
The Good Mood Project

Lifestyle medicine education for mental health, mood, and hormones. 

The Good Mood Podcast

The Good Mood Podcast is a series of deep conversations about holistic mental health.

On this podcast, I’ve had a variety of lightly-edited, long-form discussions with health experts on topics surrounding: nutrition, body image, psychedelic medicines, herbal medicine, social justice, digestion, Polyvagal Theory, relationships and Attachment Theory, trauma, frontiers in counselling and psychotherapy, ADHD, addictions, depression, hormones, digestion, and so so much more.

Youtube Channel 

Follow, like and subscribe to my Youtube channel to receive hundreds of free videos, yoga, and episodes of the The Good Mood Podcast in video format. 

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The Art & Practice Blog

Psychotherapy in Ontario is Now HST Exempt

On Thursday, June 20th, the Ontario government passed Bill C-59, exempting psychotherapy sessions from HST. This is excellent news! This means that from now on, HST does not need to be charged for therapy visits (it was removed from Naturopathic Medicine appointments...

A Work in Progress

The first time I saw a naturopathic doctor was a few years before I contemplated becoming one myself. I had finished my undergrad degree and was bumming around for the summer, working on film sets, trying to get help for some underlying hormonal condition which I now...

Navigating the Healthcare System

I, like most of my colleagues became a naturopathic doctor because of my own extremely disempowering experiences with the healthcare system.  The healthcare delivery system has faced numerous challenges, leading many practitioners, including myself, to seek...

What I Learned from Camping at -5 degrees Celsius

From Thursday to Tuesday (yesterday) I was camping on Canada's East Coast in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia (near Halifax, Cole Harbour, etc.)  I was nervous about the trip. I've never winter camped before (in a tent, no less). I've winter surfed, but never without...

Microbial Wisdom: How your gut bugs can influence your levels of wisdom and loneliness

Hippocrates once said "all disease begins in the gut" and, even though as a naturopathic doctor I have internalized this to the utmost degree, I still forget from time to time.  So, when I was having an increase in histamine symptoms (itchy eyes, runny nose,...

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