You Don’t Have to Live With It

You Don’t Have to Live With It

hammer nailMany health complaints are common, but not normal.

“I take migraine medicine everyday,” boasted L. She then went on to describe her plenitful medicine cabinet that, at the age of 23, she’d stocked quite well. “I get headaches when the weather’s bad, when I forget my glasses, when I’m hungry-” she went on. I repressed my immediate impulse to give her a list of supplements she could take and dietary changes she could make to never have another headache again, and simply said, “Well, L, you know I have a practice in the West end. If you want any more support…You can call—”

“—No, I’m good”, she responded, hurriedly. “I just need to find out how to get more of my medication.” The medication she referred to was high dose acetominophen, or Tylenol. She was taking 1 g pills and her doctor had told her that she could dose up to 4 g per day. Since 4 g will cause immediate liver failure, I was happy to learn she hadn’t needed to get that high… yet. What’s more, she wasn’t treating the cause of her condition. She was just addressing the symptoms, and consequently negatively affecting her health.

To use the car dashboard analogy, when your fuel light comes on and makes a noise while you’re driving on the highway, what do you do? Most people, without giving it another thought, will pull over to address the root cause of the chaos by adding more gas to the car. Very few of us will take out a hammer and smash the dashboard in. In fact, most of us cringe at how ridiculous the thought is. Imagine the entire naturopathic community cringing when they hear about someone swallowing several grams of Tylenol to smash out their migraine.

Pulling the car over to refuel and smashing the dashboard both serve to stop the annoying blinking and beeping of the fuel light. One of them is addressing the root cause and actually paying attention to what your car needs. The other is, well… I’ll let you come up with an appropriate adjective.

So this begs the question: why do we insist on smashing our symptoms away? The fuel light may be annoying, but drivers value its presence as a tool to let us know that we need to refuel lest we end up stranded on the highway without gas. The blinking light lets us know what is going on inside our car.

Why don’t we view our body’s symptoms in the same way?

I have patients who think that their depression is a part of them, or that the painful distention under their belly buttons after eating is “normal”. Sometimes we identify with our physical ailments to the point where they define us, as if it’s our lot in life to have acne or poor digestion or to be overweight—it’s not.

Dandruff, painful menses, seasonal allergies, aches and pains are not “normal.” Sure, they’re common. No, they don’t necessarily mean you have some life-threatening disease, and therefore your family doctor probably doesn’t have a reasonable solution for them, besides smashing at them with the hammers in their toolbox from time-to-time.

When I saw my first ND, I was excited at the idea that, even though my doctor assured me that the random, annoying symptoms I was suffering from were “normal”, they were in fact not normal and something could be done about them. From the ND’s standpoint, the symptoms were an indication of budding imbalances and treating them was preventing more serious conditions down the line. Feeling cold all the time and excessively full after meals weren’t just annoying symptoms, they were important messages from my body that things weren’t all right and that something needed to be done.

Is there an annoying symptom you’ve been experiencing that you’ve come to accept as something you just have to live with?

Contact me to find out what we can do about it!


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: The Good, the Bad and the Hairy

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: The Good, the Bad and the Hairy

New Doc 1_2PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a condition which affects an estimated 10% of women in North America and is the most common endocrinological dysfunction in women.

Its symptoms and the people it affects are as diverse as there are people affected; it’s one of my favourite conditions to treat.

Signs and Symptoms:

PCOS is characterized by hormone dis-regulation. Oftentimes it presents with cysts on the ovaries, but not always. In PCOS there is often elevated blood glucose and other markers of insulin resistance. There are often issues with menstruation: the absence of periods (amenorrhea), or heavy and irregular bleeding (dysmenorrhea). Weight gain is common—although some women with PCOS can be thin—as is hormonal acne and hirsutism, a nice word for male-pattern hair growth: excess hair growth around the chin and upper lip, the chest or navel region. Pelvic pain around ovulation may occur when cysts rupture. Infertility is common in women with this condition.

PCOS is a syndrome, rather than a disease, which means it presents as a collection of symptoms that can be varied in their presentation and severity. Lab work may read that estrogen, testosterone and LH (a hormone produced by the pituitary gland and ovaries) are high and progesterone and FSH (a hormone released by the pituitary gland) are relatively low. However, what brings a woman with PCOS or PCOS-like symptoms into my office is varied and usually consists of any combination of visible symptoms: hair growth, weight gain, acne, menstrual irregularities or infertility.


We are uncertain how the collection of symptoms that is PCOS arises. One prominent theory is that issues with blood sugar and insulin regulation create ovarian cysts or disruptions in the secretion of sex hormones. This causes the ovaries to release more LH, which has the power to raise testosterone. High insulin, testosterone and estrogen can cause weight gain, hair-growth, acne, absence of ovulation (anovulation) and the inability to maintain the uterine lining and therefore carry a pregnancy to term.


PCOS is diagnosed by symptoms. It involves a combination of symptoms: amenorrhea (or absence of menstrual periods), infertility, hair growth on the face, acne and insulin resistance. The presence of ovarian cysts, as detected on an ultrasound were once diagnostic, but many patients present with symptoms and are cyst-free. An increase in LH and testosterone, with lab values indicating insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, can also lead doctors to suspect PCOS, when appearing in conjunction with other symptoms.

Because it is a syndrome, patients often come into my practice with a variety of complaints. Some come in to deal with their skin health, others want help with fertility or menstrual cycle regulation and many others come in with weight loss goals.

Conventional Treatment:

Treatment in conventional medicine is simple: oral contraceptives. If your testosterone is high and estrogen and progesterone are out of whack, the conventional medical system tells us to simply override natural hormone production, or lack thereof, with synthetic versions of the same thing. For my professional opinion on regulating hormones with oral contraception, see my post on the birth control pill (which I no longer take). These birth control pills often contain chemicals that prevent the secretion of male hormones. This helps clear up acne and hair growth.

Medication for type II diabetes, Metformin, is used to help regulate insulin. Patients experience weight loss on Metformin, as it helps control insulin resistance, however it also depletes vitamin B12, which means that regular injections of B12 are necessary to avoid deficiency symptoms. Further, Metformin doesn’t address the root cause of insulin resistance, which is most likely lifestyle and hormonal imbalance. This means that patients will be medicated (and therefore receiving B12 injections) for life.

I do not mean to negate the fact that oral contraception and Metformin have helped countless women. I respectfully acknowledge the fact that the lens I look through is one of a different, more natural and whole-bodied approach to medicine that aims to treat the individual by addressing the root cause of disease.

In short: I prefer to try it the naturopathic way first.

Naturopathic Treatment:

Lifestyle. Naturopathic remedies are very effective, but often quite involved. They begin with lifestyle modifications—a low glycemic index diet like the Mediterranean or the Paleo diets, that emphasize whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and lean protein and eliminate sugar, white flours and white carbohydrates. Exercise is important in treating PCOS. One of my professors advocates intense cardio, such as high-intensity interval training, or weight-lifting 5-6 days a week. This must be done for several months before effects are seen and blood sugar and other hormones are regulated.

Supplementation and botanicals. Myo-inositol, a B vitamin, is a first-line treatment for PCOS in the natural health world. The amount of research steadily growing behind its use should probably make this gentle and effective treatment first-line for treating PCOS in all healthcare fields. Studies show that, when dosed properly, inositol can regulate blood sugar, assist with weight loss and regulate menses, even promote fertility.

Herbs like Vitex agnus-castus, or chaste tree, can help regulate the balance between estrogen and progesterone. Spearmint and Serenoa repens, or saw palmetto, can help decrease male hormones in the body. Gymnema and berberine are other therapies useful for regulating blood sugar and helping with weight loss.

Ensure that you are receiving counsel from a licensed naturopathic doctor before supplementing. The dose and quality of supplements and herbs is essential to feeling better—don’t hack it in the health food store alone!

Acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective for promoting fertility. I have had some good success in promoting pregnancy and fertility with acupuncture in my practice. Fertility clinics in Canada now use acupuncture before and after IVF treatments to ensure treatment success. It also helps to relieve stress and lower cortisol, which helps with insulin-lowering and blood sugar management.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, PCOS can manifest as dampness, Qi or yang deficiency or issues with the Spleen or Kidneys. Acupuncture can help tonify and balance these patterns.

Homeopathy. I have had success using homeopathy in conjunction with lifestyle and supplementation in treating PCOS. Homeopathy acts deeply on the energetic level of disease, working on the level of emotions and sensations and working to address the energetic cause of disease. It involves a thorough interview and an individualized prescription from a licensed naturopathic doctor or homeopath.

Mind-Body Medicine. The ovaries are located at the level of the second chakra, which is an energetic centre in the body associated with sexuality and creativity. Christine Northrup, MD, asserts that the presence of ovarian cysts represents an energetic blockage in our creative power and unmet emotional needs. Louise Hay, author of “You Can Heal Your Life” tells us that ovarian cysts represent some sort of past hurt that we can’t let go of. Crying, journalling and identifying repressed emotions can help to remove these energetic blockages. In many women with PCOS, there is an imbalance in the identification with their femininity, or what it means to be a woman.

Sometimes our bodies alert us of imbalances in our emotional lives through the presence of physical symptoms. As a naturopathic doctor, it is essential I address all levels of the person—mentally, emotionally and spiritually, not simply physically.

PCOS is a diverse and challenging condition to treat that can cause a lot of hardship for the women who suffer from it. However, a diagnosis of PCOS can be an opportunity for growth and transformative healing through naturopathic medicine. For this reason, I find it can be one of the most interesting and rewarding conditions to treat. Contact me to find out more.

Raw Chocolate Mint Squares

Raw Chocolate Mint Squares


It’s hard to please everyone nowadays. Some people won’t eat grains, others want to protect the animals. Still other people prefer to cut down on their sugar or avoid foods cooked over certain temperatures to preserve nutrients. How do you satisfy this diverse group of foodies with one one-size-fits-all dessert? The search ends here. These chocolate mint squares are raw, vegan, Paleo, low sugar – the only thing they aren’t is hard to make. They take a few minutes to prepare and all you need are the ingredients and a decent food processor or blender.

They somewhat resemble their tooth-achingly sweet cousin, the Nanaimo Bar, with their pretty layers and chocolate finish, but with a health-promoting twist. While these still count as a dessert, they contain healthy fats (avocado, coconut oil and walnuts), fibre and, well, chocolate. We all love chocolate. They’re also decadent with their bright green middles. If you’re in the mood for something even more luxurious, check out the exceptional range of chocolates and in-house made confections from Nuttery NY. Their collection offers high-quality treats that combine delicious flavors with top-notch ingredients. From rich, artisanal chocolate bars to expertly crafted truffles and unique chocolate-based desserts, there’s something for every chocolate lover.


1 cup large dates, pits removed

1/4 cup cocoa powder

1/2 cup walnuts

3 small avocados

coconut oil

1/4 maple syrup or honey

bakers dark chocolate, or dark chocolate baking wafers (available at Bulk Barn)

2 tsp of peppermint extract



Base layer:

Lay some parchment paper on a small baking pan. In a food processor blend together the dates (add a little water to the mixture), cocoa powder and walnuts. Spread the blended ingredients over the parchment paper and place everything in the freezer so that it hardens.

Middle layer:

Blend together the avocados, 2 tbs of coconut oil, the maple syrup and 1 capful of peppermint extract. I like to squeeze in a little lemon to keep the avocados looking nice and green. When the base layer is hard, pour the middle layer on top, then return to the freezer for minimum one hour.

Top layer:

In the microwave or small sauce pan, melt a handful of chocolate, 1 tbs coconut oil and 1/2 capful of peppermint extract. Mix together until everything is liquid and uniform. Pour a thin coating of the chocolate layer on top of the frozen avocado layer then return everything to the freezer.

When everything is set in place, carefully cut the recipe into small squares. They will be hard to cut if the top chocolate layer is too thick, as it cracks when hardened. It helps to heat the knife with hot water and slowly cut the squares. Store everything in the freezer and serve cold.

Destroying Myths About Naturopathic Medicine

Destroying Myths About Naturopathic Medicine

IMG_1856My family waste no time making illusions about their lack of acceptance of my form of medicine. If left unchecked, dinner table conversation can quickly lead to arguments about the efficacy of the flu shot, why Cold FX is unnecessary and whether “eating in moderation” includes microwave pizza. Lately I’ve decided it’s not worth the bother to champion my cause; I now simply remain silent, keeping my eyes on my gluten-free toast. Having a family that is not well-versed in natural medicine, however, is educational. It removes me from the naturopathic medicine bubble of my colleagues and ex-classmates and brings me back to reality. The truth is that many people don’t know or can’t appreciate what we naturopathic doctors do. There are several myths I’ve been confronted with, ranging from critically negative to unknowingly innocent, that need to be destroyed.

1. Naturopathic Medicine is not scientific.

The main criticism against naturopathic medicine is that it is unfounded and unscientific. “If alternative medicine worked, it would just be called medicine,” once said Tim Minchin, a comedian that skeptics love to quote. While there are several political reasons for the fact that there are not as many studies on natural therapies as there are on conventional medical therapies, the body of evidence that supports natural therapies is growing. Naturopathic doctors use conventional medicine to diagnose, request laboratory tests and perform physical exams on our patients. We follow many conventional medical guidelines, all of which are evidence-based. In naturopathic medical school, we were taught to consult a wide range of scientific journals for developing our treatment plans. Throughout our education we were required to write research reviews and case studies. The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and its affiliate centres such as the Ottawa Integrated Cancer Centre conduct many research studies and offer research residency programs for graduates of the naturopathic medicine program.

Further, the notion that nutrition is unscientific is ridiculous. We know that what we put in our bodies can either improve or diminish our state of health. Herbal remedies and therapies, such as acupuncture, have been used for millennia. Most drugs are derived from the medicinal properties of herbs.

Additionally, there is an increasing number of medical doctors employing natural therapies in their practices; the reasons being that they are safe, gentle and they work.

2. Naturopathic doctors are anti-pharmaceutical, anti-surgery and anti-vaccine.

The practice of naturopathic medicine involves adhering to the Therapeutic Order. This order is a loose guideline for developing a treatment plan that begins with establishing the conditions for health: a healthy diet, lifestyle and environment, and ends with more invasive therapies not performed by naturopathic doctors, such as powerful medications and surgery. For example, if you break your arm, a medical doctor will set the bones back into place, manage your pain and immobilize the bones by using a cast and sling. However, drugs and surgery do not fuse your bone back together. This magical feat is performed by your body, or what we naturopathic doctors term the healing power of nature. Surgery would not work without it. Our job as naturopathic doctors is to help your body do its job of healing, enabling your bones to heal faster.

Like natural therapies, some conventional therapies are better than others. Some heavy medications are necessary for temporarily managing pain or stabilizing life-threatening acute conditions, such as anaphylactic shock. However, preventing these health crises or working alongside conventional medicine to help the body better recover is the job of the naturopathic doctor.

Naturopathic doctors are not anti-vaccine. Some vaccines are more effective than others and, like many therapies, some vaccines carry with them risks, however small. Naturopathic doctors have medical knowledge and time to spend with patients. We believe in taking the time to share our knowledge and research with patients to help them make informed choices about their health and what goes into their bodies, vaccines included.

While vaccines play a critical role in public health, it’s important to acknowledge that, like any medical intervention, they come with potential risks. Some individuals may experience mild side effects, while in rare cases, more serious reactions can occur. It’s crucial for patients to have access to accurate information about these risks so they can make informed decisions about vaccination. Naturopathic doctors are committed to educating patients about both the benefits and potential risks associated with vaccines, allowing individuals to weigh their options carefully.

In cases where someone does experience an adverse reaction, understanding their rights becomes essential. This is where seeking guidance from professionals, such as My Vaccine Lawyer, can be helpful. These experts can provide the necessary legal advice and support for individuals who feel they’ve been harmed by a vaccine. While the occurrence of serious side effects is rare, having access to legal resources ensures that patients are protected and informed throughout their healthcare journey.

3. Patients need to choose between naturopathic and conventional medicine.

There are numerous studies that show that, when practiced together, naturopathic medicine and conventional medicine achieve better outcomes than conventional medicine alone. Naturopathic cancer care, for example, is not about curing cancer with green smoothies; it aims to keep patients feeling healthy and strong while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation so that they can complete their treatment. Many patients with cancer experience negative outcomes because the treatment cannot be completed due to diminishing health or debilitating side effects. For any condition, naturopathic doctors work alongside medical doctors to benefit our patients. The job of the naturopathic doctor is to help strengthen our patients’ health and support their bodies through disease, not compete with medical doctors. Many people term naturopathic medicine Integrative Medicine because it aims to integrate the existing body of medical knowledge, both conventional and natural, to better help patients.

4. You can go to a supplement store; you don’t need a naturopathic doctor.

Natural health products are a complicated issue because, like Advil, they can be acquired without a doctor’s prescription. However, this means that patients become consumers, subject to marketing schemes and misinformation. A naturopathic doctor is a doctor. We take your health history (spending up to 90 minutes doing so) and then spend time developing a comprehensive treatment plan that fits you as an individual. This is far more powerful and effective than simply buying health products on a whim or shooting in the dark. We recommend products at the correct dose and for the appropriate duration. We can also tell you which products have the most evidence behind them. We have studied medicine for 8 years and develop treatment plans, as doctors, to treat your condition. This is vastly different from self-prescribing fish oil because you heard it’s good for you.

5. You should only visit a naturopathic doctor if you’re willing to make drastic lifestyle changes.

There was a time when naturopathic doctors put all of their patients on an extreme diet, such as the Anti-Candida Diet or some facsimile. While many people felt better on this diet – it eliminated many noxious foods such as fast food, processed foods and sugar – it served to intimidate many who didn’t feel ready for such a drastic change. Fortunately for patients, those days are over. While the practice style of the naturopathic doctor can vary, my personal style is to start slowly and not overwhelm. The treatment plan your naturopathic doctor prescribes you will depend on your readiness for change; you will not be pushed into doing anything you are unready for. Naturopathic doctors are also trained in counselling and are able to assess your readiness for change and help motivate you to make health changes at a pace that you feel comfortable with. We are also trained to support you through the process of making changes, ensuring your success and health outcomes.

6. Naturopathic medicine is for the rich.

It is an unfortunate truth that naturopathic visits are not financially accessible for all Canadians. I charge between $95 to $150 for a visit and, even if the visit lasts 90 minutes, this is certainly not cheap. However, the cost of medicine is not cheap, even if it is covered by the government. There is evidence to show that naturopathic medicine saves the individual and the tax payer money; it is far cheaper to prevent disease than treat it. The average patient at my clinic spends $500 a year on naturopathic visits, most or all of which is covered by extended health benefits. In 2014 the Ontario government removed the need to charge HST for naturopathic visits, slightly reducing the cost of naturopathic medicine. Lastly, while supplements and therapies need to be paid for out of pocket, naturopathic doctors tailor their supplement recommendations to your treatment plan and are trained to take your financial situation into consideration when designing a treatment plan.

When we consider all of the things we channel our money towards, I believe that we as a country could afford to dedicate a little more of our salaries to our health. The average Canadian woman spends $1200 a year on cosmetics and personal care products. However, real beauty comes from being healthy—cultivating a healthy glow from the inside out. Health is your greatest asset; perhaps we should invest in it if we have the means. For those who simply cannot afford naturopathic medicine there are free satellite clinics staffed by interns and cost-effective options such as community acupuncture that provide natural medicine at a more affordable price.

7. Naturopathic medicine is for granola-munching hippies.

Even though my website and business cards are covered in flowers (flowers are beautiful!), naturopathic medicine aims to include everyone, no matter what their value system is. Naturopathic medicine is for people who value their health. It is for those who believe that healing is more than suppressing symptoms and remaining medicated for the rest of their lives. Naturopathic medicine offers an option to anyone who wonders how their lifestyle and diet may be affecting their health. We believe in empowering people to lead healthier lives and to take a more active role in how they feel mentally and physically. We use science, clinical experience and traditional therapies to help people feel better. You don’t need to be a vegan to appreciate what good health is worth.

What other natural health myths have you heard that require destroying?

Eggplant Masala

Eggplant Masala


Finding the time and energy to cook during the winter can be tough. However, one of the best things you can do for your health (and wallet) is cook meals at home. Knowing a few slow cooker recipes is essential for getting through a cold, dry winter. Soups, stews and curries are warming and easy to digest; these healthy comfort foods help us feel energized and keep our immune systems strong. Slow cooking is a great way to prepare healthy, hearty meals while you watch the Mindy Project or spend the day working or hiking in the forest. This recipe makes a good amount of eggplant masala, which is perfect for leftovers and lunches. The meal is gluten free (if served with rice) and dairy free as well as vegan. It is high in healthy fibres, healthy fats (if cooked in coconut oil or avocado oil) and protein. The recipe is an adaptation from one I learned at a cooking class I took while traveling in Northern India.




Eggplant Masala (from North India)


4 medium-sized eggplants

4 large tomatoes (or a can of diced tomatoes)

3 white onions

10 cloves of garlic

1 can of chickpeas or lentils

5 tbs mustard oil, coconut oil or another heat-stable oil (I had avocado oil on hand)

4 tsp ground coriander

3 tsp ground turmeric

2 tsp red chilli peppers

1 tsp salt

1 tsp garam masala

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp fenugreek seed (I couldn’t find fenugreek when I was in the grocery store, and my dog was waiting, tied outside, so I didn’t include it in this recipe. The recipe still tasted lush without it).

a blender, stove and slow-cooker (optional)




Heat oil on medium heat, add in the spices to release the flavours.

Blend together tomatoes, onions and garlic. Chop eggplants into 1 inch squares.

Add all the ingredients – eggplants, oil + spices, and vegetable blend, including the lentils/chickpeas – to a slow-cooker and cook on low for 6 hours or on high for 4. Take a walk with your family, meet your friend for coffee, ride your bike, have a bubble bath or leave for work. Another option is cooking the ingredients on a covered pan over medium-high heat for 40 minutes to 1 hour, or until eggplants are soft.

When ready, serve over rice or with chapati or naan.




Spiced Apples Recipe

Spiced Apples Recipe

IMG_5161Perfect for fall, this simple, easily-adapted recipe nourishes a tired digestive system. When the weather gets cold and dry, it serves us well to compensate with foods that are warm in both temperature and constitution. Eating naturally sweetened foods and healthy fats also helps nourish us through what is looking to be a long winter.



2 apples of your choice

a small handful of nuts: walnuts or pecans

1 tsp cinnamon

1 pinch each of nutmeg, cloves and ginger

1 tbs of oil: olive oil or coconut


Chop apples into slices. Put pan on medium heat, add in apples, oil, nuts and spices. Mix ingredients together, adding small amounts of water to reactivate the oil and coat the apples and nuts with spice. Heat until the apples have the desired softness. Allow to cool and enjoy.


This recipe can be consumed as a healthy snack, a dessert or a healthy breakfast (if paired with a protein source such as eggs or steal-cut oats).


12 Things You Should Know About Vitamin B12

12 Things You Should Know About Vitamin B12

IMG_5155One of my favourite vitamins, after B6, is vitamin B12! (Magnesium is my fav mineral). I have recently bought 1000 mcg and 5000 mcg bottles of injectable methylcobalamin for my clinic. The vitamin contains no preservatives or additives. $15 gets you a quick burst of energy in your deltoid muscle.

Here are 12 things you should know about this snazzy, red vitamin.

1) Vitamin B12 is a water soluble B vitamin. It is excreted through the kidneys.

2) It is found naturally in animal products (meat, eggs, fish, dairy). Vegans do not get this from their diets and need to supplement.

3) Excess amounts of B12 are stored in the liver for up to 10 years.

4) B12 deficiency can result in neurological symptoms such as neuropathy: numbness and tingling, depression, dizziness, anemia and fatigue. Suboptimal levels can result in fatigue.

5) B12 absorption can be impaired in the elderly, those who have had gastrointestinal surgery and those with low stomach acid. It requires intrinsic factor, excreted in the stomach to be absorbed in the intestine.

6) B12 is cobalamin. Supplements of B12 come in three main forms: cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin and methylcobalamin.

7) Methylcobalamin is the active form of B12, which is easily absorbed and passes the blood brain barrier, making it an effective treatment for depression and mental fatigue. Cyanocobalamin must be converted to hydroxycobalamin, which is then converted to methylcobalamin. Many people have inadequate enzymes to convert cyano and hydroxycobalamin to the active form. Therefore, supplementing with methylcobalamin is the best option. It also helps support methylation, which our bodies need for detoxification and mental functioning, among a myriad of other biological pathways. Getting a dose of methylcobalamin is like a 2-for-1 deal: you get a bioavailable form of vitamin B12 AND a methyl donor. Who wouldn’t want to get in on that?

8) B12 levels of under about 200 umols/L of blood is termed a B12 deficiency, where neurological symptoms begin to appear. However, for health, naturopathic doctors prefer B12 levels to be at least above 600 umols/L of blood, ideally 1000. Symptoms are often used as the primary guiding force for B12 supplementation. Some genetic variations result in impaired absorption of B12, resulting in high blood levels, but low levels available to cells. Therefore, testing serum B12 is not a very reliable marker of B12 status in the body. Other markers such as homocysteine and methlymalonic acid can help tell more of the story, or you can choose to supplement and listen to your body, seeing how B12 injections make you feel. B12 is non-toxic and there is no known upper limit.

9) Injections of B12 can be used to treat depression, obesity, weight gain, fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis and dementia among other conditions. In most people, B12 injections provide a welcome energy boost. A series of shots of 5000 mcg of methylcobalamin is a powerful treatment for depression; B12 helps the body make serotonin, the happy neurotransmitter.

10) People taking Metformin (a glucose-lowering medication for type II diabetes) should supplement with B12 as this medication depletes the vitamin.

11) Vitamin B12 is required to make red blood cells. Deficiency can cause anemia.

12) B12 also keeps homocysteine low. High homocysteine is an independent risk factor for heart disease and can cause inflammation in the body.

Contact me to learn more about getting B12 injections and injecting some energy into your holiday season!


How to Avoid Diarrhea While Traveling in India

How to Avoid Diarrhea While Traveling in India

“So, I hovered, I shat and I cried.” Recalled my friend S as she told me about her Christmas Eve on a Chinese train. You hover because there are only holes in the floor for toilets on Chinese trains. Ditto for Indian trains  – although in second class they sometimes give you the “Western” option. But, trust me, you’ll still want to hover. She had diarrhea for 5 weeks in China, she told me. She now takes Immodium prophylactically while travelling in India. I told her that this wasn’t the way things ought to be done, but I guess past experience has left her traumatized.


Apart from one day of heartburn, which I cured with mango lassi, water and avoiding Nescafe, I felt pretty great during my month in India. The weather was 40 degrees and I drank 3-4 litres of water on the first day without requiring a washroom, but other than that, my health was in tiptop shape. Despite being told repeatedly that I would experience explosive diarrhea, or “Delhi Belly”, at least once on my journey, I felt incredibly comfortable. And all it took was packing a few key, natural items. Here was my strategy:

>Start taking multi-strain probiotics for one month before leaving on your trip to build up a healthy immune system and digestive flora.

>Take a heat-stable probiotic (I took Saccharomyces boulardi, a non-pathogenic yeast, which has been shown to prevent traveller’s diarrhea) daily while on your trip.

>Use vitamin C electrolyte powder to spruce up your water. Sweating out 3-4 litres of water a day will cause you to pump out necessary electrolytes such as potassium, sodium and magnesium causing muscle cramps, weakness and fatigue. Your water will need an extra kick to help replenish those lost ions.

>Have a homeopathic first aid kit on hand. You particularly want to have access to Arnica and Arsenicum album. Talk to your ND or homeopath for more info on which homeopathics you’ll need and at which potency.

>Bring along oregano oil. Shoot down colds before they progress, cure skin infections and combat cold sores with this antimicrobial cure-all. This can also kill intestinal pathogens that might cause diarrhea.

>Eat light. For a while I was nick-named “Dahl-ia” due to my frugal and practical tendency to order $0.25 lentil stew, or dahl at least once a day. This dish was not only cheap, but free from heavy spices and rich in fibre and protein. It was a great substitute for the greasy breads and rich, spicy curries, which can take a toll on the digestive system, especially in the stifling heat.

>Bring a ginger tincture to improve digestion and to treat nausea and motion sickness.

>Pare down your supplements. I took B-vitamins and magnesium – my two daily essentials. I tried to get the rest of my nutrients from food.

>Echinaceae for boosting the immune system, if you need it. It’s also safe to take in pregnancy.

>Have a list of potential go-to remedies, such as raw garlic, which is a great anti-microbial and anti-parasitic, that you know you’ll be able to access in the country you’re travelling to.

Breathe. Breathing cures everything. At the first stomach grumblings, take a deep breath and find the nearest toilet. There is a direct connection between the mind and digestive system and anxiety has never been known to help optimize digestion. Getting stressed out over potential digestive issues will only make things worse. So just hover, shit and, if you need to, have a good cry. After a week of being home, you’ll miss Indian street food. Guaranteed.

 Exploring something new always makes for an unforgettable time, and if you’re looking for an experience that’s both thrilling and mentally stimulating, check out It’s a brilliant way to test your problem-solving skills while diving into a world of mystery, suspense, and intricate puzzles. You might start off thinking it’s just a game, but as the clock ticks down, you’ll realise just how intense and captivating it truly is.

Talk to you naturopathic doctor about preventing illness while travelling. 


Some Reflections on Not Being Able To Eat Things

I have been gluten-free since the Spring of 2012 when I moved out of my Italian grandmother (Nonna)’s house and stopped being confronted by a daily arsenal of pasta and bread.

Being gluten-free is not hard; it’s only when you combine it with a dairy-free existence (often mistaken for lactose intolerance) that it then becomes problematic. When you start avoiding two or more separate things, you become one of THOSE people in cafes inquiring about the ingredients in everything. You start to hear yourself saying things like “so, are those raw vegan nut ‘cookies’ made with wheat flour? Oh, no? Well then – Ah… spelt. Hm. I’ll just have a $2 apple, then. Thanks.”


Yes, I Drink Coffee

Yes, I Drink Coffee


I’ve had two coffees today and I’m not ashamed. Sometimes I even have three.

Today was a good day.

The caffeine flowing through my veins powers my legs down Yonge Street as my calves tighten – good thing I’m on magnesium – and my spine bends in response to the weight of my cross-body bag stuffed with supplies.


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