coconut milk, curry spices, salt, pepper, tomato salsa, tomato paste, frozen shrimp (in the freezer), chicken broth, and things like gelatin, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, vinegar, oils, etc. I also have onions, garlic and lemon in the fridge. If I didn’t have those, I would have picked them up too.
Step 2: Get cooking. When I get home I toss the heavy bag on the counter, wash my hands, grab the chopping board and knives out of the drawer and get to work. I throw on a favourite podcast (try Invisibilia, The Jordan Peterson Podcast, The Mental Illness Happy Hour, Shrink Rap Radio, Chris Kresser, or Found My Fitness—I welcome your suggestions for future batch-cooking sessions) and begin the batch-cooking.
I chop up the broccoli, eggplant and tomatoes. Setting the oven to 400 degrees, I drizzle coconut oil over the broccoli with some salt and pepper and get it browning in the oven. Next I line a baking sheet with tomatoes and eggplants and some sliced zucchini, add a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper and spices and bake those (when they’re cooked, I’ll add some flaxseeds to give them a breaded-kind of taste with none of the refined carbs and all the hormone-regulating fibre and healthy fats).
I drizzle the chicken breast with lemon and spread tomato salsa on top. Done. When the vegetables are finished I’ll cook it at 350 degrees for about 20-30 minutes, until chicken is cooked through. Then I’ll slice the chicken up to throw on salads or to warm up and have with vegetables.
I start browning the beef with onions, garlic and grass-fed butter. Once beef is browned, I add the shredded cabbage from the bags of coleslaw I bought, and possibly some of the shredded kale. I add coconut milk and curry spices and a little bit of chicken broth, salt and pepper. Thai-style paleo stir-fry done!
I get out a big container and chop up fennel. I mix that up with arugula and store it in the fridge. I’ll add some chicken breast, chopped apple, pumpkin seeds and goat cheese to this tomorrow for a delicious, protein-rich salad lunch. I make dressing out of lemon, tahini, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper and store that in a little jar in the fridge, so that I can throw it on the salad in the morning. I can also add cut-up sliced turkey breast to this if I run out of chicken.
I pre-spiralize some left-over zucchini with my vegetable spiralizer and store the noodles in the fridge. I make pasta sauce by adding Italian spices and olive oil to diced tomatoes or tomato paste. All I need to do for a low-carb pasta is add the sauce and some shrimp to the noodles and lightly cook until the noodles are soft. Voila: zucchini-noodle shrimp pasta. Also, a major delight of mine are Miracle Noodles, zero-calorie noodles made of glucomannan prebiotic fibre. All you have to do is rinse them. They’re super filling and taste just like rice noodles.
I cook kale, goat cheese and tomatoes together. I add the mixture to muffin tins and add eggs (I add all 12 eggs to make 12 frittatas). When the oven’s free, I cooked everything at 350 degrees until the eggs are cooked through (about 20 minutes). Sometimes I cut up the sliced turkey breast to add or I use it to “line” the muffin cups, for added protein. I let the frittatas cool and then store them in an air-tight container in the fridge.
When the time comes, right before I’m ready to eat, I’ll cook the steak or fish on the stove. Steak takes me about 3-4 minutes to cook it, tops. I just brown eat side for 2-3 minutes and add salt and pepper. Salmon takes no time at all; I might bake it for 15 minutes or sauté it after pre-marinating it with some lemon, butter and dill, or Sriracha hot sauce, garlic, tamari sauce and dash of maple syrup.
I mash up the avocados with cocoa powder, some coconut oil, gelatin, protein powder and a bit of liquid stevia to make avocado pudding. I also save some avocados to eat with meals, add to salads, and mix into smoothies, or sprinkle with salt for a healthy-fat snack.
That’s it! I pack everything up in containers and store in the fridge. All I need to do when I get hungry is spoon out portions, warm and eat. I can also opt for freezing some things if I don’t think I’ll get to them in the next few days.
The verdict: 7+ meals prepared in the time it took me to listen to 1-2 podcast episodes. Here’s what I eat for the next few days:
Mini frittatas with kale, goat cheese and tomatoes. I grab 2-3 on my way out the door.
Smoothies: with baby spinach, frozen blueberries, coconut oil, protein powder (already had some), gelatin, water. I throw these in a blender and enjoy.
Avocado pudding
Arugula salad with cut up chicken breast, pumpkin seeds, goat cheese, fennel, apple and lemon tahini dressing
Chicken breast and roasted vegetables and/or roasted broccoli
Salmon or steak with broccoli, roasted vegetables, or salad
Cooked eggs with avocado and some arugula salad
Cabbage and ground beef coconut curry (I can add zucchini noodles or Miracle Noodles to this)
Zucchini noodle shrimp pasta with tomato. I can also forgo the shrimp and serve with steak, salmon or chicken breast.
I’ll eat a handful of pumpkin seeds, apples and peanut butter, mini frittatas, turkey breast slices or avocado pudding. I’m usually not much of a snacker, though.
As a naturopathic doctor, one of the first things I recommend to my patients is a breakfast overhaul. Adding healthy fats, protein and vegetables to the first morning meal can change your hormonal signalling and improve your energy and mood.
When it comes to writing my patients prescriptions for pills, even natural ones, I tend to be a minimalist. This means I try to limit my supplement recommendations. Depending on my patients’ concerns, I prefer to work with their diets and lifestyles, making useful tweaks and suggestions to their daily routines. I find my patients appreciate this and often stick to these mini changes in the long-term, which means that a) these changes are easy and sustainable and b) they work! When I begin to work with a new patient for the first time, some of the first recommendations I make is that they begin to rethink the way they do breakfast.
The Standard America Diet may be SAD in many ways, but the main meal that brings a tear to my eye is our affectionately termed “most important meal of the day”—breakfast, when we break our nightly fasts and engage in the consumption of low-nutrient, high-carb atrocities like breakfast cereals, muffins (aka mini cakes) and instant oatmeals packed full of sugar.
If the meals we eat in a day could be viewed as a series of performances, then breakfast would be the opening act. It sets the stage for our blood sugar and hormone-regulation for the rest of the day. When we begin our days with simple carbohydrates (the composition of the above-mentioned breakfast foods), we strap ourselves in for a blood-sugar roller coaster ride that throws off the signalling of all the other hormones in the body, taxing our adrenal glands, our sex hormones, our mood and mental health and even setting the stage for weight gain and chronic inflammation.
I tend to believe that some people do genuinely do well without breakfast. There is some research that suggests that fasting for a portion of the day (at least 12 hours a day) can regulate blood sugar and insulin levels and help us manage our weight and day-time energy levels. It can even help us sleep more deeply. However, for those of us who are hungry in the morning (or a few hours after), there is evidence that getting a complete meal into our bodies within the first hour of waking can start the circadian clocks present in our livers and digestive organs, priming us for a day of abundant energy, good digestion, and an efficient metabolism. In fact, the research on intermittent fasting seems to indicate that skipping dinner, rather than breakfast, might be more beneficial, as our bodies are more insulin-sensitive in the morning and therefore more able to use food for fuel, rather than storing it as fat, at that time of the day.
When we first wake up, our cortisol levels should be at their highest. Cortisol is a stress hormone, yes, but also responsible for giving us feelings of wakefulness and alertness. Eating, especially on a consistent schedule, can help boost cortisol levels, thereby boosting early-morning energy levels. Additionally, like the brain, the liver possess its own circadian rhythms. It punches in its time clock for work once we eat our first bite of food or take our first sip of a non-water beverage, allowing us to digest, detoxify, and process certain hormones in the body.
When it comes to the first meal of the day, there are two basic Breakfast Laws I live by:
The first is to get adequate protein. For most people this means eating at LEAST 20, but preferably 30, grams of protein (about the amount in one decent-sized portion of chicken or beef) in the morning. Protein is the building block of the body: it constructs our neurotransmitters, enzymes and the structure of our cells. When we get adequate amounts at meal-times, it keeps blood sugar stable, which balances mood and energy. Those of us who experience the energy tank around 3pm and crave sweets or require caffeine to get through the rest of the day, often notice that our energy remains stable throughout the day when we eat a high-protein breakfast. However, getting 30 grams of protein in the morning means rethinking what a traditional breakfast looks like: one egg only contains about 5 to 7 grams of protein, depending on size. One cup of oatmeal has only 6. Therefore, I suggest my patients concentrate on adding animal products, such as meats, yogurt and eggs, or vegetarian protein sources like tofu, legumes, peanut butter, and protein powder, to their first meal, or to mix different protein sources (such as turkey and eggs) to get their protein levels up to that 20 to 30-gram range.
The second Breakfast Law is to include healthy fats. Breakfast is a meal, arguably the day’s most important, as that’s when our digestive system is working optimally, our insulin receptors are at their most sensitive, and our metabolism is the most revved. Since a balanced meal contains all of the macronutrients, it’s important not to skip fat in the morning. Fat satiates us and keeps blood sugar stable. It nourishes our brain, cell membranes and forms the backbone of our hormones. Ensuring that we include healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, fish oil, nuts, seeds, grass-fed butter, and coconut, keeps us feeling full and energized well into the afternoon, while giving us a boost to our metabolic rate and improving our fat-burning potential. I tend to recommend coconut oil at this time of day, as the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil bypass the digestive system and are used as immediate energy, giving us a much-needed morning boost.
Since the patients I work with are often busy individuals with demanding lives who struggle with chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, mental health concerns and digestive issues, I often suggest beginning the day with a ketogenic breakfast. This means having a breakfast that is high in healthy fats, has a decent amount of protein and micronutrients, from leafy greens or other vegetables, and is low in carbohydrates. By avoiding high levels of carbohydrates early in the morning we harness our body’s fast-burning capacity and regulate our blood sugar and insulin levels. This, in turn, balances our other hormones, such as neurotransmitters, stress hormones and sex hormones. It also keeps inflammation levels low. Eating a high-fat, low-carb breakfast encourages the body to make ketone bodies for energy, which have been shown to promote mental alertness and to balance mood. Patients who take on a ketogenic breakfast for a month often report life-changing effects: more energy throughout the day (avoiding that 3pm crash), brighter mood and mental clarity, less sugar cravings, and greater feelings of satiety that bridge them all the way to lunch-time.
Finally, I often recommend getting a serving of micronutrient-dense leafy greens into the morning meal. We North Americans tend to skimp on our vegetables, especially the majorly health-promoting green leafy ones. Getting one or two servings of vegetables out of the way early on in the day is a great way to boost our vegetable intake.
Here are some healthy and easy-to-throw-together alternatives to that greasy breakfast sandwich lying under a warming lamp in your company’s cafeteria. I swear you’ll never look back:
1. Any variation on the home-made omelette/scrambled eggs/breakfast sandwiches. Grab a bunch of your favourite vegetables, leafy greens preferred, and cook them down in a pan. Add scrambled eggs, a few slices of natural turkey breast, leftover steak, salmon, natural sausages, or tofu (if you’re a vegetarian). Play around with different ingredients like olives, sun-dried tomatoes, roasted zucchini and squash, goat cheese, avocado, arugula, etc. If you need some carbs, serve on gluten-free or sourdough bread, or roll up ingredients into the egg.
2. Mini frittatas. Similar to the omelette idea above, mini frittatas are a pre-prepared version for those of us who have limited time in the morning. You can make these out of virtually anything: ground turkey, kale and goat cheese; sun-dried tomatoes, basil, oregano, olives and arugula; avocado, ham, cheddar and broccoli; thai curry paste, coconut milk and cauliflower; even zucchini, spinach, flaxseed and cocoa powder. Cook up your ingredients sans eggs, then throw everything into a blender (add enough so that you can get your 20 to 30 protein grams from one to three frittatas), ground flaxseed and gelatin (for gut-healing and added protein). Pour into muffin cups and bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes or until eggs are cooked through. Freeze them or store them in the fridge, then grab some on your way out the door to warm up at the office.
3. Smoothies. Smoothies are one of my favourite ways to do breakfast, simply because blending everything together gives you the opportunity to pack a bunch of nutrient-rich foods into one easily digestible, portable place. They tend to taste great too, depending on how you do them.
My three general rules of thumb for creating smoothies is to add: 1) Leafy greens: kale, spinach, chard, etc. 2) Protein: usually in the form of protein powder. I like Vega and Sun Warrior, as vegan sources, but whey isolate also works, if you’re ok with dairy. Pick a protein powder that has no added sugar and at least 20 g of protein per scoop. 3) Fat: half an avocado, or a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil, ground flax or nut butters, etc. After following the three rules, feel free to doctor the smoothie up for variety: add berries, banana or honey to make it sweet and palatable; gelatin/collagen, guar gum or chicory root for gut-healing; cocoa powder to make it chocolate-y (who doesn’t want that); or lemon, spirulina or cilantro to boost your body’s detoxifying prowess in the morning. The possibilities are endless.
My go-to smoothie consists of spinach, frozen blueberries, flaxseed, avocado, coconut oil, water and protein powder. I blend those ingredients up and drink them on the go, or I add nuts and granola on top of a thicker blend and eat it with a spoon as a smoothie bowl. I’m usually full until 1-2 pm.
When my patients protest that their morning routine doesn’t allott them sufficient smoothie-prep time, I suggest they add the unblended ingredients to their blender the night before, storing everything in the fridge. In the morning, all they have to do is hobble over to the “blend” button, throw a lid on everything and fling the entire concoction into their lunch bags. Easy peasy.
4. Yogurt bowls. For those who “do dairy”, one cup of greek yogurt has about 25 grams of protein. I tell my patients to get the highest-fat kind they can find (grocery stores mainly carry up to 2%, whereas natural food stores carry higher fat-content brands). This is because 0% fat yogurt is just bad news; skim milk was used to fatten up pigs in the early 20th century by making them hungrier—it was a well-known trick amongst pig farmers that, for whatever reason, never seemed to become common knowledge for humans. I also encourage my patients to opt for unflavoured, unsweetened yogurt to avoid unnecessary sugar and chemicals. Kefir, or fermented milk, contains multiple strains of gut-loving bacteria and is an effective probiotic, so I often recommend that to patients whose guts needs some love.
To the yogurt, add a combination of chia, flaxseeds, nuts, gelatin, coconut oil, cinnamon and berries. You can store everything in a jar in the fridge overnight (or make a big batch) and grab and go on your way to work. For those who are dairy sensitive or lactose intolerant, coconut yogurt is a delicious alternative. It is protein-sparse, however, so getting protein from other sources, or adding a scoop of protein powder or a few tablespoons of gelatin, is needed to round out the macronutrients.
5. Fat bowls: When I’m in the mood for tons of fats, I make a fatty Paleo “granola” out of various nut and seed butters: tahini, peanut butter (the natural kind where the oil rises to the top) and/or almond butter. I add coconut oil, coconut flakes, ground up nuts (walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews) and flaxseeds. Then I add cocoa powder and a few drops of liquid stevia and a pinch of sea salt. The whole thing is delicious; like a kind of crunchy, healthier Nutella. You can add one to a half scoop of protein powder or gelatin to boost the protein content. Another fat bowl idea is avocado pudding: add one whole avocado, chocolate protein powder, cocoa powder and some liquid stevia together, and mash everything up by hand or blend in a blender.
6. Ketogenic, low-carb pancakes. Blend 3 eggs, 2 tbs of almond butter, 2 tbs of flaxseed, gelatin, a dash of vanilla extract and sea salt to make the batter, then cook like regular pancakes. You can also make these thin by adding a bit more liquid (water, nut milks, coconut milk), and use them as breakfast wraps, wrapping up things like avocado, goat cheese and arugula with them.
7. Leftovers. Most of the time I have non-breakfast food for breakfast. As I’m personally really into the efficiency of batch-cooking, I always have a few servings of protein (chicken, beef or fish) and ready-cooked vegetables in my fridge. I might also have a pot of curry, a stir-fry, paleo chilli or soup in the fridge as well. Many cultures enjoy savoury and spicy foods for breakfast and there’s no reason that leftover curried vegetables and chicken breast don’t make an awesome first meal of the day.