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While studying at the Lazy Daisy Cafe in Toronto’s east end with some classmates, I came across this inspiring poster in front of the washrooms:
While studying at the Lazy Daisy Cafe in Toronto’s east end with some classmates, I came across this inspiring poster in front of the washrooms:
I eat fast. I love taking huge mouthfuls of food and I’m usually the first one finished at the table. Maybe it’s because I’m Italian and have spent years becoming comfortable stuffing my mouth with large, heaping forkfuls, roped in spaghetti.
I want to thank Leanne at Eat and Get Moving for my 3rd blog award: The Sunshine Award. Receiving this award today is fitting considering the fact that it’s currently pouring rain outside. It’s an honour to receive recognition from the blogging community, knowing that other people are reading and appreciating your work. So, thanks, Leanne! I highly recommend visiting her blog, which is another good source of sunshine!
It’s astounding when I reflect on the fact that three years of immersion in naturopathic medical philosophy haven’t remedied the need for a quick-fix pill. The pill itself has changed, to become more “natural” (with the assumption that natural is far superior to a synthetic derivative of the same drug with similar pharmaceutical effects), but our desire remains the same.
October 19, 2012 ends another successful midterm week at CCNM. Not including our NPLEX 1 board exam, which was written in August, our first midterm week of 3rd year ticks a grand total of 61 CCNM exams off our growing lists.
While health magazines and other marketing campaigns often make it sound so complicated, the secrets to good health are simple: consume good food, drink water, exercise and reduce stress. We all intuitively know that obtaining great health is not found in a bottle, fad diet or the latest exercise craze. Most of these tips you’ve probably heard already, but allow me to lay them out for you all at once.
Now that we’re into fall it seems like I have a to-do list a mile long. Fortunately, even in a city like Toronto, there is still the opportunity to find the space between all the things that have to be done and slow down by doing some Shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing”.
Back in May, when the four glorious months of summer lay before me like a vast, expansive ocean, I had the luxury of fantasy. I imaged myself, summer skirts flowing and carrying a basket full of flowers, gliding over pavement on my bicycle.
It´s been a while since I´ve talked about food on this blog, which is a shame, since this blog is about naturopathic medicine and, as Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine.” Any naturopathic doctor will tell you that a great diet is the key to health, happiness and longevity. I´ve just gotten back from my fourth trip to Colombia and have decided to reflect on my most recent experience with Colombian cuisine.