by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Mar 7, 2013 | Community, Family, Finding yourself, Philosophy, Relationships, Travel

La Guajira, Colombia
I am currently suffering from Guatemala withdrawal. The last few weeks have gone by in a flurry of exams and assignments. I find myself flipping through the pictures my classmates and I took while we were there, trying to relive the beautiful, eye-opening moments we shared. I find myself checking flights on, looking for the next great experience. It’s hard to fight the urge to spread my wings and take off again.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Jan 25, 2013 | Balance, Community, Family, Finding yourself, Gratitude, Happiness, Health, Mindfulness, Philosophy, Relationships

I’ve been reading a book I recommend to all of you: The Consolations of Philosophy by Alain de Botton. This book is, in one, a Western philosophy refresher course and self-help book, outlining a guide for living as dictated to us by 6 great philosophers. One of my favourite chapters examines the life and philosophy of Greek philosopher Epicurus and distills the lessons he shared with us about finding true happiness and fulfillment in our lives, while still living modestly.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Nov 7, 2012 | Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Clinical Science, Education, Evidence Based Medicine, Health, Naturopathic Philosophy, Naturopathic Principles, Philosophy, Relationships, Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic, Stress, Student

I found this thought-provoking blog post from a 4th year North American medical student on the computerization of med school. As naturopathic medical students we like to think that we’re the only healthcare professionals that actually “care” about people. However, this is simply not true. I believe that most people get into medicine – any kind of medicine – for the right reasons, one of those reasons being a love for humanity. It’s only whether those reasons are still with us at the end of the 4 years that truly makes the difference.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Nov 5, 2012 | Community, Culture, Dessert, Diet, Family, Food, Food Sensitivities, Gluten Free, Health, Mental Health, Naturopathic Philosophy, Paleo, Recipes, Relationships
While studying at the Lazy Daisy Cafe in Toronto’s east end with some classmates, I came across this inspiring poster in front of the washrooms:
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Sep 27, 2012 | Colombia, Long Distance, Love, Relationships

I have been in a long-distance relationship with J since August 2010. Here is my reflection. It’s a rollarcoaster of emotions – the oscillation between being OK with it – the “it’s better this way, we’re both so busy we wouldn’t survive if we were physically together” – and complete dejection and despair.