When our minds are stressed, how do our bodies react? We experience something called “adrenal fatigue” that can closely mimic the symptoms of depression.
Hi, naturopathic doctor, Talia Marcheggiani, here. I’m a mental health expert and I’m at Bloor West Wellness Clinic and today we’re going to talk about the Stress-Depression Connection.
Most of us are stressed in North America. There’s a major stress epidemic. We know that anywhere from 70-90% of doctors’ visits are directly or indirectly attributed to stress and the symptoms that it causes in the body.
Most people are stressed, I think the estimate is 70% to 90% of North American women are experiencing some kind of chronic stress. Many are unaware of it and very few are doing anything about it or actively managing their stress through methods of self-care, relaxation techniques, and other therapies to lower the cortisol, or the stress hormones, that are producing that chronic stress in the body.
So, physiologically, when we get stressed, so, let’s say, you know, you’re in the paleolithic times, you’re walking through the forest and you encounter a giant bear running towards you. Our bodies would immediately start secreting epinephrine, or adrenaline, which is the first stress hormone. This is released from the adrenal glands, these pyramid-shaped endocrine or hormone glands, located on top of both of our kidneys. Epinephrine, or adrenaline, many of us have felt the effects of before, this makes our heart race, we start sweating, we start to, you know, you might feel like you have to go to the washroom, you might notice digestive effects. What will happen is, our blood vessels will dilate, our pupils will dilate, so that we can’t see fine detail but we can see movement much more easily so we can see the subtle movements of the bear lunging towards us and our body is primed for fight, flight or freezing so that we can get away from this immediate stressor, this threat to our safety and survival.
And really incredible things can happen when we’re in this hyper-arousal state, this sympathetic nervous system state.
A friend of mine was walking in Greece and she fell off a side walk, the side walk just ended, and in the fall, she fell off like cliff, and one of her arms broke so, she managed, in this superhuman ability, that all of a sudden she had, through the adrenaline that was coursing through her body to deal with this stress and surprise, she with the hand that wasn’t broken, grabbed the edge of the sidewalk and pulled herself to safety. And this was a woman, my friend, that can’t even do one pull-up she can’t do pushups, she doesn’t have the arm strength to, in a calm and not hyper-aroused state, perform that kind of physical act.
So, epinephrine and the stress response is amazingly powerful. This stress response can save our lives if called into action for the right reasons and at the right time.
However what’s going on in North America now, is that, especially in this modern society that we live in, with technology and all of the stressors that we’re encountering on a day-to-day basis and the pressures we put on ourselves, we’re in the hyper-arousal state far more often than normal.
Back when we were chased by bears and we had to respond physiologically to that stressor, we would have just, as soon as we reached safety or finished fighting the bear, or froze, played dead, so the bear would walk away, we would have returned back to a state of relaxation. I mean, our hearts would have continued to pound as we kind of got over that stressor, but eventually we would have returned to our rest and digest state, our parasympathetic state.
Back in those days we used to work an estimated 15 hours a week hunting, gathering food, um, in our paleolithic time, in our hunter-gatherer times, which is what our genes have evolved to succeed in—our genes haven’t evolved to catch up with the rapid change in the environment that we’ve created for ourselves and so we’re not used to working 40 to 80-hour work weeks and racing home, through traffic, to pick up the kids and do after school activities and finish up late assignments, getting to get after 12 pm and getting up at 6 am to do a workout so we can lose weight and all of the things that are filling our lives and causing us stress.
The issue with many of the women that I work with, many of the people that I work with, is that we don’t really notice that we’re under stress, like a lot of people will say that they don’t feel stressed and then the signs and symptoms that they’re bodies are exhibiting point me in a direction of some kind of stress response.
So, I described what adrenaline/epinephrine do. But our body doesn’t have a very big reserve of adrenaline and epinephrine, so when we’re in that fight or flight response for prolonged periods of time, the adrenal glands, those pyramid-shaped glands on top of the kidneys, they start to secrete another hormone, called cortisol.
Cortisol has some similar effects, but it’s better for prolonged periods of stress. Cortisol kind of makes us feel alert, it gives us this grounded energy so we can be effective when we have these daily things thrown at us. So, when we wake up in the morning, we feel kind of groggy and then we start to feel alert, maybe we have a quick workout or cold shower or we eat something, we start to feel like we’re becoming alive, we’re greeting the day. That’s cortisol starting to build up in our bodies and prepare us for the things that we have to do, for the mental tasks, or the physical tasks, or the juggling of all the tasks that we have coming up for us in that day.
Cortisol is a good thing. We want to have cortisol because without it, we can’t perform, we can’t be who we need to be. And we can’t bring ourselves into the world and do the things that we’re supposed to do that day.
The problem is, of course, and I’ve already mentioned this, is when stress is prolonged and when stress is taking over more than 50% of our day and our bodies are in that fight or flight state for more time than they’re in the rest and digest state.
Some of the effects of being in this state and, as I mentioned, a fair amount of us are this state most of the time, or have to be. Some of the effects are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart diseases, even some cancers, suppressed immunity, things like skin issues, hormonal imbalances, such as infertility, or PCOS or endometriosis, changes in eyesight, changes in hearing, hair loss, acne, impotence, and various other symptoms. And, of course, depression and mental illness.
One of the effects of cortisol is that it can lower serotonin, which is the feel-good, the happy neurotransmitters that our brain secretes and dopamine, another neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of well-bring and happy mood and also helps with that motivation and reward cycle.
Cortisol also controls inflammation and, when we have too much of it, it suppresses inflammation, but once we start to become deficient in cortisol, inflammation can increase and when our body’s relying on cortisol all the time, the balance of cortisol can get thrown off and we can have highs and lows of cortisol in the body.
We know that there is an implication in inflammation and mood, so cortisol is often at the root of excess inflammation or inflammatory symptoms.
There’s also a condition that’s not really recognized in conventional medicine, but naturopathic doctors recognize, as well as functional doctors. So functional doctors and naturopathic doctors, we don’t really work with diseases that you come in with, I mean we work with those too, but where we really excel is when we’re looking at the patterns and the symptoms and the blood work showing disease processes before they actually become diseases. And I think depression and most mental health conditions fall in that area because we know that there’s no blood tests for things like depression. Direct blood tests, I mean. There’s no real diagnostic criteria beyond the subjective criteria that’s in the DSM V. So, when somebody’s depressed, we have to rely on a variety of symptoms and then I can order some blood tests to rule out why someone might be feeling that, but it’s not a disease like diabetes where you run lab tests and you can infer from those lab tests directly what’s going on in the person’s blood and in their body and in their cells. And, of course, the result or the solution for depression is much different than diabetes, especially type I diabetes where it’s an insulin deficiency, you inject insulin and the disease is managed.
With things like depression, we have to reason backwards and try and understand what might have led to those symptoms or what’s going on in the person’s body that’s causing this imbalance that’s causing the symptoms to arise.
So, back to adrenal fatigue. So, when patients come in, and they’re experiencing prolonged stress that begin with something called the resistance phase. So this is when you’re feeling like life is busy you have a lot on your plate, but it almost, you almost thrive in this situation. It feels kind of good. You feel like you’re in control, you feel motivated and you feel like you’re getting things done. You might be tired at the end of the day, you might not be sleeping as well as you could. And you’re definitely not feeling zen. You’re not feeling relaxed and like a Buddhist monk most of the time. You’re feeling that there’s pressure on you, but you’re coping. Things are ok. This is called the Resistance Phase. And this means that your body is producing enough cortisol to deal with the daily tasks at hand.
After months to years of this, however, if this prolonged and we’re not taking enough breaks to allow our bodies to replenish, we can experience something called Adrenal Fatigue. This is when our body’s not able to produce the cortisol needed to cover those daily tasks. So remember how I said that cortisol kind of makes us feel alert and alive and ready to deal with the day ahead of us. In Adrenal Fatigue we’re not able to activate that stress response when we need it because we’ve had it turned on all the time. It’s almost like the gas tank’s empty and we’re kind of sputtering to get it going again. We’re trying to get our car to run on the fumes that are leftover. And, we might call this Burnout, this is another word for it, is burnout.
And so, in adrenal fatigue, and this is a really common situation that often leads to depression and also often has symptoms that actually mirror or overlap with depression. In adrenal fatigue, first of all, the main symptom is just feeling tired, fatigued. There are sleep disturbances. We feel weak, we feel unmotivated, and one of the key symptoms is that we’re not relieved by exercise.
So a lot of my patients will tell me, “I want to exercise, I know I should exercise but I just don’t have the energy to exercise.” And I’ll ask them, “do you feel like you are able to push yourself to do some exercise, like go for a brisk 30-minute walk or even, you know, a quick jog. How do you feel afterwards?” And if they tell me they feel like it depletes them more, this is often a sign that they’re in that burnout phase, they’re in adrenal fatigue.
Because when you’re in a resistance phase, exercise can kind of boost your cortisol a little bit, so if you’re still able to make it, it feels pretty good because it kind of revives you and it perks you back up. But if you’re in an adrenal fatigue situation, you just don’t have the cortisol reserves to get through that exercise, to get through that workout and to feel good afterwards. So that’s one of the symptoms.
How cortisol is supposed to work in a healthy person that has adrenal glands that aren’t depleted, is when you wake up in the morning, your cortisol begins and it’s high. And that’s why you test blood and salivary cortisol in the morning as soon as you get up. So that means you wake up and you feel like you’ve slept pretty well and you’re ready to start the day, you feel alert. You’re not groggy, you don’t wish that you could just stay in bed for the rest of the day.
Throughout the day your cortisol will gradually decline. It might have a few dips and usually perks up with eating or exercise. So if you have a protein-rich, or carbohydrate-rich meal, your cortisol can come back up and that’s around meal-times you’ll feel a little bit more alert. And your cortisol will decline until bedtime when you feel tired and you feel ready to go to sleep and it will stay low throughout the night so you won’t be waking up at night. You’ll feel rested and if you have one of those sleep trackers or a Fitbit, it will show you that you have restful sleep and that you spend a lot of your time in REM sleep or deep wave sleep. And then the cycle starts again, you wake up, your cortisol starts to peak and gets higher again.
When our cortisol cycle is off. When we’re in adrenal fatigue or even the end stages of stress resistance, which proceeds that burnout adrenal fatigue stage and often proceeds depression. The resistance phase is more associated with anxiety, burnout is more associated with depression.
When we’re in that burnout phase, we’re not able to get the cortisol up in the morning so you wake up feeling exhausted. You will often even have a crash, you might kind of get going and ready to go or you might just be used to having that level of energy, on a scale of 1 to 10, you might be anywhere from a 3 to a 7. Around 10 am, though, you’ll notice a dip in your energy, so a lot of people will have this kind of energy crash around 10 am and then they get a second wind, they can kind of go. A very typical thing that happens is around 3-4 pm, 2-4pm, after lunch, there’s a massive energy crash and we’re still at work, most of the time, those of us that work 9-5 and so you’re at work and you’re just feeling exhausted.
And then people kind of get a second wind and another thing that happens, which is not great, is that you get a second wind right before bedtime. When you’re supposed to be going to sleep, you feel this kind of “tired and wired”, like you’re not able to, you know, wind yourself down to get a restful night’s sleep. You feel like you need to be up and on your electronics and doing some work, catching up on some things that you need to get done.
And eventually you might go to bed and usually this happens close to midnight or after midnight, and then most people will have a cortisol spike in the middle of the night between 2 and 4 am where you wake up and are unable to fall back asleep. And thus the cycle begins again where you had a spike in the middle of the night, your sleep’s been broken, you’re tired again in the next morning.
So how do we get out of this cycle? Because, you know, depression has low mood, depression has low motivation, depression has changes in weight and metabolism and appetite and these feelings of sadness and adrenal fatigue and burnout have a lot of those same symptoms. There’s not motivation, you’re gaining weight in the abdomen, you’re immune system is thrown off, you’re feeling just this general malaise and muscle pain and exhaustion and sadness and low mood and low self-worth and all of these things that we see in depression.
So how do we solve this? So the first thing we do is, if possible, we try and manage stress, to establish self care routines and this is a process that we need to work towards, it doesn’t happen in one visit, in a day it takes a few months to a few years to rebuild and reestablish. We make sure that we’re living a balanced life and we’re managing our cortisol and we also might prescribe supplements and herbs to stimulate cortisol production and to help our bodies manage stress and to help our adrenal glands work more optimally. And this often has a dramatic shift in mood after a few months. I have personal experience with this myself and it’s amazing. In a few months you look back to where you were and you notice big shifts.
It’s also necessary to make sure that blood sugar is not spiking throughout the day because cortisol and blood sugar are tightly interconnected. If our blood sugar drops, our body needs to create cortisol to bring it back up and likewise, if our blood sugar is high, this is a stress on the body and it can affect the cortisol balance. If our blood sugar is nice and steady and we’re eating enough fats and proteins to keep our neurotransmitters and our hormones productive and in production in the body, we notice a more even mood and energy level and this is really important so I go over nutrition and how to plan meals, especially in the morning with a protein and fat-rich breakfast.
And, finally, things like bodywork and things like, if not psychotherapy, then things to help with the life stressors that are going on, directly addressing those things. Even helping with the body stress response, the body’s perceived response because a lot of the time we have stress stored in our thoughts and emotions in the head, which is what addressed usually with many forms of psychotherapy. But oftentimes we also store stress in the body and so I find that acupuncture can be really affective and there’s studies that show that acupuncture actually outperforms Prozac in some 6-week trials as well as acupuncture can also help the brain move into that parasympathetic rest and digest state.
So, from 4-6 sessions of acupuncture can really shift us into a more relaxed state and help us with that stress response that we often be stuck in.
So, for more information, visit my website. I’m at TaliaND.com, or you can send me an email at connect@taliand.com. I work at Bloor West Wellness in Toronto. And if you want, leave your questions or comments below and we’ll start the discussion. Thanks, bye! 🙂
“I was born with an imbalance in my brain,” my patient explains to me, “The medication corrects it—Since I started taking Cipralex, I wake up feeling like a normal person again.”
It is estimated that about 10% of adults in North America are taking a medication to help them cope with anxiety and depression. Many people swear by these substances, others claim that they worsen depression, cause uncomfortable side effects and fail to treat the root cause of symptoms, numbing us to the experience and cause of our emotional pain and physical symptoms. The reality is, however, that prescriptions for these medications is increasing.
What are anti-depressants?
Most anti-depressant medication falls into the pharmaceutical category of SSRI, or Selective-Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors, like Prozac or Cipralex. These medications prevent the body from mopping up the “happy hormone”, serotonin, in the brain, making its feel-good effects last longer. The result is thought to be more serotonin in the brain and, therefore, increased feelings of happiness and euphoria. Other drugs work on preventing the re-uptake of other neurotransmitters, brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine, which also cause feelings of happiness, pleasure and reward, and give us energy.
The Monoamine Theory of Depression:
The leading theory of depression for decades, the Monoamine Theory, states that in people who suffer from depression, there is an imbalance in serotonin production and signalling in the brain—a “serotonin deficiency”—which SSRI medication corrects. Because this is how anti-depressant medication works, this has taken over as the prevailing theory of depression. However, there has never been a published study that proves that people who suffer from depression or anxiety have issues with brain serotonin production or metabolism. It almost seems that pharmaceutical companies have “reasoned backwards” creating a theory in order to support anti-depressant use.
As patients, we want to believe that the medicine our doctors give us is just that, medicine—something that treats the root cause of disease and makes us healthier, rather than covering up our symptoms while the underlying problem continues to worsen. However, most medications don’t work that way. While Advil may alleviate a headache, we intuitively know that our headache was not caused by an Advil deficiency. Likewise, alcohol may calm down those plagued by social anxiety, but we know that alcohol isn’t a cure for social anxiety; it is a drug that can temporarily help symptoms and relying on it will only cause further health problems down the line. We know that for most health conditions, while a drug may help temporarily, something else is going on inside our bodies that warrants attention.
While the percentage of people who are medicated for depression has increased in recent years, the rate of disability from mental health conditions is steadily on the rise. This is perplexing, especially if these drugs are doing what they’re “supposed to”, which is curing a brain chemical imbalance. Shouldn’t medicating patients with depression result in a cure, or at least a declining rate of disability for mental health concerns? Clearly, something else is going on.
Harnessing the Placebo Effect:
Many patients report the fact that anti-depressant medications saved their lives, radically turning around serious and debilitating symptoms. I’ve heard quite a few stories from individuals who couldn’t get out of bed until they found the right SSRI for their body.
The data shows that SSRI medication has the ability to reduce depressive symptoms by 30% in individuals, a modest reduction at best, but still significant. But, do these medications work as well as the studies claim? A glance at the entire body of research casts doubt on the efficacy of anti-depressant medication:
Firstly, there is a large body of unpublished negative studies. This means that studies that show there is no difference in anti-depressant medication and placebo is left out of the body of literature, favouring a bias for positive publications, publications that find anti-depressants work. Medical research draws conclusions by producing studies over and over again. When the results of several studies are combined, doctors and researchers are able to draw conclusions about whether a medication works or not. When only positive research is published, without negative research to balance it out, it casts medications in a favourable light that they may not necessarily deserve. This is an unfortunate phenomenon in medical science as a whole, and often skews the evidence in favour of drugs that may not be as effective as we hope.
Secondly, the gold standard for evidence, the Randomized Control Trial (RCT) may have design flaws due to the nature of the medications being tested. In RCTs, patients are randomized into two groups. One group is given placebo and the other the active drug that is being tested. The subjects and the people evaluating them are both blinded—neither knows which group is given the drug and which is given the placebo. This reduces the possibility of bias in reporting and observing the effects of the medication. The idea is because an inert pill, or “placebo” may be able to exert the effects of a drug, providing about 30% benefit, according to some sources. However, when patients who are in the active group experience side effects of the medication: gastric symptoms, nausea, headaches, altered sleep and appetite, they quickly become alert to the that fact that they are in the medication group, leaving room for the placebo effect to occur. This is termed the “Active Placebo Effect”. When SSRIs are compared with active placebos—placebos that don’t act as medicine but produce the same side effects—we found their effects rapidly diminished, perhaps because the placebo effect was not taking effect anymore.
What about the people who SSRIs help?
To cast doubt on the efficacy of anti-depressants does not in any way invalidate those who have felt the medications helped them. Every body is different and I believe that it is not for us to say how someone should or shouldn’t be reacting to a medication or therapy. The mysteries of our bodies are vast and there is only so much that we’re aware of in the world of medicine and health. Furthermore, the placebo effect, while often being used to dismiss therapies (“oh, it’s probably just a placebo effect”) should really be viewed as an amazing miracle of medicine and evidence of how powerful our bodies and minds are. The placebo effect shows us that, according to our beliefs, we have the power to heal ourselves. We believe that we’re getting treatment, we believe the treatment will help us, and the very nature of those beliefs heals our physical bodies.Â
This does not mean that the people who were suffering before taking the medication were “faking it” or should have been able to just snap out of it—that’s not how the placebo effect works. The placebo effect is based on changing our beliefs, which, as you may know, is not something we can simply will ourselves to do. However, the fact that our beliefs hold this kind of healing power, I find, frankly, is amazing. The placebo effect shows us evidence of an almost magical ability of the mind-body connection to heal ourselves, without side effects, and I believe it is something that we should harness and celebrate.
What’s the problem, then?
While anti-depressants may be harnessing the placebo effect to help individuals heal, there are downsides to them as well.
Firstly, SSRI medications have a long list of side effects, from weight gain and fatigue to sexual dysfunction and vitamin deficiencies, being on these medications over the long-term can be unpleasant for some and seriously affect quality of life for others.
Secondly, anti-depressant medications are notoriously difficult to get off of. I have assisted many patients in getting off their medication, with the help of their medical team, but it’s never easy and must always be done slowly and responsibly. Getting off medication involves a slow wean over months with support of natural therapies, psychotherapy and lifestyle changes. Because these drugs force the brain to adapt, causing a very real chemical imbalance, oftentimes the withdrawal effects are so intolerable that patients are not able to come off.
Most patients who decide to try anti-depressant medications are not aware how difficult it will be to stop taking the medication, if they should eventually choose to do so. This is unfortunate, as I believe that full informed consent should be applied to patients so that they may make appropriate decisions about their health—patients should be made aware that they are expected to stay on the medication for life and that weaning will be very difficult and, in some cases, not possible.
Finally, there is a growing body of evidence showing that patients who do not receive medication, but other forms of help such as diet and lifestyle changes, psychotherapy and stress management, do better, have higher rates of remission and less relapse than those who are medicated. As we see with the studies that show that more medication is correlated with more disability from mental health concerns, it is possible that medicating depression is only worsening the problem for most people.
So, what causes anxiety and depression?Â
Scientists and clinicians are not sure what the cause of depression is. However, the Cytokine Theory of Depression and the Gut-Brain Connection are two areas that are gaining increasing interest from researchers. These theories state that depression may be a cause of inflammation in the body that affects the brain, and that imbalances in gut health, especially with gut bacteria may offset mental health, respectively. Naturopathic doctors also notice a clinical correlation between burnout or “adrenal fatigue” and mental health symptoms.
Healing the mind and body, however, starts with creating a therapeutic relationship with a professional that you trust. After that, I find that healing the gut, correcting inflammation and nutrient deficiencies while addressing harmful core beliefs and stress can have wonderful results for healing depression and anxiety.
Depression is a symptom:
Psychiatry would have us believe that depression and anxiety are conditions that we are born with. Conventional medicine states that perhaps we have a familiar tendency to develop these conditions, perhaps we’ve had them since childhood, but, and in this case it is clear, depression and anxiety are not things that you heal from; they are things you simply manage.
I disagree. I don’t believe that depression and anxiety stand on their own as diseases, but symptoms of a deeper imbalance. Like any symptom, I believe mental health concerns are trying to tell us something. Our bodies have no other way of communicating with us other than through the symptoms they produce: lack of motivation, sore muscles, bloating and diarrhea, headache, joint pain, brain fog, fatigue and so on. As naturopathic doctors, we are trained to listen, not just to our patients, but the messages their bodies are signalling to us through symptoms.
This means that, when I start seeing a patient with depression, whether they are on medication or not, we develop a full work-up, asking in-depth questions about sleep, diet, exercise, digestion, mental status, mood, energy, reproductive health and so on. I connect these symptoms together to find out what is going on beyond what may be immediately visible.
Depression and anxiety often have a root cause. The cause may be stress, childhood trauma, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, inflammation or even medication and drug use itself. Through uncovering the root of the issue, we are able to treat it, helping the body restore itself to balance and health.
My philosophy of healing is that, sometimes, illness can be a gift, especially if it encourages us to delve deep into our lives and values and make the necessary changes for healing ourselves. Sometimes depression and mental health challenges can be the beginning of a grand and fulfilling journey where we learn to connect more deeply to our bodies, discover our life purpose and a greater sense of happiness and life satisfaction.
It seems like the world is falling apart. These days more than ever.
Race wars, weapons, war, wealth concentrated into the hands of a few, and violence, Facebook is filled with videos that fill our heads and hearts with a complicated mixture of sadness, anger, anguish, confusion, frustration, enrage, injustice and a deep-felt sense of powerlessness. We struggle through these events to go on living—to go about our lives in a dignified fashion, to pay our rent, to engage our relationships, to find happiness and satisfaction in our lots in this world. It seems like the world is ending, and yet we still have our daily responsibilities. Our cynicism is engaged; our idealism is crumbling. Many of us feel hope leaving our bodies. Many of us feel frustration morphing into despair.
Stress is estimated to be the number one cause of disease. As a naturopathic doctor, my role often involves cleaning up the debris from chronic, long-term stress responses gone haywire. Oftentimes my patients don’t even perceive the stress they’re under. “I’m type A! I thrive under stress and pressure”, some will tell me. Other times the people I work with are so far in a state of overwhelm it’s all they can do to keep moving forward with their daily routines.
The World Health Organization estimates that 75-90% of doctor’s visits are attributed to by stress. I would estimate that 100% of the people I work with have on-going stress in their lives.
We doctors know that some people, the “Type B’s” in society, are more susceptible to stress. We know these people, we may even be one of them ourselves: the sensitive individuals, the intuitives, the feelers, the artists, empaths, activists and light-workers. We are individuals who are often drawn to artistic and healing professions, who care deeply about relationships, people, feelings and soft-ness in this world. We often find ourselves pushed up against hard edges, struggling to pay bills and cope with cruelty and injustice. We face daily struggles and the pain of living a disconnected, yet intricately interdependent life in modern-day society. Some natural doctors have terms us “parasympathetic dominants”—people whose nervous systems tend to get stuck in the parasympathetic (as opposed to stress-fuelled sympathetic) arm of the autonomic nervous system (the “automatic” nervous system).
We often feel overcome with a sense of overwhelm when faced with packed schedules, high stakes jobs that affect others, achievement-oriented striving and the prioritization of money and numbers over people. In this world of deadlines, assertion, aggression, fear, war and material wealth, we can often feel like we don’t fit in. We can suffer from burnout.
Burnout, “adrenal fatigue” or “parasympathetic dominance” happens when our stress response becomes depleted. It is characterized by naturopathic doctors as fatigue, excessive needs for sleep and quiet, lack of motivation, disrupted sleep schedules, difficulty losing weight, sluggish digestion, bloating and IBS, headaches and brain fog, poor memory, hormonal imbalance resulting in heavy or irregular periods, PMS, infertility and acne. Mental illness can begin to surface or worsen in this state, resulting in depression, anxiety, or even bipolar disorder and psychosis. The narrative of the mad, artistic genius, burdened by the weight and troubles of the world, surfaces to mind—the creative genius who is too sensitive for this world. We run the risk of becoming irritable, and losing some of our natural compassion as we drift off into exhausted survival mode.
Many of the people I work with are these sensitive individuals, myself included, and I’m proud to help this population. Through healing the sensitive feelers, we heal the world. The world needs a little more softness and more compassion. It needs people who can pick up on emotional nuances and care deeply about others. It needs people who listen, who feel, who create and share their versions of the human experience to teach others. Through the artists, we experience the depths of our own humanity. Through the artists, we see our pain and, through seeing our pain, we can begin to heal it. It is important that we can find fulfilling work and lives that nurture us, so that we may have the energy to extend our gifts to the world.
Healing parasympathetic dominance in my practice often manifests first as establishing a therapeutic relationship. We crave openness, time and space to explore emotional nuances and engage our natural sense of curiosity. We crave being deeply heard and felt. As a doctor, I do my best to listen, not just to the words, but the space between them, and the symptoms of the body. We look for root causes to issues so that we can establish lifestyle patterns that nurture us.
Creating a clean, nutritious diet: With lean protein, usually meats that stimulate metabolism and manage stress, healthy fats, anti-inflammatory nutrients and lots of fruits and vegetables, especially berries and leafy greens, we can begin to re-feed ourselves and heal inflammation.
Gentle, nurturing movement: I often suggest exercise that blends into the lifestyles of my patients, that works with them. Slow, meditative walking for an hour a day is a wonderful, scientifically proven method of bringing down stress hormone levels. It also creates space in the day for contemplation and integration.
Restful sleep: Through sleep hygiene and some strategically dosed supplements, improving sleep allows the body to repair itself and rest. Those suffering from burnout may need more sleep. Dealing with the guilt that can arise through sleeping in and saying no to non-essential activities to prioritize sleep is often a psychological hurdle in those who feel best when they are nurturing and giving to others, and not themselves.
Self-care: Journalling, meditation and engaging in creative pursuits are helpful armour in allowing one to integrate, express and stay open, energized and creative.
Nurturing mental health and emotions: Speaking to family and friends or a trained therapist or naturopathic doctor can allow us to dive more deeply into our own psyches. When we explore the corners of our mind we are able to heal mental-emotional obstacles to health and learn more about ourselves and others and alter the way we engage in the world. Opening ourselves up to deep-seated anger, fear and sadness is essential to clearing this repressed emotions and improving our experience in the world. My favourite forms of talk therapy are Narrative Therapy and Coherence Therapy. Both involve openly engaging the emotional and mental experience of the other to alter core beliefs and narratives and explore possibilities for living a preferred life experience.
Through the times we are facing, I urge us all to band together, embrace the healers and artists among us and engage in deep, nurturing self-care. Journal, spend time with friends and create. Take time from your activist pursuits and political readings to reflect, to meditate, to get some healing acupuncture and to cry or express anger. Feel the emotions that arise during this time. Take the time to listen to the narratives that emerge. Eat a diet filled with protein, try to keep to a sleep schedule, if possible. Nurture yourself and the complicated emotions that are arising within you and others.
We need you to help us through this time. It is people like you who can heal others, but only if you strive to heal yourself as well.
I have some amazing news—my patient is better. Whereas only a few short months ago, he was plagued by inexplicable weight gain, debilitating fatigue, depressed mood—convincing him he must be suffering from clinical depression—a sore throat and an inability to regulate his temperature, now he feels normal. A few months ago, his lab results indicated a serious and spiralling case of autoimmune thyroid disease. Now the lab results shows markers that are completely within the normal limits. My patient got to where he is now naturally—he did not take a single medication. His body was unleashing an aggressive attack against his thyroid gland under a year ago. Now, his thyroid is healthy, happy and working normally. My patient is back to work, exercising, traveling, feeling happy, fulfilled and creative. He is no longer suffering.
The Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland is an important organ. Shaped like a butterfly and located right below the Adam’s Apple on the front of the neck, it has a variety of essential, life-sustaining tasks. The thyroid is responsible for maintaining our body’s metabolic function. It keeps our cells busy, and allows us to convert our food and fat energy into important metabolic functions. It regulates our hormones, cardiovascular system, skin and hair health, contributes to mood, regulates body temperature, balances estrogen and progesterone in females, thereby contributing to healthy fertility, and helps with the functioning of the immune system.
However, as important as the thyroid gland is, it’s also the body’s “canary in the coal mine”, susceptible to the smallest changes in our health status. Physical, mental and emotional stress can contribute to declines in healthy thyroid functioning, as can exposure to environmental toxins, inflammation and deficiencies in important nutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium and iodine. Because of the thyroid’s senstivities, however, we can use impending thyroid symptoms as signs of overall body imbalance. Therefore, treating thyroid symptoms at their root is important for restoring our bodies to mental, emotional and physical health.
Hypothyroidism Symptoms
Most commonly, when the health of the thyroid gland is affected, it’s functions decline, causing hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid. Hypothyroidism of any cause is the most common thyroid condition and is very common in the general population, affecting about 4-8% of North Americans. The symptoms range from mildly upsetting to debilitating and can show up in a variety of the body’s organ systems. They include feelings of puffiness, especially of the face, caused by water retention; fatigue; dry skin and hair; hair loss; constipation and slow digestion; mental depression and low mood; acne; mental sluggishness, brain fog and poor memory and concentration; menstrual irregularities, heavy or scanty menstrual flow; infertility; cold hands and feet; orange-tinted skin; and, of course, weight gain that is unexplained by changes to diet and activity levels.
Bloating, yeast overgrowth and dysbiosis can occur from hypothyroidism when the core body temperature drops below 37 degrees Celsius. A cooler body temperature due to under-active thyroid can upset the intestinal flora and cause an overgrowth in harmful bacteria and yeast, causing further fatigue, weight gain, depression and digestive symptoms.
Diagnosis and Lab Testing
In the standard medical model, thyroid conditions are screened by testing a hormone called TSH, or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. TSH is not a thyroid hormone, but a hormone produced by the brain that signals the thyroid to work. Through measuring TSH, doctors can tell indirectly how hard the thyroid is working. Is TSH is high, it can indicate a sluggish thyroid, since it is requiring more stimulation from the brain. Lower TSH levels may indicate that the thyroid is working fine. So, the higher the TSH levels, the more sluggish the thyroid. However, the reference ranges for TSH are from 0.3 to 5 U/ml, which indicates a wide range of possible thyroid states. A TSH under 5 will not be flagged by a medical doctor as being hypothyroid, even though symptoms may be present!
More progressive clinicians start to become concerned about thyroid function when symptoms are present and TSH is above 2.5 U/ml. Therefore, many patients with under-active thyroid and upsetting thyroid symptoms may be told by their doctors that everything is fine, delaying treatment and invalidating their decision to seek help.
When TSH is off, doctors then test the thyroid hormones T4 and T3. (There is also T1, T2 and calcitonin). The thyroid makes the hormones T3 (20%) and T4 (80%) but the active hormone that allows the thyroid to exert it’s effects on the body is T3. T4 must be converted to T3 by the body. Problems of conversion of T4 to T3 can be caused by stress and inflammation. It may be helpful for your doctor to test for reverse T3, a hormone that is created from T4 if the body is in a state of imbalance.
To detect if hypothyroidism is caused by autoimmune disease, also known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, doctors will test for antibodies that attack the thyroid, anti-TPO and anti-thyroglobulin. An imbalance in the immune system and inflammation in the body, often caused by stress, can cause the body’s own immune system to attack the thyroid gland, preventing it from working properly.
Treat the Patient, Not the Disease
Naturopathic and functional medicine aims to use lab testing to detect patterns that are playing out below the surface of the body. We connect signs and symptoms and labs, not to diagnose a disease but to look at patterns of imbalance that are playing out in our patients’ bodies before disease sets in. This allows us to intervene before things are too late and healing becomes more difficult.
The Cause of Hypothyroidism
Gluten: There are numerous studies that link thyroid issues to celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. In one study of 100 patients, hypothyroid symptoms were reversed after following a completely gluten-free diet for 6 months.Â
Goitrogens: Soy, raw cruciferous vegetables (kale, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc.), nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes eggplant, etc.) and coffee can act as “goitrogens”, suppressing the thyroid. Lightly cooking leafy greens, avoiding soy, especially processed, GMO soy, coffee and nightshades is helpful for avoiding the thyroid-suppressive effects of these foods.
Leaky gut: Food sensitivities, bacterial imbalance, antibiotic use, stress, excess alcohol and caffeine and intestinal infections can disrupt the barrier between the intestine and the rest of the body. Termed “intestinal permeability” or “leaky gut” this condition is getting increasing attention for being the root cause of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Identifying food sensitivities through an IgG blood test or trial-and-error and then healing the gut for 3-6 months is essential for getting thyroid health on track.
Dysbiosis: There is a close correlation between thyroid health and the health of the gut bacteria. Every human has 4-5 lbs of essential, life-giving bacteria living in their intestinal track. These bacteria help us break down food, help train our immune system and product hormones like thyroid hormone and serotonin, the happy hormone. It is estimated that 20% of thyroid hormones are produced by gut bacteria. Therefore a disruption in gut bacteria can wipe out the body’s ability to regulate the thyroid and metabolism effectively.
Environmental toxins: Toxic estrogens, heavy metals and other environmental toxins can suppress thyroid function. The thyroid gland is a sponge that is susceptible to whatever toxic burden the body is under and therefore, thyroid issues may be the first sign that the body is under toxic stress. 2-3 yearly detoxes are recommended to improve liver health, decrease the toxic burden and support a healthy thyroid. Detoxes are best done by eating a clean, grain-free diet and detoxifying the home by reducing exposure to pesticides, radiation, tobacco smoke, excessive alcohol, mercury from fish and silver fillings, bromide, fluoride and chloride (from swimming pools), which can decrease the body’s ability to absorb iodide.
Stress: Stress can suppress thyroid function by preventing the conversion of T4 to T3, the active form of thyroid hormone. During stress, T4 becomes something called “reverse T3”. Both cortisol and thyroid hormones require the amino acid tyrosine for their production. Therefore, during times of the stress, when the demands on the body for making cortisol are higher, not as many resources may be used to produce thyroid hormones and hypothyroid symptoms may result. Ensuring proper cortisol function and decreasing stress is important for recovering from thyroid symptoms.
Nutrient deficiency: Thyroid hormones are made of tyrosine and iodine. A deficiency in protein and iodine may result in an inability of the body to make thyroid hormone. Selenium is also important for converting T4 to T3. Zinc and iron are also important for proper thyroid functions and, in modern day society, these deficiencies are very common.
Inflammation: Using high omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from fish, rhemannia and turmeric can help bring down systemic inflammation and decrease autoimmunity, thereby working to treat autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and restoring thyroid function.
A Word On Medication
Synthroid is a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone T4. When prescribed, it can replace the need for the thyroid to act and help the body get back into balance. However, since T4 must be converted to T3 in order to become active, simply adding Synthroid may not be enough to eradicate thyroid symptoms if there is a problem converting T4 to T3, such as selenium deficiency, dysbiosis, inflammation or stress. Furthermore, when the cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune, this means that there are antibodies attacking the thyroid, not that there is something wrong with the thyroid itself. Without addressing the underlying autoimmunity and inflammation, patients will only need to eventually continue to increase their Synthroid dosage as the ability of the thyroid to function gradually decreases.
For more information on how to address thyroid symptoms naturally, contact me for a free 15-minute consultation.
With 18% of the population suffering, anxiety is the most common mental health condition in North America. Through clinical practice, I’ve quickly come to learn that “anxiety” is a term that means many different things to different people. Its symptoms can range from a mild sense of unease to full-blown panic attacks and the burdensome weight of impending doom. Anxiety disorders are quite diverse. They include, according to the DSM-IV, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and even mixed anxiety and depression. Oftentimes the symptoms become crippling; they prevent the patients I see from living their optimal, authentic lives, instead living in a state of fear and self-loathing.
The symptoms of anxiety are holistic. They range from mental symptoms: excessive worry, insomnia, nervousness and anticipation, to name a few, to genitourinary symptoms like frequent urination, and gastrointestinal symptoms. There is a strong connection between anxiety and mental stress and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), an elusive condition of the gut that results in unpredictable symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, constipation and stomach pain, which is often debilitating for those who suffer from it and very difficult to effectively treat. Other symptoms of anxiety include excessive sweating, muscle tension, rapid heart rate, changes in vision, hot and cold flushes and can be associated with suicidal ideation, self-harm and substance abuse disorders, when anxiety becomes severe.
Conventional Treatment
Unfortunately the conventional treatment for anxiety is limited. The first-line treatment is pharmaceutical and involves using a medication like citalopram, a selective-serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI), the same medication used to treat mild-moderate depression. This medication is prescribed based on the theory that anxiety is a extraverted version of depression, and that both involve disturbances in the production and signalling of serotonin, the “happy hormone”, in the brain. Benzodiazepines are another line of drugs used to treat anxiety symptoms, as they increase brain GABA levels, a calming brain chemical. However, “benzos” are best prescribed only in the short term (2-4 weeks) to manage serious symptoms. They are addictive in the long-term and can have serious side effects, such as being overly sedating, and depressing breathing, especially when mixed with other sedatives, such as alcohol.
Naturopathic Approach
When I first meet a patient who is suffering with anxiety, I begin by taking a complete case. I have never met two patients who have had identical anxiety symptoms—no two cases of anxiety are alike and therefore, no two cases should be approached in the same way. Therefore, it is important for me to get a complete case history, with details of how anxiety manifests in my patients’ lives: how it affects them, where it might have come from and what specific symptoms are faced on a daily basis. I also inquire about hormonal systems, digestive symptoms, sleep, diet and past medical history. It is important for me to treat the person, not the condition. This means that my patients and I spend time developing a relationship. I make an effort to get to know them during the first few visits, thereby getting to know how their condition uniquely occurs for them.
A large portion of the naturopathic diagnostic process is identifying the cause of anxiety. While conventional medicine points to dysfunctions in the brain, naturopathic medicine approaches anxiety holistically. We understand that because anxiety can affect nearly every body system, it can also manifest as a result of imbalances in a number of organ systems. In the first few visits, we spend time analyzing the web of our patients’ symptoms in order to untangle the clues that might lead us to the root cause.
Much like the individualized care provided in naturopathic medicine, The Kratom Connection offers a vast range of options to support those seeking relief from anxiety. Kratom, an amazing plant with many different uses, has gained popularity for its ability to help manage symptoms like stress, anxiety, and mood imbalances. Available in powder and capsule forms, kratom offers numerous strains, each with its own unique properties. Some may help to promote relaxation and calm the mind, while others can offer more energy and focus. Just like every patient’s experience with anxiety is different, the various strains of kratom allow for a personalized approach to addressing mental and emotional well-being. By buying kratom online, you can explore different strains and discover which one works best for your needs, all while adding a natural, holistic remedy to your wellness routine.
The Root Causes of Anxiety
A holistic approach to anxiety aims to uncover the root cause of symptoms by investigating imbalances in a variety of body systems. In the body there is a balance between the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). When one system is turned on, the other is turned off. A healthy body can oscillate between the two states easily, activating the fight and flight response during times of stress and activating the rest and digest response the rest of the time. Anxiety is present in the fight or flight, sympathetic nervous system state.
Cause: Stress
More than half of North American adults are experiencing some sort of mental, emotional or physical stress. Chronic stress relies on production of the hormone cortisol, which on its own can disrupt brain levels of happy hormones, like serotonin and dopamine. Chronic stress can also lead to burnout, or adrenal fatigue, which results in an inability of the body to respond to stress in a healthy manner. Instead of producing cortisol, the adrenal glands rely on epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline and noradrenaline) to confront stressful situations. These hormones result in symptoms of anxiety like racing heart-rate, rapid respiration, muscle tension, mental worry, dry mouth and sweating palms. Being stuck in the fight or flight state, can cause anxiety or worsen existing symptoms.
2. Cause: Malnutrition and Hypoglycaemia
Protein, vitamins and minerals are the building blocks our bodies need to perform its millions of chemical reactions. Trying to heal anxiety without the proper ingredients for health is like trying to build a house without bricks, cement or nails. Neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, and hormones like cortisol require the amino acids (protein) tryptophan and tyrosine for their synthesis, respectively. They also require cofactors, or “builders”, to make neurotransmitters, which include zinc, b-vitamins, magnesium and iron. Stress, because of it’s demands on cortisol production, can deplete these precious ingredients, increasing our dietary requirements. Decreasing vitamin and mineral content in food due to poor quality food production also means we’re not getting enough of these key nutrients and supplementation might be necessary to ensure our body is running optimally.
In addition, rising and falling blood sugar levels from a high-carb diet can cause hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemic symptoms can mimic anxiety symptoms, such as dizziness, racing heart, irritability, sweating and fatigue.
Iron deficiency is also a common finding in North Americans, especially menstruating women or vegetarians. Since iron is responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood, a decrease in oxygen carrying capacity results in rapid heart-rate and increased breathing rate, which can also be confused for symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks.
3. Cause: Digestive Issues
Although serotonin, the happy hormone, is primarily active in the brain, studies show that up to 90% of it is made in the intestinal tract. Therefore, a disruption in the health of digestive cells or the bacteria that coats the gut, can result in a disruption in mood as well as digestive symptoms like IBS. 40-60% of people have some sort of digestive issue in North America and there is a close connection between digestive issues and mood, termed the “gut-brain connection”.
Food sensitivities and issues with the health and integrity of intestinal cells can lead to wide-spread inflammation in the body, affecting the nervous system. Scientists have found that low levels of inflammation in the brain and an overactive immune system can contribute to depression and other mental health conditions as well as the breakdown of brain function, contributing to memory loss, headaches and difficulty concentrating and retaining information.
Furthermore, an inability to break down and absorb protein and micronutrients results in an inability for the body to make neurotransmitters like serotonin, which require protein and various vitamins and minerals for its production.
4. Cause: Hormonal Imbalance
Because of the high exposure to xeno-estrogens, or toxic estrogens, many women in North America suffer from a phenomenon called “estrogen dominance”, where there is either too much estrogen in the body or not enough progesterone to provide hormonal balance. Symptoms of estrogen dominance include, weight, gain, painful and heavy periods, irregular periods, fibroids, acne, PMS, infertility and an increased incidence of female cancers, such as breast and ovarian cancer. Estrogen and progesterone, in addition to being female hormones that control secondary sex characteristics like breast and hip development and fertility, also exert effects on the brain. Estrogen can cause irritability and anxiety symptoms, while progesterone has a stress-relieving and calming effect. Estrogen dominance, when not controlled, can worsen existing anxiety or be the cause.
5. Cause: Core Beliefs and Mental Schemas
Our brains are wired to retain the lessons we learn, especially if these lessons have been experienced alongside strong emotions, such as trauma. These emotional memories are often implicit and non-verbal, located in lower brain centres, below the level of our conscious thoughts. Once the memories are laid down, they can last a lifetime, influencing our thoughts, emotions and behavioural reactions to present day triggers. Anxiety and other mental health conditions can often be symptoms of these emotional memories, also called “core beliefs” or “mental schemas”. These beliefs dictate to us implicitly how the world works and, if left unexamined, can limit what is possible for us in our lives. When these beliefs get triggered, anxiety symptoms can result. Getting to the core of the symptoms and making the implicit memories verbal is the key to unlocking hidden psychological causes of mood disorders.
Holistic Solutions for Anxiety
Healing anxiety first involves identifying the specific symptoms that my patients present with and looking for potential causes among the common causes outlined above. In addition to a thorough history, I may order blood work to check the B12 and iron status of my patients. I may order a food sensitivity test or check for hormone levels like progesterone, estrogen and cortisol in the saliva and blood, depending on the symptoms a patient presents with.
When I work with patients, we often work together to develop a comprehensive strategy for coping with stress. Oftentimes this involves looking for ways to decrease stress in their lives, such as cutting back on work hours and setting healthy boundaries. Other times it involves looking for activities to incorporate into their lifestyles to manage stress, such as going for long walks (walking slowly for 1 hour can lower cortisol levels and help manage stress), engaging in meditation, yoga, nature exposure, journalling and other activities that have been proven to lower stress hormones.
Creating a nutritional plan is also important for managing anxiety. I work with the place my patients are at, rather than pushing a full dietary overhaul. Making minor adjustments to diet, such as adding more protein, especially in the morning, more fruits and vegetables and less refined carbs and sugars, can do wonders for decreasing anxiety symptoms. Reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption can also greatly benefit symptoms.
Depending on the specific symptoms and lifestyle of my patients, I might recommend nutritional supplementation to improve neurotransmitter synthesis. I also prescribe supplements to help my patients’ bodies through times of stress, depending on their stress levels and other symptoms they present with. Keeping supplements to a few key nutrients that treat the root cause of symptoms is preferable to taking handfuls of pills every day.
Improving gut health is important. This means supplementing with a good quality probiotic, identifying and removing food sensitivities, and eating a diet that is low in inflammatory fats and high in health-promoting omega 3 fatty acids. A digestive aid such as digestive enzymes or herbal bitters can also help with the body’s ability to absorb valuable nutrients from a healthy diet.
Balancing hormones by supporting liver function, adjusting birth control brand and dosage, and minimizing exposure to hormonal toxins such as BPA, fragrances or phthalates can help treat symptoms of estrogen dominance, if present.
Finally, counselling to identify core beliefs can also be beneficial for eradicating emotional memories that are no longer beneficial to patients and that can be contributing negatively to symptoms of anxiety and mood, is important. CBT, narrative therapy, mindfulness training and Coherence therapy are all processes through which patients can begin to identify and challenge the core beliefs that may be contributing to or causing their anxious symptoms.
For more information on a naturopathic approach to your anxiety, visit my contact page.
I’m tucking away at the cake again because the people who’ve invited me for dinner have dessert. Dessert: the gluten-y, sugar-y, dough-y sweetness of relief from deprivation, the dopamine and serotonin rush when the food smashes against my lips, teeth and tongue and gets swallowed, in massive globs, into my stomach. The desire for more smashes maddeningly around my skull. Getting the next fix is all I can think about. I reach for another slice when no one is looking. I guess some people call this binging, a complete loss of control around “forbidden” foods. All I care about is devouring another bite, and feeling the euphoric blood sugar rush that flushes me with giddiness and good feelings before the shame sets in.
One I’ve begun to indulge, however, the voice demanding more exits stage left and is replaced with a little gremlin who fills my head with sneering and loathsome disparagement. It doesn’t speak in whole sentences, but rather in snippets, sentence fragments and hateful keywords. Sugarrr…. it hisses, gluten, bloating… FAT! Ugly, worthless…No control, no willpower, useless… failure…FAT! Not that the cake contains fat, but fat is what I will become when I allow the cake to become a part of me, the little evil voice suggests. Sometimes I can temporarily drown out his voice by eating more cake, which only makes him louder once all the cake is gone or my stomach groans with fullness.
I’ve come to realize that this cycle can be set off with feelings of boredom, anxiety and, most of all, hunger. A low-calorie diet, detox or a period of controlled eating leaves me susceptible to these binge lapses. It’s taken me the better part of 30 years to figure that out. However, stress can also send me to the pantry, digging out whatever sugary treats I can find. And so the cycle of loss of control followed by self-loathing begins.
The next day, or even within the next few hours, I feel fat.
Fat feels a certain way to me. It feels physical: puffy, bloated and sick. Most of all, it feels like I’ve done something wrong, that I am wrong. It brings with it feelings of lethargy and heaviness, not the light, perkiness I associate with health and femininity. I feel gross, unworthy of good things: attention, love, affection. I feel like I’ve failed. I feel like I’ve lost control of myself. For, if I can’t even control when I shove in my mouth, how can I have power over anything else in life?
However, a person can’t really feel fat. I mean, especially not after only a day of overeating.
And besides, fat is not a feeling.
Perhaps fat was a stand-in feeling for other difficult emotions my childhood brain couldn’t fully comprehend. Like the time I wrote in my diary, at the age of 8 years old, That’s it, I’m fat, I’m going on a diet. From now on, I’m only eating sandwiches. Funny and touching, but also sad, I wonder what 8-year-old me was really feeling when she claimed to feel “fat”. Perhaps she felt helpless, out of control, different from the herd and hopeless about fitting in.
If I pause to peer below the surface of “fat”, I find other words or cognitive connections that underlie it. When I feel “fat” I also feel out of control, worthless, lonely, like a failure. I sometimes feel sad and anxious. Sometimes I simply feel full, like I’ve fed myself, and as I’ve often heard repeated, “It’s important to leave a meal feeling a little bit hungry”, the feeling of being fed can induce feelings of guilt.
Everywhere we look, the media equates “healthy” with thin, glistening bodies. Fitness models with amenorrheic abs, bounce back and forth on splayed legs in front of a full make-up, costume, lighting and camera team to simulate the image of running through a field. “Losing weight” equals “getting fit” equals “being healthy”. As a society we’ve failed to ask ourselves what “health” might mean and instead deliver the whole concept over to impossible standards of beauty, making “health” as unachievable as the stringy bodies that represent it. While I intellectually know that this isn’t the case, that health comes in all sizes—and may actually hover around “plus” sizes, in actual fact—restriction has been imprinted in my brain as a sign of healthy self-control.
But, maybe the definition of health needs to come from digging within and asking the question What does health mean to you? Perhaps the body knows more than the marketing media does about what it needs for health. Maybe, just sometimes, it needs cake to be healthy. Maybe even the act of overindulgence is healthy sometimes.
Perhaps if I give my body enough of the healthy food and fuel it needs, it won’t go crazy the next time it sees cake. When we try to murder ourselves by holding our breath to stop our breathing, we pass out. The body deems us too irresponsible to control the precious task of breathing and so it turns the lights out on conscious breath control. Our very own physiology doesn’t trust our conscious thought if we abuse it. So, when I force my body to survive and thrive on restrictions, self-hate and negative talk, perhaps it induces a binge. Maybe I binge to survive. Or maybe my body loves cake as much as I do.
Instead of feeling like a failure, because I didn’t win the fight against my body, perhaps I should respectfully hand it back the reins and tell it, with my conscious mind, “I trust you, I respect you, I’ll listen to you more carefully from now on.”
And, like Marie Antoinette once granted her people, I can grant my body permission, and let it eat cake.
We all have a critic inside of our heads. Through talking to people, I’ve been able to form more complete pictures of what these critics look like. I’ve found them to be as varied as the heads they inhabit, with personalities and characteristics of their own.
Some critics speak in fragments, muttering key words in people’s ears: fat… failure… loser… always…be… alone. Some are quite articulate, forming complex arguments. All inner critics, however, are sharp in their cruelty and ingenious in the way they intrude into our thoughts and convince us of our lack of worth.
Our inner critics were born out of a need for protection. The inner critic’s job is to spare us shame and pain. If it criticizes us before we have the chance to say or do the “wrong” thing, it can help us avoid social humiliation, rejection and isolation. However, the disparaging, constant stream of criticism often leads to depression, low self-esteem and negative identity conclusions in many people–a strong critical voice has the power to convince the person it talks to that he or she is wrong. The critical voice in our heads has the power to poke holes in the social armour of our self-esteem, diminishing the good feelings we have about ourselves and destroying our sense of personal value, self-worth and resilience.
There are many ways to develop a healthy relationship with the critical inner voice and address issues of low self-worth and low self-esteem. One of these ways is to strengthen other, more positive voices, that serve to give us a balanced view of ourselves. Self-help books and feel-good memes emphasize the importance of positive affirmations.
“Write down ten things you love about yourself before you go to bed every night!”
“Recite ‘I am beautiful, healthy and happy’ five times each day!”
“Write ‘I love you!’ and ‘You’re awesome!’ in lipstick in the bathroom mirror and look at it every morning before you to go to work!”
“Paper your workspace with feel-good Post-it notes!”
The suggested ways of talking to ourselves are endless. A sample:
According to Guy Winch, PhD and author of Emotional First Aid, research shows that positive affirmations can be very effective at raising self-esteem. However, their efficacy only applies to a certain group of people (like Jessica here). Affirmations can boost the morale of those who already have high self-esteem and a high sense of self-worth. In people who struggle with strong critical voices, depression and feelings of self-loathing, positive affirmations only result in making them feel worse.
Science tells us that we accept statements and ideas when they fall into our current belief system. Therefore, people with healthy levels of self-worth, who already believe that they are loved, good at their jobs and successful, will reinforce those feelings through reciting positive affirmations about themselves. However, my patients struggling with issues of self-esteem will comment that when they feel unattractive, unloved or unworthy, reciting the opposite sentiments as affirmations (“I am beautiful, loved, worthy!”) only reinforces their current feelings of unworthiness and unattractiveness. When a positive affirmation doesn’t overlap with the beliefs we hold about ourselves, we will reject it, thereby failing to convince or persuade ourselves to feel otherwise. Trying to force oneself into feeling a positive emotion can often only serve to remind us of how unhappy we are actually feeling.
Dr. Winch offers an alternate 3-step exercise, which reminds me in many ways of Narrative Therapy as it aims to build on one’s preferred identity. The exercise is based on increasing the aspects of our identity we already believe of ourselves. It takes about 20 minutes and requires writing. Writing helps us process the information on both sides of the brain, properly integrating and enforcing these more balanced thoughts about ourselves. The exercise only works when you write your thoughts down.
Step 1: Choose a specific situation in which you feel bad or unworthy. Perhaps you have a test coming up and feel unprepared or convinced that you’ll fail. Perhaps there is a date you’re going to go on but you feel ugly and unworthy of someone’s time or attention. Maybe you feel unpopular and have come to the conclusion that you are a bad friend. Using context is important for creating an alternate voice to that our the critic.
Step 2: Once the context has been selected, write down a list of things—traits or behaviours you exhibit—that you have to offer that you believe are valuable to the situation. This list should be exhaustive. Perhaps you would make a good date because you are generous, always offering to pay. Perhaps you’re loyal or you care about others. Perhaps you remember important dates and make your partner feel special on his or her birthday. Perhaps you’re a good student because you get to class on time or study for an hour after class instead of watching movies. Perhaps you always take notes in class and often share them with others. Focussing on even the tiniest detail of what you have to offer the situation will help you in the creation of your list. If you can’t think of anything positive about yourself, pretend that you are writing it for a friend. What would your friend have to offer if he or she were faced with the same context and self-defeating thoughts as you?
Step 3: Choose one of the items on your list and write a short essay on why these traits or qualities are important to the context you are in. Why is being thoughtful (remembering birthdays, for instance) important for dating? How have you managed to manifest this trait in the past? How will you manifest this trait or behaviour in the future? Write about how this trait has been valued by others or might be of value to others in the context that you’re in. Focusing on specific details helps to flush out the narrative of how this trait has helped shaped your identity. Â Again, if you are unable to write about yourself, continue to write as if it were about a friend, sticking to more general ideas. Then put the paper aside, pick it up 24 hours later, and read it as if it were about you.
Writing a short, detailed essay about what we know we have to offer and why these offerings are worthwhile can help to build a more balanced view of ourselves and the qualities we bring to the world. Narrative exercises serve to strengthen what we already know about ourselves, thickening the preferred identity stories that either fail to get told or get drowned out by the dominant stories of negative labels and personal failings. The aim is not to shut up the inner critic, but to strengthen the voices that oppose it, balancing and creating a dynamic sense of self.
People seek out naturopathic doctors for expert advice. This immediately positions us as experts in the context of the therapeutic relationship, establishing a power imbalance right from the first encounter. If left unchecked, this power imbalance will result in the knowledge and experience of the practitioner being preferred to the knowledge, experience, skills and values of the people who seek naturopathic care.
The implicit expectation of the therapeutic relationship is that it’s up to the doctor to figure out what is “wrong” with the body patients inhabit and make expert recommendations to correct this wrong-ness. After that, it’s up to the patients to follow the recommendations in order to heal. If there is a failure to follow recommendations, it is the patient who has failed to “comply” with treatment. This “failure” results in breakdown of communication, loss of personal agency on the part of the patient, and frustration for both parties.
When speaking of previous experience with naturopathic medicine, patients often express frustration at unrealistic, expensive and time-consuming treatment plans that don’t honour their values and lifestyles. Oftentimes patients express fear at prescriptions that they had no part in creating, blaming them for adverse reactions, or negative turns in health outcomes. It’s common that, rather than address these issues with the practitioner, patients take for granted that the treatment plan offered is the only one available and, for a variety of reasons, choose to discontinue care.
One of the elements of Narrative Therapy—a style of psychotherapy founded by Australian Michael White—I most resonate with is the idea of the “therapeutic posture”. In narrative therapy, the therapist or practitioner assumes a de-centred, but influential posture in the visit. This can be roughly translated as reducing practitioner expertise to that of a guide or facilitator, while keeping the agency, decision-making, expertise and wisdom of the patient as the dominant source for informing clinical decisions. The de-centred clinician guides the patient through questioning, helping to reframe his or her identity by flushing out his or her ideas and values through open-ended questions. However, the interests of the doctor are set aside in the visit.
From the place of de-centred facilitation, no part of the history is assumed without first asking questions, and outcomes are not pursued without requesting patient input. De-centring eschews advice-giving, praise, judgement and applying a normalizing or pathologizing gaze to the patient’s concerns. De-centring the naturopathic practitioner puts the patient’s experiences above professional training, knowledge or expertise. We are often told in naturopathic medical school that patients are the experts on their own bodies. A de-centred therapeutic gaze acknowledges this and uses it to optimize the clinical encounter.
I personally find that in psychotherapy, the applicability of de-centring posture seems feasible—patients expect that the therapist will simply act as a mirror rather than doling out advice. However, in clinical practice, privileging the skills, knowledge and expertise of the patient over those of the doctor seems trickier—after all, people come for answers. At the end of naturopathic clinical encounters, I always find myself reaching for a prescription pad and quickly laying out out my recommendations.
There is an expected power imbalance in doctor-patient relationships that is taught and enforced by medical training. The physician or medical student, under the direction of his or her supervisor, asks questions and compiles a document of notes—the clinical chart. The patient often has little idea of what is being recorded, whether these notes are in their own words, or even if they are an accurate interpretation of what the patient has intended to convey—The Seinfeld episode where Elaine is deemed a “difficult patient” comes to mind when I think of the impact of medical records on people’s lives. After that we make an assessment and prescription by a process that, in many ways, remains invisible to the patient.
De-centred practice involves acknowledging the power differential between practitioner and patient and bringing it to the forefront of the therapeutic interaction.
The ways that this are done must be applied creatively and conscientiously, wherever a power imbalance can be detected. For me this starts with acknowledging payment—I really appreciate it when my patients openly tell me that they struggle to afford me. There may not be something I can do about this, but if I don’t know the reason for my patient falling off the radar or frequently cancelling when their appointment time draws near, there is certainly nothing I can do to address the issue of cost and finances. Rather than being a problem separate from our relationship, it becomes internal the the naturopathic consultation, which means that solutions can be reached by acts of collaboration, drawing on the strengths, knowledge and experience of both of us.
In a similar vein, addressing the intersection of personal finance and real estate within the therapeutic relationship requires a delicate balance of empathy and practicality. Patients may be navigating the complexities of homeownership or rental expenses, which can significantly impact their overall well-being. Encouraging open communication about these financial stressors fosters an environment where solutions can be explored collaboratively. It’s essential to recognize that financial challenges are not isolated issues but are intricately woven into the fabric of a person’s life, influencing mental and emotional well-being.
For instance, a patient might express concerns about the financial strain associated with homeownership, prompting a discussion about alternative housing options or budgeting strategies. In this context, exploring unconventional opportunities, such as innovative approaches to real estate like eXp Realty, could naturally arise. Integrating discussions about progressive real estate models within the therapeutic dialogue allows for a holistic exploration of solutions, leveraging the expertise and experiences of both the practitioner and the patient. This approach not only addresses immediate concerns but also lays the foundation for a collaborative and conscientious partnership in navigating the multifaceted aspects of personal finance and real estate.
De-centred practice involves practicing non-judgement and removing assumptions about the impact of certain conditions. A patient may smoke, self-harm or engage in addictive behaviours that appear counterproductive to healing. It’s always useful to ask them how they feel about these practices—these behaviours may be hidden life-lines keeping patients afloat, or gateways to stories of very “healthy” behaviours. They may be clues to hidden strengths. By applying a judgemental, correctional gaze to behaviours, we can drive a wedge in the trust and rapport between doctor and patient, and the potential to uncover and draw on these strengths for healing will be lost.
De-centred practice involves avoiding labelling our patients. A patient may not present with “Generalized Anxiety Disorder”, but “nervousness” or “uneasiness”, “a pinball machine in my chest” or, one of my favourites, a “black smog feeling”. It’s important to be mindful about adding a new or different labels and the impact this can have on power and identity. We often describe physiological phenomena in ways that many people haven’t heard before: estrogen dominance, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut syndrome, chronic inflammation. In our professional experience, these labels can provide relief for people who have suffered for years without knowing what’s off. Learning that something pathological is indeed happening in the body, that this thing has a name, isn’t merely a figment of the imagination and, better still, has a treatment (by way of having a name), can provide immense relief. However, others may feel that they are being trapped in a diagnosis. We’re praised for landing a “correct” diagnosis in medical school, as if finding the right word to slap our patients with validates our professional aptitude. However, being aware of the extent to which labels help or hinder our patients capacities for healing is important for establishing trust.
To be safe, it can help to simply ask, “So, you’ve been told you have ‘Social Anxiety’. What do you think of this label? Has it helped to add meaning to your experience? Is there anything else you’d like to call this thing that’s been going on with you?”
Avoiding labelling also includes holding back from using the other labels we may be tempted to apply such as “non-compliant”, “resistant”, “difficult”, or to group patients with the same condition into categories of behaviour and identity.
It is important to attempt to bring transparency to all parts of the therapeutic encounter, such as history-taking, physical exams, labs, charting, assessment and prescribing, whenever possible. I’ve heard of practitioners reading back to people what they have written in the chart, to make sure their recordings are accurate, and letting patients read their charts over to proofread them before they are signed. The significance of a file existing in the world about someone that they have never seen or had input into the creation of can be quite impactful, especially for those who have a rich medical history. One practitioner asks “What’s it like to carry this chart around all your life?” to new patients who present with phonebook-sized medical charts. She may also ask, “Of all the things written in here about you, what would you most like me to know?” This de-emphasizes the importance of expert communication and puts the patient’s history back under their own control.
Enrolling patients in their own treatment plan is essential for compliance and positive clinical outcomes. I believe that the extent to which a treatment plan can match a patient’s values, abilities, lifestyle and personal preferences dictates the success of that plan. Most people have some ideas about healthy living and natural health that they have acquired through self-study, consuming media, trial-and-error on their own bodies or consulting other healthcare professionals. Many people who seek a naturopathic doctor are not doing so for the first time and, in the majority of cases, the naturopathic doctor is not the first professional the patient may have consulted. This is also certainly not the first time that the person has taken steps toward healing—learning about those first few, or many, steps is a great way to begin an empowering and informed conversation about the patients’ healing journey before they met you. If visiting a naturopathic doctor is viewed as one more step of furthering self-care and self-healing, then the possibilities for collaboration become clearer. Many people who see me have been trying their own self-prescriptions for years and now finally “need some support” to help guide further action. Why not mobilize the patient’s past experiences, steps and actions that they’ve already taken to heal themselves? Patients are a wealth of skills, knowledge, values, experiences and beliefs that contribute to their ability to heal. The vast majority have had to call on these skills in the past and have rich histories of using these skills in self-healing that can be drawn upon for treatment success.
De-centring ourselves, at least by a few degrees, from the position of expertise, knowledge and power in the therapeutic relationship, if essential for allowing our patients to heal. A mentor once wrote to me, “Trust is everything. People trust you and then they use that trust to heal themselves.”
By lowering our status as experts, we increase the possibility to build this trust—not just our patients’ trust in our abilities as practitioners, but patients’ trust in their own skills, knowledge and abilities as self-healing entities. I believe that de-centring practitioner power can lead to increased “compliance”, more engagement in the therapeutic treatment, more opportunities for collaboration, communication and transparency. It can decrease the amount of people that discontinue care. I also believe that this takes off the burden of control and power off of ourselves—we aren’t solely responsible for having the answers—decreasing physician burnout. Through de-centring, patients and doctors work together to come up with a solution that suits both, becoming willing partners in creating treatment plans, engaging each other in healing and thereby increasing the trust patients have in their own bodies and those bodies’ abilities to heal.
When a successful person is asked to share the secrets of his or her success, the unanimous response is that success requires “effort” and “hard work”. Other popular euphemisms are that success demands “sweat, blood and tears” or “1% inspiration, 99% perspiration”. In grade school we’re lectured on working harder and reprimanded for not trying hard enough. Put in the time and effort to get the grades that will land you the job that will require similar or increasing levels of time and effort. Olympic athletes are lauded as modern-day heroes for their early mornings, punishing workouts and restricted diets. Our society reveres those who put in 80-hour work weeks, despite their implausibility, as we all need to sleep, eat and defecate, which take up hours that are obviously not spent working. It’s a shame to some that we’re limited by these earthly, time-consuming bodies that have been the disdain of capitalism since it’s inception. I see more youth in my practice, who are already bearing the weight of society’s expectations. They are working hard, as instructed, and this “hard work” is taking a physical, mental and emotional toll on their lives. But what can they do? Success requires effort, goes the mantra of our times.
This effort shows up on faces and in bodies. Our minds exhaust us with chastising inner talk; teeth clench, jaws grind and shoulders hunch around ears, creating a new neck-less species, The Hard Worker, inhabiting the earth in increasing numbers.
70% of people today admit to being under stress. When I asked my patients if they feel “stressed”, many shrug, deny or tell me their stress is nothing that they can’t handle, and then proceed to rank their stress levels as 6 out of 10 or higher, 10 being a hair-pulling, crazy-eyed, stressed-out-of-their-wits state—I find it significant that being more than halfway to our limits still qualifies us as not being stressed.
It’s likely that admitting to stress and overwhelm is a weakness in our effort-driven society. If the bodies we inhabit fail to perform, we’ll be replaced by someone more able-bodied, or someone more able or willing to push their limits and sacrifice their health for short-term success—or maybe a machine. Machines don’t need paid vacation or sick leave. While the future seems bleak, it certainly helps with the healing business, as 75-90% of doctor’s visits are either directly or indirectly stress-related. We know that stress has the power to wreck havoc on the body, contributing to diseases, inflammation, decreased immunity, proliferation of cancer and premature aging. We know that stress is implicated in the rising incidence of mental health conditions. We know that things can’t go on as they are, the system is simply not working.
And so when modern society is failing us, it helps to turn to ancient ideas, before it all went wrong, such as Taoist philosophy, to look for answers. The Taoist principles of wu wei, or “effortless action”, tell us that action does not always originate from effort and stress. Effective actions, like creativity and good ideas, can occur spontaneously and of their own accord.
In a society where relentless growth and production are imperative for the survival of the economy, it’s hard to image any action in the absence of sheer effort. Incessant production can’t rely on the eb and flow cycles of natural inspiration and creativity to dictate when, how much or how hard we work. And yet, this perhaps says more about the societal necessities of the work available to us, and our enjoyment (or lack thereof) of such work, than it does about human inspiration. I’ve been planning this blogpost for a while and although it might have been written sooner if set to a deadline, I’ve eventually gotten around to it; here it is. It is a fact that when things need to get done, they will. The doing might happen later than we’d like it to, and yet it still happens, inspired by a genuine desire or necessity, rather than pressure-cooker of stress.
I’m often asked, as a doctor, to help support my patients’ bodies in periods of intense stress—”periods” that have gone on for years with no apparent end in sight. While there are several remedies that can help the body recuperate from the wear and tear of effort or help the adrenal glands secrete more cortisol to continue producing more and faster, there’s also only so much that can be squeezed out of tired organs. Oftentimes, as I’ve written before, the path to healing is paved with introspection and a serious reconsideration of lifestyle. Can we continue to produce and strive at our current rates and still expect to feel fit, healthy and energized? We can build faster computers and smarter phones but our bodies are very much limited to the tools nature has slowly evolved over time, including the natural medicines available to us. Perhaps our lifestyles, like the economy and the stress on the environment, are simply unsustainable. Perhaps it’s time to question how many of the activities in our lives are worth the effort.
While it may not be possible to quit our jobs, pack up and move to the Bahamas, perhaps there are small nooks in our routines where wu wei might fit and flourish. It may be possible to ease up on our own expectations of ourselves, or give up some of our conventional ideas of success. After all, is the journey to success worth slogging if we won’t be happy or healthy when we get there? Finding space in our lives to allow action to arise spontaneously may be crucial in doing the necessary, healing work of stress-management.
Applying wu wei might mean examining the intentions behind our actions and our current lifestyles. Here are some questions to ask yourself.
When is effort appropriate and when is it wasted?
Where am I trying to get to? What is my definition of success?
Is there a day/afternoon/hour in my week when I can “schedule” unscheduled time?
Are there tasks I can ease up on, laundry for instance, that I can trust will get done on their own time?
Can I agree to forgive myself when I fail to meet deadlines or choose to take a day off?
What would it feel like to stop paddling and let the current carry me for a while? Can I do this at work? At home?
In what area of my life could I allow myself a little more room to breathe?
What are my top ten values in life? What goals align with those values? What actions would help me move closer to those goals? How much does thinking of those actions excite or inspire me?
Today, I’m 30, working on my career as a self-employed health professional and a small business owner and living on my own. I’ve moved through a lot of states, emotions and life experiences this year, which has been appropriate for closing the chapter on my 20’s and moving into a new decade of life. I’ve experienced huge changes in the past year and significant personal growth thanks to the work I’ve been blessed to do and the people who have impacted me throughout the last 30 years. Here are 30 things this past year has taught me.
Take care of your gut and it will take care of you. It will also eliminate the need for painkillers, antidepressants, skincare products, creams, many cosmetic surgeries, shampoo and a myriad of supplements and products.
Trying too hard might not be the recipe for success. In Taoism, the art of wu wei, or separating action from effort might be key in moving forward with your goals and enjoying life;Â You’re not falling behind in life. Additionally, Facebook, the scale and your wallet are horrible measures to gauge how you’re doing in life. Find other measures.
If you have a chance to, start your own business. Building a business forces you to build independence, autonomy, self-confidence, healthy boundaries, a stronger ego, humility and character, presence, guts and strength, among other things. It asks you to define yourself, write your own life story, rewrite your own success story and create a thorough and authentic understanding of what “success” means to you. Creating your own career allows you to create your own schedule, philosophy for living and, essentially, your own life.
There is such as thing as being ready. You can push people to do what you want, but if they’re not ready, it’s best to send them on their way, wherever their “way” may be. Respecting readiness and lack thereof in others has helped me overcome a lot of psychological hurdles and avoid taking rejection personally. It’s helped me accept the fact that we’re all on our own paths and recognize my limitations as a healer and friend.
Letting go is one of the most important life skills for happiness. So is learning to say no.
The law of F$%3 Yes or No is a great rule to follow, especially if you’re ambivalent about an impending choice. Not a F— Yes? Then, no. Saying no might make you feel guilty, but when the choice is between feeling guilty and feeling resentment, choose guilt every time. Feeling guilty is the first sign that you’re taking care of yourself.
Patience is necessary. Be patient for your patients.
Things may come and things may go, including various stressors and health challenges, but I will probably always need to take B-vitamins, magnesium and fish oil daily.
Quick fixes work temporarily, but whatever was originally broken tends to break again. This goes for diets, exercise regimes, intense meditation practices, etc. Slow and steady may be less glamorous and dramatic, but it’s the only real way to change and the only way to heal.
When in doubt, read. The best teachers and some of the best friends are books. Through books we can access the deepest insights humanity has ever seen.
If the benefits don’t outweigh the sacrifice, you’ll never give up dairy, coffee, wine, sugar and bread for the long term. That’s probably perfectly ok. Let it go.
Patients trust you and then they heal themselves. You learn to trust yourself, and then your patients heal. Developing self-trust is the best continuing education endeavour you can do as a doctor.
Self-care is not selfish. In fact, it is the single most powerful tool you have for transforming the world.
Why would anyone want to anything other than a healer or an artist?
Getting rid of excess things can be far more healing than retail therapy. Tidying up can in fact be magical and life-changing.
It is probably impossible to be truly healthy without some form of mindfulness or meditation in this day and age.
As Virginia Woolf once wrote, every woman needs a Room of Own’s Own. Spending time alone, with yourself, in nature is when true happiness can manifest. Living alone is a wonderful skill most women should have—we tend to outlive the men in our lives, for one thing. And then we’re left with ourselves in the end anyways.
The inner self is like a garden. We can plant the seeds and nurture the soil, but we can’t force the garden to grow any faster. Nurture your garden of self-love, knowledge, intuition, business success, and have faith that you’ll have a beautiful, full garden come spring.
Be cheap when it comes to spending money on everything, except when it comes to food, travel and education. Splurge on those things, if you can.
Your body is amazing. Every day it spends thousands of units of energy on keeping you alive, active and healthy. Treat it well and, please, only say the nicest things to it. It can hear you.
If you’re in a job or life where you’re happy “making time go by quickly”, maybe you should think of making a change. There is only one February 23rd, 2016. Be grateful for time creeping by slowly. When you can, savour the seconds.
Do no harm is a complicated doctrine to truly follow. It helps to start with yourself.
Drink water. Tired? Sore? Poor digestion? Weight gain? Hungry? Feeling empty? Generally feeling off? Start with drinking water.
Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. As long as what you love requires no board exams, marketing, emailing, faxing, charting, and paying exorbitant fees. But, since most careers have at least some of those things, it’s still probably still preferable to be doing something you love.
Not sure what to do? Pause, count to 7, breathe. As a good friend and colleague recently wrote to me, “I was doing some deep breathing yesterday and I felt so good.” Amen to that.
As it turns out, joining a group of women to paint, eat chocolate and drink wine every Wednesday for two months can be an effective form of “marketing”. Who knew?
“Everyone you meet is a teacher”, is a great way to look at online dating, friendships and patient experiences. Our relationships are the sharpest mirrors through which we can look at ourselves. Let’s use them and look closely.
Being in a state of curiosity is one of the most healing states to be in. When we look with curiosity, we are unable to feel judgment, anxiety, or obsess about control. Curiosity is the gateway to empathy and connection.
Aiming to be liked by everyone prevents us from feeling truly connected to the people around us. The more we show up as our flawed, messy, sometimes obnoxious selves, the fewer people might like us. However, the ones who stick around happen to love the hot, obnoxious mess they see. As your social circle tightens, it will also strengthen.
If everyone is faking it until they make it, then is everyone who’s “made” it really faking it? These are the things I wonder while I lie awake at night.
Happy Birthday to me and happy February 23rd, 2016 to all of you!