by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Jan 14, 2013 | Art Therapy, Community, Culture, Healing Stories, Health, Music, South America
In Paraguay, South America there is a village, called Cateura, whose main industry is collecting and recycling the waste from the rest of the country. Being from a poor village that acts as Paraguay’s dumping grounds, the citizens of Cateura subsist mainly on sorting and recycling garbage. The documentary Landfill Harmonic, tells the story of Favio Chavez, a music teacher in Cateura, who decided to create a school music program using instruments made entirely of recycled garbage.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Aug 23, 2012 | Balance, Colombia, Community, Culture, Emotions, Family, Music, Nature, Photography, Poetry, Politics, South America, Summer, Travel, Travel Stories

The first thing I notice about Bogotá, when descending the rickety stairs of the airplane, is the smell: a strange mixture of damp clay, lush green vegetation and diesel smoke. The altitude provides a lightheaded feeling of well-being and forceful palpitations of your abdominal aorta begin somewhere between your sternum and navel.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Jun 18, 2012 | Art, Art Therapy, Community, Creativity, Culture, Music, Summer Festivals, Theatre Reviews, Urban Living
I am a huge fan of the theatre. With one outlier in mind, there has never been a live performance that I didn’t completely enjoy (the exception happened to be a 3-hour monologue about Simon Bolívar). Every other experience, no matter what the production budget is, has been excellent.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Feb 20, 2012 | Cooking, Digestion, Food, Music, Nutrition, Recipes, Self-care, Tea
Now that the temperature is dropping, it is important to maintain agni, our digestive fire, in order to keep us energized, warm and free from colds and flu.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND | Feb 1, 2012 | Balance, Diet, Exercise, Food, Meditation, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Music, Nutrition, Sleep, Technology
We’ve all heard of the potential health implications of spending too much time wired in. Whether it’s the radiation from our cell phones, the arthritis that sets in our thumbs, the damage done to our interpersonal communication skills or the strain on our eyes, we’re constantly told about the negative health implications of our technological age.
However, as much as we hear these warnings, there is no chance that our electronic lifestyle is going anywhere soon. Wireless technology, the internet and smart phones are here to stay. They serve as essential tools for the rapid-paced society we live in. While I advocate taking an “electronic-free” day off each week to give your nervous system a break, I wonder if all this technology can actually have a positive impact on our health. Here are my favourite apps for Android and iPhone that can promote your health rather than hinder it.
1) Pocket Yoga: Of all the Android yoga apps out there, this one is by far my favourite. It’s
not free (it costs $3) but it actually takes you through a series of yoga workouts rather than just showing you a list of poses. The app gives you the option of choosing from three different settings (mountain, ocean or desert), three different workout lengths (30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour) and three levels of difficulty (beginner, intermediate, advanced). When staying at my aunt’s cottage I roll my yoga mat out on the grass, put my phone beside me and get into the flow.
2) Sleep as Android (or Sleep Tracker for iPhone): The idea behind the mechanism of this app is that, when we sleep lightly we move around more than when we enter states of very deep sleep. With this app, you set your alarm and put your phone on your mattress while you sleep and the sleep tracker senses your movement throughout the night. Rather than being jarred out of a deep and comfortable sleep, your phone waits for you to enter a state of lighter sleep, up to half an hour before your desired wake up time, before sounding the alarm. Using this app has helped me greet the day with a less groggy disposition and makes me feel like I’ve slept more soundly. The sleep tracker also produces a graph when you wake up, giving you information about the quality of sleep you experience each night. Take advantage of the 14-day free trial and see how this app makes a difference in how you begin your mornings.
3) Meditation Oasis: These apps may cost $1 each, but are very relaxing, guided audio meditations. I listen to these audio meditations to help relax both my body and mind (especially after a stressful day) before going to sleep. They’re also very useful guides for those who want to start a daily meditation practice but aren’t sure how to begin or even for those who just need a mental break from study or work. If the internet is available, you can go online to the listening page at and choose from a free list of 43 different guided meditation podcasts for varying levels of expertise.
4) 8tracks: Whether you need a fast-paced playlist to accompany your daily workouts or some calming music to help you relax, 8tracks will have an awesome compilation of songs for your musical taste. We live in a visual culture and sometimes it’s therapeutic to turn off the visual stimulation, steep a cup of tea and listen to some soothing, stress-relieving music. You can download this free app onto your phone and browse through a variety of music playlists according to genre.
5) My Fitness Pal: This free app is a portable tool that can be used anytime for tracking your daily nutrition. You simply use the database to search for and enter in the foods that you eat each day. This app helps you track weight loss goals by giving you a personalized caloric intake target based on your age, weight, gender and activity levels. It’s also very useful for people with other diet goals, such as limiting sugar, increasing dietary fibre intake or consuming an adequate dietary intake of micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals). By using this app you’ll have a more accurate view of your daily nutrient intake and will be motivated to make healthier food choices.