Rosemary and Olive Grain-Free Flatbread

Rosemary and Olive Grain-Free Flatbread


This recipe is based on the one provided to me by my colleague Amy, who is currently putting together a cookbook. It’s a fabulous idea for a good-for-you flatbread made of 3 simple ingredients. When my cousin came to visit from Calgary, she brought homemade focaccia made with rosemary and olives. Not being able to eat gluten, I was tortured by that bread for the entire weekend. The sense of deprivation inspired the need to create a gluten-free version of her forbidden bread, using Amy’s grain free recipe as the bread base.


Chicken Curry with Cauliflower “Rice”

Chicken Curry with Cauliflower “Rice”


My family and I have been doing Natasha Turner’s Hormone Diet for the past few weeks. The diet mainly consists of eliminating all sources of starch (grains and root vegetables, mostly), sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods, and eating a whole foods diet. While we thought it would be hard – there are a lot of rules to follow – it’s not too bad. We’ve helped each other get through it as a family, taking turns cooking and preparing meals. And as a family, we’ve become healthier: I feel lighter, more energetic and have  experienced less cravings for sweets or “unhealthy foods”. I also find that my blood sugar is more stable throughout the day.


Blueberry Coconut “Buttermilk” Pancakes (Gluten and Dairy-Free)

Blueberry Coconut “Buttermilk” Pancakes (Gluten and Dairy-Free)


Pancakes for breakfast can only mean a few things: a lazy Sunday morning, the first morning of a long break (like Christmas) or vacation! All great things, it’s no wonder I love pancakes. There really is nothing like lazily flipping over a page of the thick weekend paper, sipping the forbidden juice of strongly-brewed arabica coffee beans and helping yourself to yet another delicious flapjack. Fortunately, you can have your pancakes (and eat them too) without encouraging full-body inflammation and upsetting your hormone balance. These babies are fit for any Elimination Diet and I’m pretty sure can fool your grandparents into thinking they’re the real (i.e.: wheat flour and actual whole-fat buttermilk) deal.


Dark Chocolate and Coconut Gluten-free Birthday Cake

Dark Chocolate and Coconut Gluten-free Birthday Cake


Wednesday was my mom’s birthday and, to celebrate, I made her a very chocolate-y gluten-free cake. Since cake and chocolate are not exactly naturopathic (although dark cocoa has been shown to modestly lower blood pressure), it’s important that, when eating and preparing dessert, we make sure we create a 10/10 on the delicious-ness scale. Making sure that birthday cakes are as chocolate-y and delicious as possible makes it worth it and justifies the extra sugar and calories. I hope this one was a 10.


Gluten-Free Holiday Fruitcake

Gluten-Free Holiday Fruitcake


Christmas fruitcake. I’ve always hated that dry, brown loaf with its bitter, plastic-tasting chunks of “fruit”. Only my dad would eat it; I guess nothing says Christmas like dipping a piece of dry, tasteless plastic/bread into an espresso cup, and then picking the gummy fruits out of your teeth for days afterward. It’s all a part of the holiday cheer! This Christmas fruitcake, however, is not like that. It’s even (dare I say it)… good!

Now that my family is gluten-free, it seems like the skies have opened and baked goods (baked at home) have become reinvented. Old, store-bought staleness has reinvented itself as warm, moist deliciousness.


Goat Cheese and Roasted Red Pepper Cucumber Canapes

Goat Cheese and Roasted Red Pepper Cucumber Canapes


For the last Monday of classes for the 2012 school year we had a cleverly named “Ugly Potluck and Delicious Sweater” party at CCNM. Much fun (and good treats) were had by all and people did wear quite delicious sweaters, including some homemade masterpieces featuring Christmas trees that actually lit up via a battery pack. Celtic Christmas songs droned on in the background and it was a nice study “break” to foster school spirit and a sense of community before the real heat of exams set in and then we all disperse for the holidays.


Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Even when it reflects your passions, it’s not often you find yourself in a truly inspiring lecture while studying for a post-graduate degree; hey, it’s sad, but true. So, imagine my excitement at feeling completely touched by our third year Clinical Nutrition professor, Dr. P’s, incredible Thursday lecture.


A Pizza of Inspiration: Blog Award + Recipe

A Pizza of Inspiration: Blog Award + Recipe

First of all, let me thank Mark at Endless Love and Light for my 2nd Very Inspiring Blogger Award nomination. That makes 4 blog nominations! While I’m not exactly sure what these nominations really mean, I’m grateful for the recognition from the blogging community and appreciate the love that’s sent my way (every time someone hits “like” or leaves a comment, or even reads a post). It’s a wonderful feeling when someone shows that they’ve resonated with a post, picture or thought that you’ve shared and it serves as a great motivating factor to keep on blogging. So, thanks, Mark!


Paleo Bread Recipe

Paleo Bread Recipe

Just for the record, I don’t follow the Paleolithic diet, nor any diet for that matter. Not to a T, anyways.  I enjoy eating legumes, I consume whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa, and I also enjoy eating root vegetables, most of which are eschewed on the Paleolithic, or primitive, diet.  I know that many people feel great on the paleo diet, but at this stage in the game that is my personal health journey, it’s not for me.  Maybe one day it will be, but not today.


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