Feeling Just Beachy!

Feeling Just Beachy!

There’s something to be said for good company, sun and sand to bring you out of a dark, rainy slump.  Last week was a particularly emotional one for me, which in part is due to my Reiki initiation, which can cause some energetic side effects, and some events happening on the home front.


Knock Knock Knockin’ on Gabo’s Door

Knock Knock Knockin’ on Gabo’s Door

One of the realities of human suffering is the sensation of time passing us by.  It is one of the pains of being alive and aware of it.  Oftentimes we live on autopilot, bored with our present circumstances and rushing through life to the next good thing we have scheduled.  When times are good we can experience the anxious feeling of attachment, knowing that, like all good things, it can’t possibly last forever.


An Exercise in Empathy

An Exercise in Empathy

As mentioned before, naturopaths are not necessarily defined by our toolbox of modalities.   What, then, does define us as a profession?  As we witness a rise in the demand for complementary and alternative medicine, and with it, the rise in something called the “Holistic Medical Doctor”, what sets naturopathic doctors apart?


The Evergreen Brick Works

The Evergreen Brick Works

After being enchanted by Montreal, I was determined to show Joe that Toronto isn’t all concrete and business suits.  I may not be an expert on all that Toronto has to offer as a city; I don’t frequent clubs, I’m not that into high fashion and I don’t eat out often.  However, I am very familiar with one thing about Toronto: its parks. (more…)

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